Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Political Forecast for 2012 -by Pindsvin
If you have ever had the unfortunate experience of a long fall, you will know that there is absolutely nothing that you can do about your situation till after you hit bottom. This is kind of how I see our current political situation. Fortunately, I live in Canada which will be one of the few places on the planet that have some cushion to land on.
The reason that I call this a Forecast, rather than a prediction, is that these trends are already well on the way.
If you are one of the masses in north America who get most of their news on TV, in magazines such as Times or News Week, or even in news papers you will, you have been receiving very censured information. There are two main types of censorship in the West. The most common type is to give several different opinions or explanations of a situation or event, and then ridicule the ones you don’t like. The second method is to tag it racist, anti, phobic, extremist left or right on a person or organization.
If you look up some major newspapers front pages from the year 1912 you will be totally amazed at how totally unaware the politicians or decision makers were of the disastrous precipice they were sitting on. Absolutely no one believed that the world would be in total war in less than two years. We are at the point of a world war, but not a war that will be fought with guns and bombs. I will certainly write more on this subject in future articles.
Now, to my political forecasts for 2012. The American political stalemate will finally end with Obama loosing the Presidential election to Newt Gingrich. Just kidding. Obama will be re-elected by about 51% majority. The American political scene will remain almost deadlocked and ineffective. America will start to move away from being the global policeman, and focus on serious problems at home.
The EU will do everything in can to postpone the inevitable. The fact that it does not work. The EU will fail. The German and French governments will do everything they can do to postpone the financial crash till 2013. It will be a close call this year, but I think the bottom will not fall out till the following year. The EU will eventually return to what it was meant to be at the beginning, a Common Market.
The big story this year have been the Arab Spring. If you have ever read history, especially the French Revolution there are too many similarities. After the Dictators and Kings have all been killed or run off, these so called countries will be left with three groups all jostling for power. The first group that started the uprisings were the young educated class who want western democracy. The second is the Muslim Brotherhood, and of course the third group is the Generals. You do not need to be a political scientist to see that the Generals and the Muslim Brotherhood will make a deal with each other and screw the democrats’. These new governments will become what I call Religious Fascism. The young democrats will be under a whole new set of repressions.
What I would like to see in the West is a new awareness of what is happening behind the scene. Our top politicians and bankers know what is going on, but will not take this on because of self interests. The first is the West continuing losing power and influence to the East. To make money you have to manufacture things to sell. Being mainly a consumer nation means a slow slide into poverty.
The second subject that the West needs to come to terms with is that the controlling powers of Islam, sees itself as at War with the West. Hopefully the Islamic countries will be engulfed in their own political turmoil for the next few years.
The hard fact for the West to come to terms with is that we cannot afford our current standard of living. The political left will oppose the political rights attempts to balance the books and pay down our debts. Te sad truth is that the conservatives caused much of the debt. The results will be a continues deadlock and little progress in most areas.
I do hope dearly that we are not at the edge as back in 1912.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Occupy Movement Part 3 (the Dangers of Bureaucracy) - by Moses
In the John Grishom novel 'The Rainmaker' we saw what happens when there is corruption within the legal system, pertaining to insurance claims. A claim is sent in to the insurance company by the policy holder and the claim is automatically sent from claims to the Policy Department. When the insurance company contacts the policy holder he/she learns that their claim has now been sent to the Claims Department. At this point, the policy holder is confused. The pattern of contact to the company frustrates the policy holder to the point of giving up the claim to the insurance company, until eventually the policy holder gives up in trying to receive his/her claim.
These dangers of bureaucracy, or lock jam, has been intertwined into Politics. We see Liberals fight against the Conservatives in Canada, the Democrats fight against the Republicans in the U.S.A, Secular perspective fighting against Orthodox perspective...
As these paradigm viewpoints enter the fray, we see the example of claims and policies enter into Bureaucratic decision making. Essentially, this vetos' any administrative initiatives of most Democratic Nations. While Facism is not an option, at some level a decision has to be made.
While the Occupy Movement has quieted in the Canadian news over the past week, the worldwide numbers of those supporting the Global Occupy Movement has gone up, and is continuing to do so. In Sudbury, Ontario, Canada there are roughly 550 people on the Facebook page. The local movement is being pro-active in its' approach. The local movement is netwoking information that has been gathered with other cities around the World. This may seem to be a minor detail, but keep in mind that the internet didn't exist 25 years ago. Eventually this writer sees' the involvement of the United Nations with respect to the Occupy Movement. A person in Canada, in the U.S.A, in Portugal, in Egypt, will at some level be assured of basic human rights that are protected by Amnesty International and the U.N. Do we really need FEMA camps that deny people of their basic human rights in place, as opposed to protecting the existing Global Constitution that is in place today? and, why can't we house the homeless, without stripping someone of their basic human rights?
These dangers of bureaucracy, or lock jam, has been intertwined into Politics. We see Liberals fight against the Conservatives in Canada, the Democrats fight against the Republicans in the U.S.A, Secular perspective fighting against Orthodox perspective...
As these paradigm viewpoints enter the fray, we see the example of claims and policies enter into Bureaucratic decision making. Essentially, this vetos' any administrative initiatives of most Democratic Nations. While Facism is not an option, at some level a decision has to be made.
While the Occupy Movement has quieted in the Canadian news over the past week, the worldwide numbers of those supporting the Global Occupy Movement has gone up, and is continuing to do so. In Sudbury, Ontario, Canada there are roughly 550 people on the Facebook page. The local movement is being pro-active in its' approach. The local movement is netwoking information that has been gathered with other cities around the World. This may seem to be a minor detail, but keep in mind that the internet didn't exist 25 years ago. Eventually this writer sees' the involvement of the United Nations with respect to the Occupy Movement. A person in Canada, in the U.S.A, in Portugal, in Egypt, will at some level be assured of basic human rights that are protected by Amnesty International and the U.N. Do we really need FEMA camps that deny people of their basic human rights in place, as opposed to protecting the existing Global Constitution that is in place today? and, why can't we house the homeless, without stripping someone of their basic human rights?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Kibbutziim and the Occupy Movement (Part 2) - by Moses
A Kibbutz in Israel is, by nature, a commune. This form of government township was instituted in 1942 to develop a network for Jewish people in the Land of Israel (Palestine at the time) to communicate with people in the surrounding Seven Seas (including Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ethiopia, Greece, and Egypt. There are rates of exchange through socialist economics. For example, food is free, housing is provided, and work is plentiful. The amount the Kibbutz earns' translates into a profit for the group as a whole. There is greater sensitivity towards specialized industry. For example;
1 Kibbutz does baked goods
1 Kibbutz does chocolate milk
1 Kibbutz does peaches and pears
Work is provided for everyone based on their skills. Extra hours at work translates into added vacation time. Tourism is amplified as someone from Denmark or Ethiopia is essentially a representative of another economic system and learns, as well as teaches, their ways of life when their on the Kibbutz. There is a change of work periodically for 'Kibbutzniks' (members of the Kibbutz). For example someone working in the agricultural sector of the Kibbutz will be moved to laundry duty for one month of the year, and/or dish-washing duties for one month a year likewise.
Economic growth translates into Kibbutz expansion (added 'Kibbutziim' within Israel and greater wealth for the Kibbutz itself). As 'Kibbutziim' grow in number, the Nations' population steadily increase. This is beneficial to people in barren land as the agriculture of each Kibbutz is tied into a fresh water supply that wasn't there previously. As many cities are congested in their population size, there is an advantage in having a more detailed infrastructure in barren and unpopulated rural regions. As 'Kibbutziim' (or Camps) grow in number, fresh water becomes accessible to more people in areas that didn't have fresh water previously.
Each member of the Kibbutz receives an equal financial arrangement. For example, each member of the Kibbutz is paid a nominal $15,000 CDN/Year. The net profit of the Kibbutz (after labour costs) is invested back into the Kibbutz. The net profit results in expansion within the Kibbutz, and beyond.
Though the Good Samaritan Act, the Occupy Movement has incorporated many socialist Kibbutz ideals. Ridding the World of Debt, and making sure we don't have Homeless people in our communities, runs in part with having housing and employment.
Each Canadian in the Workforce (or each citizen of Canada) earning a minimum $75,000/year would mean this; A greater amount of spending within the private sector (as it's easier to spend $75,000 than for a Billionaire to spend his Hundreds of Millions). The only people that are affected by previously proposed changes would be the top 1% income earners. For example, to raise $1Billion CDN through taxing those earning $40,000/year@10% would result in 250,000 people being taxed. Those earning $1Billion CDN/year taxed@10% would mean that 10 people would be taxed.
Why be sensitive to the wants of a multi-Billionaire?
Does anyone really care if Billionaire Coffers lose 10% of their Empires?
As we see today, around 1.3 million people are following these transpiring events with the number almost surely to grow.
1 Kibbutz does baked goods
1 Kibbutz does chocolate milk
1 Kibbutz does peaches and pears
Work is provided for everyone based on their skills. Extra hours at work translates into added vacation time. Tourism is amplified as someone from Denmark or Ethiopia is essentially a representative of another economic system and learns, as well as teaches, their ways of life when their on the Kibbutz. There is a change of work periodically for 'Kibbutzniks' (members of the Kibbutz). For example someone working in the agricultural sector of the Kibbutz will be moved to laundry duty for one month of the year, and/or dish-washing duties for one month a year likewise.
Economic growth translates into Kibbutz expansion (added 'Kibbutziim' within Israel and greater wealth for the Kibbutz itself). As 'Kibbutziim' grow in number, the Nations' population steadily increase. This is beneficial to people in barren land as the agriculture of each Kibbutz is tied into a fresh water supply that wasn't there previously. As many cities are congested in their population size, there is an advantage in having a more detailed infrastructure in barren and unpopulated rural regions. As 'Kibbutziim' (or Camps) grow in number, fresh water becomes accessible to more people in areas that didn't have fresh water previously.
Each member of the Kibbutz receives an equal financial arrangement. For example, each member of the Kibbutz is paid a nominal $15,000 CDN/Year. The net profit of the Kibbutz (after labour costs) is invested back into the Kibbutz. The net profit results in expansion within the Kibbutz, and beyond.
Though the Good Samaritan Act, the Occupy Movement has incorporated many socialist Kibbutz ideals. Ridding the World of Debt, and making sure we don't have Homeless people in our communities, runs in part with having housing and employment.
Each Canadian in the Workforce (or each citizen of Canada) earning a minimum $75,000/year would mean this; A greater amount of spending within the private sector (as it's easier to spend $75,000 than for a Billionaire to spend his Hundreds of Millions). The only people that are affected by previously proposed changes would be the top 1% income earners. For example, to raise $1Billion CDN through taxing those earning $40,000/year@10% would result in 250,000 people being taxed. Those earning $1Billion CDN/year taxed@10% would mean that 10 people would be taxed.
Why be sensitive to the wants of a multi-Billionaire?
Does anyone really care if Billionaire Coffers lose 10% of their Empires?
As we see today, around 1.3 million people are following these transpiring events with the number almost surely to grow.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Occupy Sudbury and Beyond (the occupy movement)- by Moses
Occupy ________. A novel idea, whether it's occupying Toronto, New York, Sudbury, Vancouver, , or Atlanta. Considering that roughly 60% of all Canadians amass 1.7% of Canada's total income. So what are we talking about here? Change? Is it achievable? Will public parks be public forums as they were during Woodstock?
A few years ago in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada we lost roughly 5,000 jobs @ $75,000 in the auto plants. The average household income was roughly $90,000/year. Today with these jobs gone we see the average household income in Oshawa below $40,000/year. How does a politician address his/her constituents within this Flint, Michigin type economic failure?
Last year, Toronto Blue Jays outfielder Jose Bautista signed a multi-year contract for a fraction of what he could have earned playing for the New York Yankees or the Boston Red Sox. But let's be real. How many people would accept earning less than they think they're worth? Union talk states; You're worth what you get. In the case of Oshawa, Ontario, were the Union workers misguided in their strategy? Let's not place blame.
A billionaire that donates $1 million to charity once a year writes it off his/her taxes. Did anyone notice that taxes of the ultra-rich decreased, giving them more buying power, and those earning less than $15,000 lost 3% of their total income not just 3 months ago?
Instead of band-aid remedy, the Canadian economy (and the U.S for that matter) had better taker a look at our adolescence and how they perceive economic developments. They see the hypicrit oath and are being forced to choose between doing what they think is right, and choosing to undermine their values in selling out to work at a fraction what they think they're worth. Would you take a $10/hour, $12,000/year job because you had to? that's exactly what we're seeing in Oshawa, Ontario today. When will it be that a poet just writes.
In Sudbury, Ontario today we see roughly 500 homeless within a population of 155,000. These are the registered homeless, take another look and we see a vagabond population of over 1000. As Occupy Sudbury takes shape we see many more people pro-active towards these issues. Will this lead to more parks occupied over the course of the movement, that remains to be unseen.
The National Debt of Canada causes the taxpayer to pay off some of the annual interest of the National Debt. Ironically, the Federal Government has to take on loans from Foreign Banks to pay off the difference in interest on money originally lent to 3rd and 5th World Nations. This is essentially killing off any chance of there being a strong Pension Fund for Canadians to draw from both in the here and now, and in the future. It is also a concern among roughly 60% of all adults within Canada of how they will pay off their own debts; credit cards, mortgages, car payments, insurance payments, telecommunication services...
In many Scandanavian nations, the population earns a healthy minimum salary, scaled to the elite status for the fortunate. Considering that Canada has similarities economically to these nations, it leaves one to wonder if socialism will become a dirty word in Canada. If not, why haven't we seen each of the Canadian population see a piece of the pie? How can we create a demand for another revolutionary Woodstock? Through our constitutional freedom of assembly we may see a hundred people converge, in a town like Sudbury Ontario Canada. That figure may be 10,000 people in Toronto occupying today. But tomorrow that figure becomes 100,000. Let`s occupy and create more camps. Tell more people. If one person informs 'the movement' to seven people the figure follows this pattern. 7 X 1 =7, 7 X 7=49, 49 X 7 = 343 343 X 7=2401, 2401 X 7=........ essentially the numbers required to pro-create another Woodstock.
A few years ago in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada we lost roughly 5,000 jobs @ $75,000 in the auto plants. The average household income was roughly $90,000/year. Today with these jobs gone we see the average household income in Oshawa below $40,000/year. How does a politician address his/her constituents within this Flint, Michigin type economic failure?
Last year, Toronto Blue Jays outfielder Jose Bautista signed a multi-year contract for a fraction of what he could have earned playing for the New York Yankees or the Boston Red Sox. But let's be real. How many people would accept earning less than they think they're worth? Union talk states; You're worth what you get. In the case of Oshawa, Ontario, were the Union workers misguided in their strategy? Let's not place blame.
A billionaire that donates $1 million to charity once a year writes it off his/her taxes. Did anyone notice that taxes of the ultra-rich decreased, giving them more buying power, and those earning less than $15,000 lost 3% of their total income not just 3 months ago?
Instead of band-aid remedy, the Canadian economy (and the U.S for that matter) had better taker a look at our adolescence and how they perceive economic developments. They see the hypicrit oath and are being forced to choose between doing what they think is right, and choosing to undermine their values in selling out to work at a fraction what they think they're worth. Would you take a $10/hour, $12,000/year job because you had to? that's exactly what we're seeing in Oshawa, Ontario today. When will it be that a poet just writes.
In Sudbury, Ontario today we see roughly 500 homeless within a population of 155,000. These are the registered homeless, take another look and we see a vagabond population of over 1000. As Occupy Sudbury takes shape we see many more people pro-active towards these issues. Will this lead to more parks occupied over the course of the movement, that remains to be unseen.
The National Debt of Canada causes the taxpayer to pay off some of the annual interest of the National Debt. Ironically, the Federal Government has to take on loans from Foreign Banks to pay off the difference in interest on money originally lent to 3rd and 5th World Nations. This is essentially killing off any chance of there being a strong Pension Fund for Canadians to draw from both in the here and now, and in the future. It is also a concern among roughly 60% of all adults within Canada of how they will pay off their own debts; credit cards, mortgages, car payments, insurance payments, telecommunication services...
In many Scandanavian nations, the population earns a healthy minimum salary, scaled to the elite status for the fortunate. Considering that Canada has similarities economically to these nations, it leaves one to wonder if socialism will become a dirty word in Canada. If not, why haven't we seen each of the Canadian population see a piece of the pie? How can we create a demand for another revolutionary Woodstock? Through our constitutional freedom of assembly we may see a hundred people converge, in a town like Sudbury Ontario Canada. That figure may be 10,000 people in Toronto occupying today. But tomorrow that figure becomes 100,000. Let`s occupy and create more camps. Tell more people. If one person informs 'the movement' to seven people the figure follows this pattern. 7 X 1 =7, 7 X 7=49, 49 X 7 = 343 343 X 7=2401, 2401 X 7=........ essentially the numbers required to pro-create another Woodstock.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The State of Israel Re-iterated - by Moses
Here are just a few conundrums I face when thinking of my Homeland;
Are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
When a Palestinian man blows himself and others to smithereens, is the State of Israel legally allowed to disallow the transfer of funds to the suicide bombers' family? and if not, is the State of Israel legally allowed to demand compensation to the Israeli victims' families from the source that has compensated the suicide bombers' family?
Is someone who believes that the State of Israel should exist a Zionist?
What exactly is a Zionist?
Why aren't Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Egypt and other Arab Nations allowing Palestinians to migrate to their Nations under refugee status? Considering that Palestine extended to the aforementioned Nations centuries ago it leaves one to wonder, is Hitler's' S.S still in existence?
How do we stop the brainwashing in many gentrified Muslim Nations?
Is Israel entitled to fight back when rockets are fired from Gaza?
Is the State of Israel legally allowed to expel its' Palestinian population out of Israel?
Israel is less than 1% in size relative to Canada, U.S.A, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq amongst other Nations' Worldwide.
Israel has a population less than 1% of the Nations; U.S.A, Russia, China, Egypt, Mexico, Brasil, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia, France, and Turkey to name but a few.
It is still common belief across the World that; 'Jews control the Western World Media' (both within America, and Worldwide), 'Jews are cheap', 'Jews were responsible for Apartheid for their racist views', 'Zionists are racists.'
In other words, the 'Jew' is dirty like a rat, just as Hitler said to the World and to the Nation of Germany for Election 75 years' ago when German school children read books depicting 'the Jew' as a rat in picture books made mandatory to the German educational system.
Just to give you a bit of lowdown; The State of Israel has roughly; 7 Million Jewish people, 1 Million Israeli Arab people, 2 Million Palestinian people, and around 100,000 Catholic people.
Now I ask you again, are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
Are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
When a Palestinian man blows himself and others to smithereens, is the State of Israel legally allowed to disallow the transfer of funds to the suicide bombers' family? and if not, is the State of Israel legally allowed to demand compensation to the Israeli victims' families from the source that has compensated the suicide bombers' family?
Is someone who believes that the State of Israel should exist a Zionist?
What exactly is a Zionist?
Why aren't Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Egypt and other Arab Nations allowing Palestinians to migrate to their Nations under refugee status? Considering that Palestine extended to the aforementioned Nations centuries ago it leaves one to wonder, is Hitler's' S.S still in existence?
How do we stop the brainwashing in many gentrified Muslim Nations?
Is Israel entitled to fight back when rockets are fired from Gaza?
Is the State of Israel legally allowed to expel its' Palestinian population out of Israel?
Israel is less than 1% in size relative to Canada, U.S.A, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq amongst other Nations' Worldwide.
Israel has a population less than 1% of the Nations; U.S.A, Russia, China, Egypt, Mexico, Brasil, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia, France, and Turkey to name but a few.
It is still common belief across the World that; 'Jews control the Western World Media' (both within America, and Worldwide), 'Jews are cheap', 'Jews were responsible for Apartheid for their racist views', 'Zionists are racists.'
In other words, the 'Jew' is dirty like a rat, just as Hitler said to the World and to the Nation of Germany for Election 75 years' ago when German school children read books depicting 'the Jew' as a rat in picture books made mandatory to the German educational system.
Just to give you a bit of lowdown; The State of Israel has roughly; 7 Million Jewish people, 1 Million Israeli Arab people, 2 Million Palestinian people, and around 100,000 Catholic people.
Now I ask you again, are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
The Card -by Moses
The Card
'It was 8:47 P.M, a cool Wednesday, December 24th in the year 2008 Astro-Damanous, as Prince Mousa Saliim (a.k.a Moshe Shalom) gathered with his friends Prince Farhan, Prince Hashem, Prince Jabu, and Prince Omar. They concluded in common unison that Ethiopia had ‘the card’ ready to be institutionalized into production. Already popular in Sweden, Canada, and Israel, ‘the card’ entitled populations, within each sovereign nation, to distribute food and water to their people.
In the boardroom of White, Locks, Smith, and Jones, President Bush had been on hold for ten minutes. At 4:30 A.M Western European Time (11:30 P.M Eastern Time Zone) the Hagannah gave their announcement, ‘The card is a necessity.’
Through the monitored satellite feeds of Kofi Annan and his forecasting team, came the newly discovered information. ‘Cards’, ‘the cards’, ‘card’, or ‘the card’ spoken in wireless communication linked the call to anti-terrorist agencies throughout the Western World. The relationship between ‘card’ and ‘self serving interests' - a.k.a 'terrorist mentalities’ were intertwined from a Summit reached in the year 1937 through England’s representative King George and France spokesman, Syrian King Ali Baba.
The infrastructure within Ethiopia had been in place since 2004, through an unannounced Summit in 1996 between Nigeria and Sweden, and was officially approved by the United Nations. With this single entitlement a Man, Woman, and Child had Worldwide Right to Life. This had been opposed traditionally by certain sects within Catholicism as early as 1240 Astro-Damanous, including the Presbyterian Church of England. The Right to Life had been sacrificed over many Wars and wants of the Ultra-Rich. Monarchies engulfed their people as Pariah’s and Martyr’s to bring other armies to their knees. The basic concept of imagination had been sacrificed likewise, and, in this context ‘the card’ was its’ remedy. No longer just a Marxist Principle, ‘the card’ entitled all adults to every want and need, with extortion taken out of the equation (with respect to reasons why we shouldn’t have it).
OPEC made their announcement, ‘Crude Oil has been taken off the market.’ End quote.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the following announcement; ‘Our wheat and manna will never again be destroyed or cut off from production in the name of economics.’ End quote.
Newly Elected U.S President Barack Obama made the following announcement on Thursday, December 25th (Christmas Day) of 2008; ‘OPEC has taken Oil off the Market. This crude oil has no current price. Therefore, our economy will carry roughly a 20% overall recession. Should the U.S.A fight against OPEC, the United Nations is threatening to put an excise tax on every U.S service in order to hold us accountable for our roles in Worldwide poverty, and that would cripple us with respect to World Economics as I’ve learned from our National Senior Economic Officers.’ ‘Keep in mind America that the Average U.S Household earns $60,000/year U.S.D, while the Average Chinese Household earns 125,000 Japanese Yen/year – and that translates into $250 U.S/Year. Likewise, the Median Household Income in Northeast Africa is less than that amount. It is time for our Country to put up, or shut up!’ End quote.'
'It was 8:47 P.M, a cool Wednesday, December 24th in the year 2008 Astro-Damanous, as Prince Mousa Saliim (a.k.a Moshe Shalom) gathered with his friends Prince Farhan, Prince Hashem, Prince Jabu, and Prince Omar. They concluded in common unison that Ethiopia had ‘the card’ ready to be institutionalized into production. Already popular in Sweden, Canada, and Israel, ‘the card’ entitled populations, within each sovereign nation, to distribute food and water to their people.
In the boardroom of White, Locks, Smith, and Jones, President Bush had been on hold for ten minutes. At 4:30 A.M Western European Time (11:30 P.M Eastern Time Zone) the Hagannah gave their announcement, ‘The card is a necessity.’
Through the monitored satellite feeds of Kofi Annan and his forecasting team, came the newly discovered information. ‘Cards’, ‘the cards’, ‘card’, or ‘the card’ spoken in wireless communication linked the call to anti-terrorist agencies throughout the Western World. The relationship between ‘card’ and ‘self serving interests' - a.k.a 'terrorist mentalities’ were intertwined from a Summit reached in the year 1937 through England’s representative King George and France spokesman, Syrian King Ali Baba.
The infrastructure within Ethiopia had been in place since 2004, through an unannounced Summit in 1996 between Nigeria and Sweden, and was officially approved by the United Nations. With this single entitlement a Man, Woman, and Child had Worldwide Right to Life. This had been opposed traditionally by certain sects within Catholicism as early as 1240 Astro-Damanous, including the Presbyterian Church of England. The Right to Life had been sacrificed over many Wars and wants of the Ultra-Rich. Monarchies engulfed their people as Pariah’s and Martyr’s to bring other armies to their knees. The basic concept of imagination had been sacrificed likewise, and, in this context ‘the card’ was its’ remedy. No longer just a Marxist Principle, ‘the card’ entitled all adults to every want and need, with extortion taken out of the equation (with respect to reasons why we shouldn’t have it).
OPEC made their announcement, ‘Crude Oil has been taken off the market.’ End quote.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the following announcement; ‘Our wheat and manna will never again be destroyed or cut off from production in the name of economics.’ End quote.
Newly Elected U.S President Barack Obama made the following announcement on Thursday, December 25th (Christmas Day) of 2008; ‘OPEC has taken Oil off the Market. This crude oil has no current price. Therefore, our economy will carry roughly a 20% overall recession. Should the U.S.A fight against OPEC, the United Nations is threatening to put an excise tax on every U.S service in order to hold us accountable for our roles in Worldwide poverty, and that would cripple us with respect to World Economics as I’ve learned from our National Senior Economic Officers.’ ‘Keep in mind America that the Average U.S Household earns $60,000/year U.S.D, while the Average Chinese Household earns 125,000 Japanese Yen/year – and that translates into $250 U.S/Year. Likewise, the Median Household Income in Northeast Africa is less than that amount. It is time for our Country to put up, or shut up!’ End quote.'
The State of Israel - by Moses
Here are just a few conundrums I face when thinking of my Homeland;
Are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
When a Palestinian man blows himself and others to smithereens, is the State of Israel legally allowed to disallow the transfer of funds to the suicide bombers' family? and if not, is the State of Israel legally allowed to demand compensation to the Israeli victims' families from the source that has compensated the suicide bombers' family?
Is someone who believes that the State of Israel should exist a Zionist?
What exactly is a Zionist?
Why aren't Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Egypt and other Arab Nations allowing Palestinians to migrate to their Nations under refugee status? Considering that Palestine extended to the aforementioned Nations centuries ago it leaves one to wonder, is Hitlers' S.S still in existence?
How do we stop the brainwashing in many gentrified Muslim Nations?
Is Israel entitled to fight back when rockets are fired from Gaza?
Is the State of Israel legally allowed to expel its' Palestinian population out of Israel?
Israel is less than 1% in size relative to Canada, U.S.A, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq amongst other Nations' Worldwide.
Israel has a population less than 1% of the Nations; U.S.A, Russia, China, Egypt, Mexico, Brasil, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia, France, and Turkey to name but a few.
It is still common belief across the World that; 'Jews control the Western World Media' (both within America, and Worldwide), 'Jews are cheap', 'Jews were responsible for Apartheid for their racist views', 'Zionists are racists.'
In other words, the 'Jew' is dirty like a rat, just as Hitler said to the World and to the Nation of Germany for Election 75 years' ago when German school children read books depicting 'the Jew' as a rat in picture books made mandatory to the German educational system.
Just to give you a bit of lowdown; The State of Israel has roughly; 7 Million Jewish people, 1 Million Israeli Arab people, 2 Million Palestinian people, and around 100,000 Catholic people.
Now I ask you again, are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
Are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
When a Palestinian man blows himself and others to smithereens, is the State of Israel legally allowed to disallow the transfer of funds to the suicide bombers' family? and if not, is the State of Israel legally allowed to demand compensation to the Israeli victims' families from the source that has compensated the suicide bombers' family?
Is someone who believes that the State of Israel should exist a Zionist?
What exactly is a Zionist?
Why aren't Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Egypt and other Arab Nations allowing Palestinians to migrate to their Nations under refugee status? Considering that Palestine extended to the aforementioned Nations centuries ago it leaves one to wonder, is Hitlers' S.S still in existence?
How do we stop the brainwashing in many gentrified Muslim Nations?
Is Israel entitled to fight back when rockets are fired from Gaza?
Is the State of Israel legally allowed to expel its' Palestinian population out of Israel?
Israel is less than 1% in size relative to Canada, U.S.A, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq amongst other Nations' Worldwide.
Israel has a population less than 1% of the Nations; U.S.A, Russia, China, Egypt, Mexico, Brasil, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia, France, and Turkey to name but a few.
It is still common belief across the World that; 'Jews control the Western World Media' (both within America, and Worldwide), 'Jews are cheap', 'Jews were responsible for Apartheid for their racist views', 'Zionists are racists.'
In other words, the 'Jew' is dirty like a rat, just as Hitler said to the World and to the Nation of Germany for Election 75 years' ago when German school children read books depicting 'the Jew' as a rat in picture books made mandatory to the German educational system.
Just to give you a bit of lowdown; The State of Israel has roughly; 7 Million Jewish people, 1 Million Israeli Arab people, 2 Million Palestinian people, and around 100,000 Catholic people.
Now I ask you again, are Jewish people allowed to congregate and self-govern within the State of Israel?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Mariano Rivera Sets the All-Time Save Record With his 602nd Lifetime Save - by Moses
Mariano Rivera vs Trevor Hoffman
Rivera and Hoffman are considered the two greatest closers of all-time. Playing in the spotlight of New York, Rivera is a household name. This does not, however, preclude him from being considered anything other than brilliant.
Mariano looked poised to be the ‘Yanks setup man for years to come. When he surfaced in the ‘Bigs they already had established closer Tom Wetteland. Wetteland was signed by the Texas Rangers in the ‘96/’97 off-season, and Rivera inherited the role as closer. All Rivera has done since then is reel off eight 40+ save years with ten sub 2.00 E.R.A campaigns (a possible 11th this campaign). What makes Rivera truly special has been his performance in the Post-Season as he is currently 8-1 with 42 saves and sits with a 0.71 E.R.A over 139.2 Innings Pitched, winning 5 World Series Titles with the ‘Yanks. His playoff success was culminated by winning the ’99 World Series MVP Award. In fact tonight Rivera supplanted Trevor Hoffman as the all-time save leader with his 602nd save.
Hoffman, by comparison, slipped under the radar gun playing in the small market of San Diego. Nevertheless he was the current All-Time leader in career saves with 601, until tonight. Hoffman has posted nine seasons of 40+ saves. While not as accomplished as Rivera in Post-Season play, this may be attributed to not having nearly the same number of opportunities as Rivera has had, with the juggernaut Yankees.
Deciding who to choose as Closer is not an obvious choice. Let’s look at each pitcher’s average 162 game season;
Pitcher Wins Losses Saves IP H BB SO E.R.A
Rivera 5 4 39 78 61 18 72 2.22
Hoffman 4 5 39 72 56 20 74 2.87
Rivera is the more dominating of the two with respect to regular season statistics, only by a discrepancy in E.R.A. All the other regular season statistic, including yearly save totals, are close. Add to that Rivera's Post-Season numbers and it is safe to say that Major League Baseball is probably 50 years away from seeing a closer with Rivera's pedigree. Hoffman is still, however, an honourable mention.
Rivera and Hoffman are considered the two greatest closers of all-time. Playing in the spotlight of New York, Rivera is a household name. This does not, however, preclude him from being considered anything other than brilliant.
Mariano looked poised to be the ‘Yanks setup man for years to come. When he surfaced in the ‘Bigs they already had established closer Tom Wetteland. Wetteland was signed by the Texas Rangers in the ‘96/’97 off-season, and Rivera inherited the role as closer. All Rivera has done since then is reel off eight 40+ save years with ten sub 2.00 E.R.A campaigns (a possible 11th this campaign). What makes Rivera truly special has been his performance in the Post-Season as he is currently 8-1 with 42 saves and sits with a 0.71 E.R.A over 139.2 Innings Pitched, winning 5 World Series Titles with the ‘Yanks. His playoff success was culminated by winning the ’99 World Series MVP Award. In fact tonight Rivera supplanted Trevor Hoffman as the all-time save leader with his 602nd save.
Hoffman, by comparison, slipped under the radar gun playing in the small market of San Diego. Nevertheless he was the current All-Time leader in career saves with 601, until tonight. Hoffman has posted nine seasons of 40+ saves. While not as accomplished as Rivera in Post-Season play, this may be attributed to not having nearly the same number of opportunities as Rivera has had, with the juggernaut Yankees.
Deciding who to choose as Closer is not an obvious choice. Let’s look at each pitcher’s average 162 game season;
Pitcher Wins Losses Saves IP H BB SO E.R.A
Rivera 5 4 39 78 61 18 72 2.22
Hoffman 4 5 39 72 56 20 74 2.87
Rivera is the more dominating of the two with respect to regular season statistics, only by a discrepancy in E.R.A. All the other regular season statistic, including yearly save totals, are close. Add to that Rivera's Post-Season numbers and it is safe to say that Major League Baseball is probably 50 years away from seeing a closer with Rivera's pedigree. Hoffman is still, however, an honourable mention.
Technological, Scientific, and Physics Principles - by Moses
Theory of Relativity
1 second = 1 day
Therefore 1 day = 236.71233 years
Therefore 1 year = 86,400 years
1 cent = $100
Therefore $100 = $1,000,000
Therefore $1,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Energy = Mass x C x C (speed of light)
Mass = kinetic energy – undefined
C (speed of light) = defined by amount
In-motion – kinetic energy in its’ purest form is in-motion, undefined. This is also known as temporal time. Once temporal time is defined as spacial time (exact location, point to point), we see constellations and polar patterns. At this point, time can be quantized resulting in a shooting star. Interpolating data between two points, at absolute zero (-273 degrees centigrade or -454 degrees farenheit) cause these locations to be defined, similar to playing G-d. The paradox relationship of cause and effect is that of combustion, the big bang theory. Temporal is monitor in relation to
spacial – the source. Temporal is compression in relation to spacial – rarefaction. Temporal is temperature in relation to spacial – location. The discovery of Louis Theremin was Absolute Zero, the point at temporal time and spacial time parody. Therefore temporal is time and spacial is Frequency (A premise of the scientist Herz- a defined number of occurances over space and time). Temporal time = spacial time at Absolute Zero and at this point temporal is Amplitude (or power) and spacial is frequency (or pitch). Likewise as there is 60 seconds in a minute, temporal signifies these seconds. The micro-perspective (the measurements in between) is space, or spacial, undefined. Monitor and Source.
Triangular Effect
By taking a point on the x-axis point of origin, a point on the y-axis point of origin, and a point on the z-axis point of origin, one can locate a frequency (measurement of time). Keep in mind there are two points of origin set at (-0, -0, -0), one is the centre of the sphere and the second is similar to a satellite, sitting in space (0, 0, 0). Therefore should x = 1, y = 2, and z = 3 these following points (at x, y, z) will take place; (1, 2, 3), (0 , 2, 3), (1, 0, 3), (1, 2, 0), (0, 0, 0), and (-0, -0, -0). As per; three distinct points will allow you to locate exact location (a listing of co-ordinates), also known as the triangular effect. Three (Power Three)(Power Three) or 3 to the Power 27, at a Common Denominator. This is why in the movie ‘Stargate’ the 7th Symbol was the map of a star-constellation (the common denominator). 3 to the Power 27 is also referred to as the Death-star (from Star Wars), and at a common frequency it becomes a laser. Quantification is the legal term behind this premise.
A measurement of time can be temporal or spacial. In terms of a temporal state, frequency compresses and then dissipates. For example; 1 second is made up of 1000 milliseconds. After each millisecond there is change. In terms of spacial time, location or space, is ever changing (undefined) – hence the name space.
1. Point of origin can be a point in a sphere, outside this realm (space), and/or at a specific frequency. I) e.g. -0, -0, -0 (at core), 2) e.g. 0, 0, 0, (in space), 3) e.g. 0, 0, 0 @ 2 khz (common denominator).
2. Astrology is the Zodiac Map, time travel. Constellations are interpretations of this map. Each star has its’ own set of constellations.
3. The study of constellations, star-constellations is the interpretation of star-constellations, called astronomy.
4. Distance = Time (Herz) x Rate (speed-V).
5. Analog – Ana (diem –lifeforce) log (carpes – representation).
6. Navigation – slope = Q = M = Margin – trajectory – vision.
7. Distance = Pitch x Amplitude – frequencies { (number of occurances) x Amplitude (the undefined amount of energy it produces, known in Metric to be kilojoules – Rate – Metabolism - Physiology) } Frequency x Kinetic Energy (or Amplitude).
Space Travel
1. Travel is motion
2. Point to point
3. Velocity is the measurement of time
4. Stars that are in-motion are in time travel
5. Stars that move disperse, as motion internalized is called combustion
6. In medical terms combustion in severity is called catatonic
7. Space continuum is the foundation of locating frequencies
8. Quandrants in a sphere -4 quarters (*,*), (*,-), (-,-), (-,*)
Black Holes
Black is the culmination of all color and light. Transparency is the opposite of Black (or opaque). To see a transparent image there has to be an opaque surface to see the reflected light (transparency), and its’ ultimate destination is ‘Black light’ – refer to the back of mirror.
Looking into a ‘Black Hole’ is a paradox as this is only in reference to there being a destination after defining it to be a hole (empty). A ‘stargate’, theoretically, is the transference of energy thru this hole. Translucence in this example would be the atmosphere in which a person sees through upon opaque surfaces, essentially CO2.
Interpolation, Extrapolation, and Navigation
Interpolation – interpret, guess, projections
Extrapolation – To capture, seizing, diem, reverberence
Cartes – jeu-play-cards, pictures, vision, cortex
Carpes diem – Time period, a picture says a thousand words-years, seize the day, living in the moment, Reverberence, Leagues, Metric system, school of thought.
(Photo–graph) – (inverted to protect integrity – also known as the negatives)
Radius vs diameter – Ra-dius – half (days – Conscience, and nights – Sub-conscience)
Diem - Diameter – period, unit – doctrine - Science
Explorers and Navigators
1. Galileo – Galilean time period - Constellations
2. Columbus – Columbian Empire
3. Jacques Cartier – St. Lawrence Seaway
4. Apollo – Space Program (Original Interpretation)
5. Topolov – Space Program (Expanded Interpretation)
Relevant Scientists and Philosophers (Theology)
1. Apollo – Astrology and Astronomy – Study of Constellations, or Zodiac.
2. Galileo – Astronomist – Constellations.
3. Des Cartes – ‘I Think Therefore I am’ – ‘Seize the day’
4. Sir Issac Newton – Space – planetary gravitational field – magnetism – ions
5. Herzl – Frequency – Distance = Time (Frequency) x Velocity (Rate)
6. Topolov – Astrology and the study of Constellations - Astronomy
7. Louis Theremin – Absolute Zero – Pitch and Amplitude – A chronological state Nucleus
8. Albert Einstein – Theory of Relativity. CO (Oxygen)(Oxygen) – Air – The Atom-Nuclear Energy
9. Socrates – ‘All We are is Dust in the Wind’
10.Machiavelli – The principle of Power and Totalianistic behaviour – getting what you want, all of the time- otherwise known as intolerance, or superstition
11.Dr. Martin Luther King – ‘I Will not Move’
12.Malcolm X – ‘By Whatever Means’
13.Nelson Mandela and Stephen Biko – imprisoned for fighting Apartheid
14.Bob Dylan – ‘All Along the Watchtower’ – Monitors
15.Bob Marley – ‘How Long Must They Kill Our Prophets’ – Redemption –
16.Rabba Akiba – Theology of Talmud – Expansion – Nebiim - Mishna
17.Rabba Jose – Theology of Talmud - Expansion – Nebiim - Mishna
18.Rabba Eliezar – Theology of Talmud – Expansion – Interpretation of historical events also known as Nebiim – Mishna.
1 second = 1 day
Therefore 1 day = 236.71233 years
Therefore 1 year = 86,400 years
1 cent = $100
Therefore $100 = $1,000,000
Therefore $1,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Energy = Mass x C x C (speed of light)
Mass = kinetic energy – undefined
C (speed of light) = defined by amount
In-motion – kinetic energy in its’ purest form is in-motion, undefined. This is also known as temporal time. Once temporal time is defined as spacial time (exact location, point to point), we see constellations and polar patterns. At this point, time can be quantized resulting in a shooting star. Interpolating data between two points, at absolute zero (-273 degrees centigrade or -454 degrees farenheit) cause these locations to be defined, similar to playing G-d. The paradox relationship of cause and effect is that of combustion, the big bang theory. Temporal is monitor in relation to
spacial – the source. Temporal is compression in relation to spacial – rarefaction. Temporal is temperature in relation to spacial – location. The discovery of Louis Theremin was Absolute Zero, the point at temporal time and spacial time parody. Therefore temporal is time and spacial is Frequency (A premise of the scientist Herz- a defined number of occurances over space and time). Temporal time = spacial time at Absolute Zero and at this point temporal is Amplitude (or power) and spacial is frequency (or pitch). Likewise as there is 60 seconds in a minute, temporal signifies these seconds. The micro-perspective (the measurements in between) is space, or spacial, undefined. Monitor and Source.
Triangular Effect
By taking a point on the x-axis point of origin, a point on the y-axis point of origin, and a point on the z-axis point of origin, one can locate a frequency (measurement of time). Keep in mind there are two points of origin set at (-0, -0, -0), one is the centre of the sphere and the second is similar to a satellite, sitting in space (0, 0, 0). Therefore should x = 1, y = 2, and z = 3 these following points (at x, y, z) will take place; (1, 2, 3), (0 , 2, 3), (1, 0, 3), (1, 2, 0), (0, 0, 0), and (-0, -0, -0). As per; three distinct points will allow you to locate exact location (a listing of co-ordinates), also known as the triangular effect. Three (Power Three)(Power Three) or 3 to the Power 27, at a Common Denominator. This is why in the movie ‘Stargate’ the 7th Symbol was the map of a star-constellation (the common denominator). 3 to the Power 27 is also referred to as the Death-star (from Star Wars), and at a common frequency it becomes a laser. Quantification is the legal term behind this premise.
A measurement of time can be temporal or spacial. In terms of a temporal state, frequency compresses and then dissipates. For example; 1 second is made up of 1000 milliseconds. After each millisecond there is change. In terms of spacial time, location or space, is ever changing (undefined) – hence the name space.
1. Point of origin can be a point in a sphere, outside this realm (space), and/or at a specific frequency. I) e.g. -0, -0, -0 (at core), 2) e.g. 0, 0, 0, (in space), 3) e.g. 0, 0, 0 @ 2 khz (common denominator).
2. Astrology is the Zodiac Map, time travel. Constellations are interpretations of this map. Each star has its’ own set of constellations.
3. The study of constellations, star-constellations is the interpretation of star-constellations, called astronomy.
4. Distance = Time (Herz) x Rate (speed-V).
5. Analog – Ana (diem –lifeforce) log (carpes – representation).
6. Navigation – slope = Q = M = Margin – trajectory – vision.
7. Distance = Pitch x Amplitude – frequencies { (number of occurances) x Amplitude (the undefined amount of energy it produces, known in Metric to be kilojoules – Rate – Metabolism - Physiology) } Frequency x Kinetic Energy (or Amplitude).
Space Travel
1. Travel is motion
2. Point to point
3. Velocity is the measurement of time
4. Stars that are in-motion are in time travel
5. Stars that move disperse, as motion internalized is called combustion
6. In medical terms combustion in severity is called catatonic
7. Space continuum is the foundation of locating frequencies
8. Quandrants in a sphere -4 quarters (*,*), (*,-), (-,-), (-,*)
Black Holes
Black is the culmination of all color and light. Transparency is the opposite of Black (or opaque). To see a transparent image there has to be an opaque surface to see the reflected light (transparency), and its’ ultimate destination is ‘Black light’ – refer to the back of mirror.
Looking into a ‘Black Hole’ is a paradox as this is only in reference to there being a destination after defining it to be a hole (empty). A ‘stargate’, theoretically, is the transference of energy thru this hole. Translucence in this example would be the atmosphere in which a person sees through upon opaque surfaces, essentially CO2.
Interpolation, Extrapolation, and Navigation
Interpolation – interpret, guess, projections
Extrapolation – To capture, seizing, diem, reverberence
Cartes – jeu-play-cards, pictures, vision, cortex
Carpes diem – Time period, a picture says a thousand words-years, seize the day, living in the moment, Reverberence, Leagues, Metric system, school of thought.
(Photo–graph) – (inverted to protect integrity – also known as the negatives)
Radius vs diameter – Ra-dius – half (days – Conscience, and nights – Sub-conscience)
Diem - Diameter – period, unit – doctrine - Science
Explorers and Navigators
1. Galileo – Galilean time period - Constellations
2. Columbus – Columbian Empire
3. Jacques Cartier – St. Lawrence Seaway
4. Apollo – Space Program (Original Interpretation)
5. Topolov – Space Program (Expanded Interpretation)
Relevant Scientists and Philosophers (Theology)
1. Apollo – Astrology and Astronomy – Study of Constellations, or Zodiac.
2. Galileo – Astronomist – Constellations.
3. Des Cartes – ‘I Think Therefore I am’ – ‘Seize the day’
4. Sir Issac Newton – Space – planetary gravitational field – magnetism – ions
5. Herzl – Frequency – Distance = Time (Frequency) x Velocity (Rate)
6. Topolov – Astrology and the study of Constellations - Astronomy
7. Louis Theremin – Absolute Zero – Pitch and Amplitude – A chronological state Nucleus
8. Albert Einstein – Theory of Relativity. CO (Oxygen)(Oxygen) – Air – The Atom-Nuclear Energy
9. Socrates – ‘All We are is Dust in the Wind’
10.Machiavelli – The principle of Power and Totalianistic behaviour – getting what you want, all of the time- otherwise known as intolerance, or superstition
11.Dr. Martin Luther King – ‘I Will not Move’
12.Malcolm X – ‘By Whatever Means’
13.Nelson Mandela and Stephen Biko – imprisoned for fighting Apartheid
14.Bob Dylan – ‘All Along the Watchtower’ – Monitors
15.Bob Marley – ‘How Long Must They Kill Our Prophets’ – Redemption –
16.Rabba Akiba – Theology of Talmud – Expansion – Nebiim - Mishna
17.Rabba Jose – Theology of Talmud - Expansion – Nebiim - Mishna
18.Rabba Eliezar – Theology of Talmud – Expansion – Interpretation of historical events also known as Nebiim – Mishna.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tennis Greats - by Moses
With this years' U.S Open just completed, here is my list of the greatest 50 Tennis Players of all-time (relative to gender).
1. Roger Federer
2. Steffi Graf
3. Pete Sampras
4. Martina Navratilova
5. Jimmy Connors
6. Bjorn Borg
7. John McEnroe
8. Rafael Nadal
9. Chris Evert Lloyd
10. Serena Williams
11. Monica Seles
12. Rod Laver
13. Martina Hingis
14. Stan Smith
15. Venus Williams
16. Margaret Smith Court
17. Stefan Edberg
18. Jennifer Capriati
19. Mats Wilander
20. Maria Sharapova
21. Ivan Lendl
22. Boris Becker
23. Andre Agassi
24. Novak Djokovic
25. Arthur Ashe
26. Billie Jean King
27. Ken Rosewall
28. Arantxa Sanchez Vicario
29. Gabriella Sabatini
30. Evonne Goolagong Cawley
31. Virginia Wade
32. Kim Clijsters
33. Jim Courier
34. John Newcombe
35. Justine Henin
36. Michael Chang
37. Vitas Gerulaitis
38. Patrick Rafter
39. Gustavo Kuerten
40. Sergi Bruguera
41. Mary Pierce
42. Yannick Noah
43. Roscoe Tanner
44. Illie Nastase
45. Lindsey Davenport
46. Guillermo Vilas
47. Tracy Austin
48. Johan Kriek
49. Hana Mandlikova
50. Petra Kvitova
1. Roger Federer
2. Steffi Graf
3. Pete Sampras
4. Martina Navratilova
5. Jimmy Connors
6. Bjorn Borg
7. John McEnroe
8. Rafael Nadal
9. Chris Evert Lloyd
10. Serena Williams
11. Monica Seles
12. Rod Laver
13. Martina Hingis
14. Stan Smith
15. Venus Williams
16. Margaret Smith Court
17. Stefan Edberg
18. Jennifer Capriati
19. Mats Wilander
20. Maria Sharapova
21. Ivan Lendl
22. Boris Becker
23. Andre Agassi
24. Novak Djokovic
25. Arthur Ashe
26. Billie Jean King
27. Ken Rosewall
28. Arantxa Sanchez Vicario
29. Gabriella Sabatini
30. Evonne Goolagong Cawley
31. Virginia Wade
32. Kim Clijsters
33. Jim Courier
34. John Newcombe
35. Justine Henin
36. Michael Chang
37. Vitas Gerulaitis
38. Patrick Rafter
39. Gustavo Kuerten
40. Sergi Bruguera
41. Mary Pierce
42. Yannick Noah
43. Roscoe Tanner
44. Illie Nastase
45. Lindsey Davenport
46. Guillermo Vilas
47. Tracy Austin
48. Johan Kriek
49. Hana Mandlikova
50. Petra Kvitova
Friday, September 9, 2011
Conveying Messages Through Subliminal Tape Feed - by Moses
It was in the 1950's when a Projectionist for a film company had an idea. For Theatre film why not insert a frame within 30 frames, of a picture of ice cold Coca-Cola to see if it would increase Coca-Cola sales at the Drive-ins. It worked like a charm, people flocked to the procession stands at the intermission in great numbers, and we saw the beginning of subliminal messaging within tape feeds in film. For the actual film tape, or audio tape for that matter, there are standard test frequencies to preserve the integrity of the broadcast (ie. 1khz, 5khz, and 10khz frequencies are test on analog audio tape, as a measure of insuring that the tape has not been altered from the manufacturing level). It is in the studio however, that the audio engineer has carte blanche in effecting and conveying message to the viewer before the finished product is released into production. Take for example panning signal into different tracks and mixed down to two-track. The engineer in the studio can actually make a statement on a headphone mix to stimulate different areas of the cognitive brain perceptions to guide the viewer into accepting the message that the artist is trying to convey in his/her music (a spacial mix). What would happen if the audio engineer inserted an extremely low-line level track within the mix to convey a message perceived subconsciously, yet not actually heard in conscious realms? This form of subliminal messaging is common place today, and leaves one to wonder if the de-regulated telecommunications industry is better off today than in years' past. This is not to say that subliminal messaging shouldn't exist, it's inevitable and has been around for as long as the recording process in film and audio has been around. In the audio realm there is what is known as precedence effect. This is a minute delay of 5-35 milliseconds, in which a signal is enhanced from the original sound by either a second identical sound broadcast 5-35 milliseconds later, or by panning effect (left signal first, followed by the right side appearing 5-35 ms later). This panning effect was first developed by a speaker manufacturer in the early 1920's, in the name of the Lesley Cabinet Speaker. It has a rotating motion in broadcasting from the source amplifier, giving the viewer the perception that the sound is louder from the side in which the signal is broadcast in origin, as the turning motion of the speaker is continuous. There is also what is known as doubling tracks to create this effect. This is when a second track is added for an instrument and played on top of the first track to add warmth and body to the recording in enhancing the message (especially on vocal tracks). It was in the late sixties that Led Zeppelin was accused of subconscious tape messaging in the form of recording demonic messages and playing them backwards. Did this actually occur? We still don't know definitively to this day.
In film however, there is a danger that subliminal messaging poses. The standard tape feed in film is 30 frames/second non-drop (drop for Television - simply meaning that it can appear to be spliced in T.V, and continuous for film). What would happen if instead of a random frame insertion of a man drinking Coca-Cola, there was a man with a gun pointed at his head? How would the audience' subconscious be effected? We have standards in film and audio tape for this reason in both the analog and digital domains. What we see in the digital domain that exists today is a feed with greater resolution. The concern that this writer has with this change in perception on the visual (or audio for that matter) is that the mapping may be skewed. This, in 'lamen' terms means that with such finite resolution, we aren't capable of digesting the subconscious messaging within the optical cabling. So if the feed is altered from another source (satellite), it could in fact be undetectable to our Government and cause widespread pandemonium. This is the premise; We have a film standard of 30 frames/second in North America. Some Terrorist faction routes one of our broadcasts into one of their satellites and breaks down the feed and creates 1000 frames for each frame. Now, there are 30,000 frames. They insert an image of their choice every 100 frames within the new 30,000 frame protocol. The Government has no idea that our population is being coerced into perceiving what it is that this terrorist faction wants us to believe in our subconscious state. By mapping each frame into 1000 frames and fragmenting the feed in this manner, one has a lost and disengaged connection to the broadcast.
This also works in the audio domain in the name of tape speed. We used to operate at 7.5 Inches/Second in recording studio's. Today we operate at a standard 30 inches per second. When we operated at 7.5 IPS we were maximizing domains, and it was a much more granular perception, in other words the vinyl that was made had greater warmth. One opinion would be to record at 7.5 IPS (to maximize domains) and map (transpose) to 30 IPS. This would convey the message of the feed more effectively to the viewer.
In film however, there is a danger that subliminal messaging poses. The standard tape feed in film is 30 frames/second non-drop (drop for Television - simply meaning that it can appear to be spliced in T.V, and continuous for film). What would happen if instead of a random frame insertion of a man drinking Coca-Cola, there was a man with a gun pointed at his head? How would the audience' subconscious be effected? We have standards in film and audio tape for this reason in both the analog and digital domains. What we see in the digital domain that exists today is a feed with greater resolution. The concern that this writer has with this change in perception on the visual (or audio for that matter) is that the mapping may be skewed. This, in 'lamen' terms means that with such finite resolution, we aren't capable of digesting the subconscious messaging within the optical cabling. So if the feed is altered from another source (satellite), it could in fact be undetectable to our Government and cause widespread pandemonium. This is the premise; We have a film standard of 30 frames/second in North America. Some Terrorist faction routes one of our broadcasts into one of their satellites and breaks down the feed and creates 1000 frames for each frame. Now, there are 30,000 frames. They insert an image of their choice every 100 frames within the new 30,000 frame protocol. The Government has no idea that our population is being coerced into perceiving what it is that this terrorist faction wants us to believe in our subconscious state. By mapping each frame into 1000 frames and fragmenting the feed in this manner, one has a lost and disengaged connection to the broadcast.
This also works in the audio domain in the name of tape speed. We used to operate at 7.5 Inches/Second in recording studio's. Today we operate at a standard 30 inches per second. When we operated at 7.5 IPS we were maximizing domains, and it was a much more granular perception, in other words the vinyl that was made had greater warmth. One opinion would be to record at 7.5 IPS (to maximize domains) and map (transpose) to 30 IPS. This would convey the message of the feed more effectively to the viewer.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
2011/12 NFL Forecast - by Moses
AFC Regular Season
New England 14 - 2
New York Jets 12 - 4
San Diego Chargers 13 - 3
Pittsburgh Steelers 15 - 1
Baltimore Ravens 11 - 5
Indianapolis Colts 13 - 3
AFC Playoffs
Division Round
Indianapolis Colts 31 - New York Jets 13
Baltimore Ravens 17 - San Diego Chargers 13
AFC Conference Semi-Finals
Pittsburgh Steelers 34 Baltimore Ravens 13
Indianapolis Colts 31 - New England Patriots 27
AFC Conference Final
Indianapolis Colts 31 - Pittsburgh Steelers 28
NFC Regular Season
New York Giants 13 - 3
Dallas Cowboys 11 - 5
San Francisco 49'ers 11 - 5
Green Bay Packers 14 - 2
Chicago Bears 12 - 4
New Orleans Saints 15 - 1
NFC Playoffs
Division Round
Dallas Cowboys 24 - New York Giants 21
Chicago Bears 17 - San Francisco 49'ers 13
NFC Conference Semi-Finals
New Orleans Saints 45 - Dallas Cowboys 17
Green Bay Packers 31 - Chicago Bears 10
NFC Conference Final
New Orleans Saints 27 - Green Bay Packers 24
Indianapolis Colts 35 - New Orleans Saints 34
New England 14 - 2
New York Jets 12 - 4
San Diego Chargers 13 - 3
Pittsburgh Steelers 15 - 1
Baltimore Ravens 11 - 5
Indianapolis Colts 13 - 3
AFC Playoffs
Division Round
Indianapolis Colts 31 - New York Jets 13
Baltimore Ravens 17 - San Diego Chargers 13
AFC Conference Semi-Finals
Pittsburgh Steelers 34 Baltimore Ravens 13
Indianapolis Colts 31 - New England Patriots 27
AFC Conference Final
Indianapolis Colts 31 - Pittsburgh Steelers 28
NFC Regular Season
New York Giants 13 - 3
Dallas Cowboys 11 - 5
San Francisco 49'ers 11 - 5
Green Bay Packers 14 - 2
Chicago Bears 12 - 4
New Orleans Saints 15 - 1
NFC Playoffs
Division Round
Dallas Cowboys 24 - New York Giants 21
Chicago Bears 17 - San Francisco 49'ers 13
NFC Conference Semi-Finals
New Orleans Saints 45 - Dallas Cowboys 17
Green Bay Packers 31 - Chicago Bears 10
NFC Conference Final
New Orleans Saints 27 - Green Bay Packers 24
Indianapolis Colts 35 - New Orleans Saints 34
Friday, August 26, 2011
Steroids and Sport (rehashed) - By Moses
It was 1978 and Ken Norton was the Heavyweight Champion of the World. In his first defence of the belt, Norton was set to fight Larry Holmes. After Holmes and Norton pummeled eachother for 14 Rounds, the commentators of the fight gave their between round analysis. 'There has been some speculation that Larry Holmes is taking a new wonder drug called steroids.' 'Surely the drug isn't infallible.' the commentator said. At the start of the fifteenth, Norton knocked out Holmes mouth-guard. The gas had run out on Holmes and he was dominated in the Fifteenth with the ropes saving him in the final seconds, preserving a split-decision for Holmes and he became the new Champion of the World.
Three years later, Lyle Alzado (a defensive tackle with the Oakland Raiders) came clean to the American media and confessed that at least half of the N.F.L'ers were steroid users. The National Football League refused to act.
It was 1988, and during the Seoul Summer Olympics, Ben Johnson took home Gold for Canada in the 100 Metre Dash (also the 4x100m) with an unprecedented time of 9.78. But wait just a minute. Johnson's' urine sample tested positive for anabolic steroids and the Worldwide Audience watched in disbelief as he was stripped of his title. In the period 1978-1988 no Professional sports League banned their athletes from using anabolic steroids. It is also a very naive assumption that only Ben Johnson used steroids at Seoul. He was however, one of the few that were caught.
This brings us to the argument, at what cost will a Country, Sport, Team, or Athlete go to in hiding rampant steroid use in the name of winning Gold Medals, Championships, and pleasing to the eye statistics.
The Western World was condemning Eastern European training and conditioning methods; ie - impregnating their Women Athletes and aborting the fetus to raise estrogen levels, just prior to the meet. At the same time there were severe denials in the West, of rampant steroid use (and it was widespread). This leads us to the quagmire that we face today. It wasn't until the early nineties that the N.F.L instituted a ban on steroids. Hockey (N.H.L) and Basketball (N.B.A) followed suit, only after embarrassments of Olympic Athlete's Jackie Joyner Kersee and Florence Griffith amongst others during the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics.
Major League Baseball however, buried their heads further into the sand. In the early part of the 21st Century it was noticeable that Ballplayers had bulked up, yet M.L.B Commissioner Bud Selig still didn't put together a full-scale ban on steroids. In fact, after Mark McGuire's' monster 1998 - 70 Home-run campaign, he admitted to using legal performance enhancing drugs. The owners seemingly only cared about Gate Revenue and mind boggling statistics, not the integrity of the game. Then came along Barry Bonds superlative 73 Home-run Campaign of 2001, and the press were never a Bonds advocate. This began the smear campaign on athletes in Baseball. Finally, after the 2004 Campaign, Selig and the MLBPA signed an agreement to test athlete's for steroids as a BANNED substance, and it finally became a banned substance in MLB.
In one fell swoop Superstars Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, Roger Clemens amongst others were named in a farce of a Congressional hearing, and, continuing the denial that was put in place by MLBPA, Selig, and the Owners, one should at least context the time-frame of steroids becoming illegal in Baseball, as a person can't be held accountable for using a 'legal' product on a whim of trying to look good to the American Public at a later date.
So here we are in mid-2011. Alex Rodriguez has admitted to failing a Steroids test in 2003. Does anyone really care at this point. There are not going to be any astericks next to his name, or to his numbers, as steroids weren't even a banned substance when he tested positive in 2003. This is really just a statement of the decline of Modern Western Civilization at its' finest. Suck the air out of the best of the best to deflect attention from the simple fact that this cheating was documented 30 years ago. It's really a fantastic idea. Scapegoat those people that set the records for you, filled the Stadiums, and won you Championships and Titles, let them lose their jobs and be blacklisted from their collective Sports. Americanism at its' finest, passing the buck, a bureaucratic wet dream.
Three years later, Lyle Alzado (a defensive tackle with the Oakland Raiders) came clean to the American media and confessed that at least half of the N.F.L'ers were steroid users. The National Football League refused to act.
It was 1988, and during the Seoul Summer Olympics, Ben Johnson took home Gold for Canada in the 100 Metre Dash (also the 4x100m) with an unprecedented time of 9.78. But wait just a minute. Johnson's' urine sample tested positive for anabolic steroids and the Worldwide Audience watched in disbelief as he was stripped of his title. In the period 1978-1988 no Professional sports League banned their athletes from using anabolic steroids. It is also a very naive assumption that only Ben Johnson used steroids at Seoul. He was however, one of the few that were caught.
This brings us to the argument, at what cost will a Country, Sport, Team, or Athlete go to in hiding rampant steroid use in the name of winning Gold Medals, Championships, and pleasing to the eye statistics.
The Western World was condemning Eastern European training and conditioning methods; ie - impregnating their Women Athletes and aborting the fetus to raise estrogen levels, just prior to the meet. At the same time there were severe denials in the West, of rampant steroid use (and it was widespread). This leads us to the quagmire that we face today. It wasn't until the early nineties that the N.F.L instituted a ban on steroids. Hockey (N.H.L) and Basketball (N.B.A) followed suit, only after embarrassments of Olympic Athlete's Jackie Joyner Kersee and Florence Griffith amongst others during the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics.
Major League Baseball however, buried their heads further into the sand. In the early part of the 21st Century it was noticeable that Ballplayers had bulked up, yet M.L.B Commissioner Bud Selig still didn't put together a full-scale ban on steroids. In fact, after Mark McGuire's' monster 1998 - 70 Home-run campaign, he admitted to using legal performance enhancing drugs. The owners seemingly only cared about Gate Revenue and mind boggling statistics, not the integrity of the game. Then came along Barry Bonds superlative 73 Home-run Campaign of 2001, and the press were never a Bonds advocate. This began the smear campaign on athletes in Baseball. Finally, after the 2004 Campaign, Selig and the MLBPA signed an agreement to test athlete's for steroids as a BANNED substance, and it finally became a banned substance in MLB.
In one fell swoop Superstars Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, Roger Clemens amongst others were named in a farce of a Congressional hearing, and, continuing the denial that was put in place by MLBPA, Selig, and the Owners, one should at least context the time-frame of steroids becoming illegal in Baseball, as a person can't be held accountable for using a 'legal' product on a whim of trying to look good to the American Public at a later date.
So here we are in mid-2011. Alex Rodriguez has admitted to failing a Steroids test in 2003. Does anyone really care at this point. There are not going to be any astericks next to his name, or to his numbers, as steroids weren't even a banned substance when he tested positive in 2003. This is really just a statement of the decline of Modern Western Civilization at its' finest. Suck the air out of the best of the best to deflect attention from the simple fact that this cheating was documented 30 years ago. It's really a fantastic idea. Scapegoat those people that set the records for you, filled the Stadiums, and won you Championships and Titles, let them lose their jobs and be blacklisted from their collective Sports. Americanism at its' finest, passing the buck, a bureaucratic wet dream.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
NFL Season Treat - by Moses
50 Greatest Quarterbacks of All-Time
1. Joe Montana
2. Roger Staubach
3. Tom Brady
4. Steve Young
5. Peyton Manning
6. Johnny Unitas
7. Russ Jackson
8. Warren Moon
9. Brett Favre
10.Bart Starr
11.John Elway
12.Troy Aikman
13.Kurt Warner
14.Dan Marino
15.Terry Bradshaw
16.Y.A Title
17.Otto Graham
18.Fran Tarkenton
19.Dan Fouts
20.Bob Griese
21.Drew Brees
22.Len Dawson
23.Jim Kelly
24.Ben Roethlisberger
25.Aaron Rodgers
26.Philip Rivers
27.Randall Cunningham
28.Kenny Stabler
29.Sammy Baugh
30.Ken Anderson
31.Donovan McNabb
32.Tony Romo
33.Michael Vick
34.Condredge Holloway
35.Doug Flutie
36.Damon Allen
37.Eli Manning
38.Ron Jaworski
39.Rich Gannon
40.Matt Ryan
41.Joe Namath
42.Danny White
43.Joe Theisman
44.Matt Dunigan
45.Brian Sipe
46.Phil Simms
47.Steve Bartkowski
48.Boomer Esiason
49.Vinnie Testevarde
50.Steve Grogan
1. Joe Montana
2. Roger Staubach
3. Tom Brady
4. Steve Young
5. Peyton Manning
6. Johnny Unitas
7. Russ Jackson
8. Warren Moon
9. Brett Favre
10.Bart Starr
11.John Elway
12.Troy Aikman
13.Kurt Warner
14.Dan Marino
15.Terry Bradshaw
16.Y.A Title
17.Otto Graham
18.Fran Tarkenton
19.Dan Fouts
20.Bob Griese
21.Drew Brees
22.Len Dawson
23.Jim Kelly
24.Ben Roethlisberger
25.Aaron Rodgers
26.Philip Rivers
27.Randall Cunningham
28.Kenny Stabler
29.Sammy Baugh
30.Ken Anderson
31.Donovan McNabb
32.Tony Romo
33.Michael Vick
34.Condredge Holloway
35.Doug Flutie
36.Damon Allen
37.Eli Manning
38.Ron Jaworski
39.Rich Gannon
40.Matt Ryan
41.Joe Namath
42.Danny White
43.Joe Theisman
44.Matt Dunigan
45.Brian Sipe
46.Phil Simms
47.Steve Bartkowski
48.Boomer Esiason
49.Vinnie Testevarde
50.Steve Grogan
Farming in the Desert - by Moses
Farming and Agricultural Economics
Perspective #1 – To enter a labour force that is paying their Farmers’ employee base $10/hour (in Canadian Funds) twice that amount, means this;
1) There will be more skilled workers.
2) The demand side upon applicants will be greater at this site.
3) It will cost more to build up capital.
4) Privatization will occur in most likelihood, with respect to each ventures’ products. ie- Pears will increase in supply and decline in cost (law of diminishing returns), under the premise of ‘Laissez Faire’.
5) Land will become fertile faster.
6) Agricultural products from this farm, will in all likelihood improve.
Perspective #2 – Under the same scenario of economics;
1) Cause a high staple price in immediate seasonal supply and an inflationary agricultural economy in the short term.
2) Speed up infrastructure in irrigation and Farming Communities with newly found funding.
3) Build a strong agricultural economy in the long term, as the agricultural sector would be built up tenfold over time (as our children may very well have new found interest in Farming in Rural Centers, versus the success of living in Urban Metropolitan Centers).
Cause and effects of these perspectives;
1) With a wider land claim, each Farm will create a ‘product’ market (specialization). Ie- Pears and Avocados on any particular Farm will increase in Quality and Supply.
2) The land will become fertile, sooner than might have otherwise been expected.
3) Irrigation would become highly feasible.
4) Worldwide teams would be in demand, and greeted by Volunteers Worldwide in greater numbers.
5) Trade amongst trading partners would be stronger. Should a person be given a decent salary, most would be a little more motivated in acting on an offer to be there. With an extremely low salary, it would stand to reason that most people Worldwide would reject employment. For example; Should the Provincial Government of Ontario promote five times the amount of Maple Syrup, and sell the product at half the price, this (in selling their seasonal supply in full) would bring in an additional Profit more than twice that of a limited supply and allow for a greater wage for the Labour force .
6) Should this Farming expansion be in a region of that in the Sahara Desert; Irrigation from the Red Sea across North-East Africa would occur much sooner than might otherwise be expected. Additionally, it would build up trading partners that today are almost non-existent.
In 1993, I spent 7 months on a Kibbutz in the Negev (the desert within Israel). We farmed pears, oranges, apricots, peaches, and avocados. To look at this Kibbutz during its' inception in 1942, one would wonder how this was at all possible. The reality is that through 50 years of hard work the land is now a semi-paradise. To achieve this in other barren, desert lands is not only possible but economically necessary (and feasible for that matter). Increasing farmland in the Sahara may be scoffed at today, however, when we look at precedents set in Israel and Jordan we see tremendous benefits from building up barren lands. It may be impossible for Nations within North-East Africa to pay $20 Cdn/Hour, however, Nations that pay $5/Hour to their Farmers would still be viable to many people. In 1993, on Kibbutz Reviviim, I was paid $50Cdn/Month to work in the agricultural sector. A small room, and my food was covered by the Kibbutz, yet the appeal was just to be IN ISRAEL. When will Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia learn that beginning to build within their lands today, will provide sustainable life in the not too distant future? I would imagine that many Ethiopian/Canadians, Sudanese/Canadians, and Somalian/Canadians would find appeal in working in their Homeland as a tenure during their lives within Canada and abroad.
Perspective #1 – To enter a labour force that is paying their Farmers’ employee base $10/hour (in Canadian Funds) twice that amount, means this;
1) There will be more skilled workers.
2) The demand side upon applicants will be greater at this site.
3) It will cost more to build up capital.
4) Privatization will occur in most likelihood, with respect to each ventures’ products. ie- Pears will increase in supply and decline in cost (law of diminishing returns), under the premise of ‘Laissez Faire’.
5) Land will become fertile faster.
6) Agricultural products from this farm, will in all likelihood improve.
Perspective #2 – Under the same scenario of economics;
1) Cause a high staple price in immediate seasonal supply and an inflationary agricultural economy in the short term.
2) Speed up infrastructure in irrigation and Farming Communities with newly found funding.
3) Build a strong agricultural economy in the long term, as the agricultural sector would be built up tenfold over time (as our children may very well have new found interest in Farming in Rural Centers, versus the success of living in Urban Metropolitan Centers).
Cause and effects of these perspectives;
1) With a wider land claim, each Farm will create a ‘product’ market (specialization). Ie- Pears and Avocados on any particular Farm will increase in Quality and Supply.
2) The land will become fertile, sooner than might have otherwise been expected.
3) Irrigation would become highly feasible.
4) Worldwide teams would be in demand, and greeted by Volunteers Worldwide in greater numbers.
5) Trade amongst trading partners would be stronger. Should a person be given a decent salary, most would be a little more motivated in acting on an offer to be there. With an extremely low salary, it would stand to reason that most people Worldwide would reject employment. For example; Should the Provincial Government of Ontario promote five times the amount of Maple Syrup, and sell the product at half the price, this (in selling their seasonal supply in full) would bring in an additional Profit more than twice that of a limited supply and allow for a greater wage for the Labour force .
6) Should this Farming expansion be in a region of that in the Sahara Desert; Irrigation from the Red Sea across North-East Africa would occur much sooner than might otherwise be expected. Additionally, it would build up trading partners that today are almost non-existent.
In 1993, I spent 7 months on a Kibbutz in the Negev (the desert within Israel). We farmed pears, oranges, apricots, peaches, and avocados. To look at this Kibbutz during its' inception in 1942, one would wonder how this was at all possible. The reality is that through 50 years of hard work the land is now a semi-paradise. To achieve this in other barren, desert lands is not only possible but economically necessary (and feasible for that matter). Increasing farmland in the Sahara may be scoffed at today, however, when we look at precedents set in Israel and Jordan we see tremendous benefits from building up barren lands. It may be impossible for Nations within North-East Africa to pay $20 Cdn/Hour, however, Nations that pay $5/Hour to their Farmers would still be viable to many people. In 1993, on Kibbutz Reviviim, I was paid $50Cdn/Month to work in the agricultural sector. A small room, and my food was covered by the Kibbutz, yet the appeal was just to be IN ISRAEL. When will Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia learn that beginning to build within their lands today, will provide sustainable life in the not too distant future? I would imagine that many Ethiopian/Canadians, Sudanese/Canadians, and Somalian/Canadians would find appeal in working in their Homeland as a tenure during their lives within Canada and abroad.
Monday, August 22, 2011
just some spare thoughs on my first blog again..or ever?
So they say middle age starts around forty.. Ive been reading this book called Book of Ages, it is chronologically captured from the age of zero to one hundred years of significant people who have made some contribution of history regardless of origin and deed committed to destiny. Such as fascinating read! This book bascially tells living actual accounts of people who have lived and died and any age and some how left a mark on this planet. I feel pretty much this same way today as I hear about his Jack passing. Felt also when I met Pat Burns (former coach of the Montreal Canadians Hockey team) in that same city. I was ?? 18 at the time and I remember he told me to consider coming to Toronto if I wanted to pursue acting ( it was 1987) ..In Montreal I stayed as I heard The Habs were fans of a cheesy soap opera I was a starring in 1988....I heard The Habs loved catching an episode after a practice or before a match at 4:30 pm. Now with jack I met him and Olivia at the Actra Awards in Toronto. He was so pleasant and we spoke twice on subjects of the arts and possible leeway to grants..Life does happen and I guess It sure did to Jack as we wont have that chance now for a personal endorsement but ..we must live on..there has to be a bigger picture than ..the passing of a great one. The man was 61..Twenty years shy of my shy youthful 42 .. Middle I felt ..I did that when I was ..25-35.. The hard revolutions..the survival tactics of cool. I think we got it all wrong. Jack Layton and Pat Burns were fighters of a different generation still part of mine where now middle age is starting to kick in for any one over 70 least we forget that Mick n Keith are over that. Falling off coconut trees on pirate movie sets and knocks up some young 20 year old model. Hugh Hefner..good Lord will he ever fuckin grow up! ? I feel the new term will be called Old Age Crisis or Death Watch on bets.. The elderly in France .. Italy these days are chillin and ain't going anywhere soon as long as that ritrovol aka red wine in Europe flows like Cod liver oil. For now it is really survival of the fittest and I and aint middleing now age crisis! Except for some back pain. oi..
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Themes Within Modern Day and Future Unions - By Moses
It is now 2011 Astra-Damanos and roughly 1/3 of the Worldwide population are living below the Canadian Poverty line. Within Canada and the Unites States alone, we see the majority of the population living paycheck to paycheck. Here are a couple of brainstorming ideas I have about resolving these internal issues within North America.
1. The Ultimate Fighting Commission (U.F.C) could in fact earn a Federal Commission of $100 Billion U.S.D as compensation for their knowledge of fighting. Shutting down the televised events of the U.F.C would be an excellent idea for our children. The fighters' within the U.F.C Union could open Dojo's and build Housing Developments with longer terms of mortgage. ie. $400/Month over 50 years for a $300,000 - $500,000 House (Property Value). At this point there would be much less poverty stricken areas in Metropolitan's across North America.
After 15 years on a 50 year mortgage@2%Annum of 1 million homes, the economy would be thriving as 1 million people would have enough disposable income to spend into the economy. This is essentially an economic stimulus. As a result cost of living would remain stable, as would inflation.
2. The Major League Baseball Players' Association (M.L.B.P.A) and the Negro League Baseball Players' Association could become on par from the earnings of all Major Leaguers. The logic is simple. African-Americans suffered enough at the hands of racist Owners until Cum Posey organized the Negro Leagues, and Branch Rickey ended segregation within Major League Baseball. This Levy to the N.L.B.P.A is a long time coming.
A 1% Levy to the M.L.B.P.A and to the N.L.B.P.A (from all Major League Ballplayers) would result in this mathematical equation; .01 X $5 Million (Avg Salary) X 1000 (# of Ballplayers within the Major Leagues) = #50 Million U.S.D/Year (for each Union).
Why is this important and relevant in our socio-economic system?
As $50 Million is generated by this Levy, the N.L.B.P.A would be in a position to hire people at decent salaries, as opposed to being a much smaller revenue generator. Currently the N.L.B.P.A is the eighth largest Baseball Union Worldwide, only capable of hiring so many people at a far less salary than is currently given to employees within the M.L.B.P.A.
This writer would love to see the day where opportunities become available in areas that are considered to 'labour of love' to the majority of the workforce. By the way, paying $400/Month towards your mortgage would still entitle you to your basic right to life.
1. The Ultimate Fighting Commission (U.F.C) could in fact earn a Federal Commission of $100 Billion U.S.D as compensation for their knowledge of fighting. Shutting down the televised events of the U.F.C would be an excellent idea for our children. The fighters' within the U.F.C Union could open Dojo's and build Housing Developments with longer terms of mortgage. ie. $400/Month over 50 years for a $300,000 - $500,000 House (Property Value). At this point there would be much less poverty stricken areas in Metropolitan's across North America.
After 15 years on a 50 year mortgage@2%Annum of 1 million homes, the economy would be thriving as 1 million people would have enough disposable income to spend into the economy. This is essentially an economic stimulus. As a result cost of living would remain stable, as would inflation.
2. The Major League Baseball Players' Association (M.L.B.P.A) and the Negro League Baseball Players' Association could become on par from the earnings of all Major Leaguers. The logic is simple. African-Americans suffered enough at the hands of racist Owners until Cum Posey organized the Negro Leagues, and Branch Rickey ended segregation within Major League Baseball. This Levy to the N.L.B.P.A is a long time coming.
A 1% Levy to the M.L.B.P.A and to the N.L.B.P.A (from all Major League Ballplayers) would result in this mathematical equation; .01 X $5 Million (Avg Salary) X 1000 (# of Ballplayers within the Major Leagues) = #50 Million U.S.D/Year (for each Union).
Why is this important and relevant in our socio-economic system?
As $50 Million is generated by this Levy, the N.L.B.P.A would be in a position to hire people at decent salaries, as opposed to being a much smaller revenue generator. Currently the N.L.B.P.A is the eighth largest Baseball Union Worldwide, only capable of hiring so many people at a far less salary than is currently given to employees within the M.L.B.P.A.
This writer would love to see the day where opportunities become available in areas that are considered to 'labour of love' to the majority of the workforce. By the way, paying $400/Month towards your mortgage would still entitle you to your basic right to life.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Internal vs External Thought Process Part 2 - by Moses
In the 1950's airwaves hit the mainstream without headphones being involved. Most people of that time played AM radio to listen to their favourite music, and this music was received by a number of people that were around the source. We lived in North America without the pretension of actually knowing something contrary to ones' belief structure, and we made sense of the music together.
In the late seventies and early 80's we saw the advent of 'the Walkman' and many people wore headphones as a convenience, essentially letting the music fight their thoughts. Fighting ones' thoughts outside ones' reality is paramount to conflict.
Today, in most North American Cities people wear headphones, or hearing aids, with uncommon frequency. For those that wear headphones, it almost looks as if they're paranoid schizophrenic's walking around yelling at themselves. Rather these people are communicating on the phone or listening to music. The communication device is now defining what you will think, or makes thought an ambiguity. The quantification of thought will always be undefined, to a musician this is known as pitch bend. This is why Bob Marley wrote 'Have No Fear For Atomic Energy For None Of Them Can Stop-A-The Time.'
We now live in an age where we can communicate to any part of the World from anywhere in the World. This is a technological conundrum. Where do we go from here? Satellite telecommunications are now common place. It is now possible to use technological devices as software devices to interface to other technological devices. With this transference between Hub to Hub, Satellite to Satellite, Hub to Satellite, or Satellite to Hub begs the question; What about software viruses?
In 1980, when Apple, IBM, and Commodore came out the hardware couldn't be corrupted by software as the software had to be approved to be sold on the Market. A modem (as seen in the movie 'War Games') could corrupt a mainframe, and hence we saw the danger of hackers. Today, when a person is on their Satellite phone conversing with someone in Indonesia (looking like a paranoid schizophrenic I might add) their phone will always be one push of a button away from being rendered useless. A premise that seemingly has become oblivious in the mainstream.
Solar Flares
A satellite in space that monitors human activity through a tracking practice can be destroyed by a Nations' airspace at any time. At this point, any and all homosapiens activity disappears from existence of any and all Governing bodies of any Nation (unless their is a second Satellite) - 'Enemy of the State'
In the former U.S.S.R this is paramount to destroying the activity of a Czar and his people. Similar to Jewish settlements being extradited (having their 'Satellite' removed from existence) there were several cases of Russian Jews being given lifelong imprisonment. Louis Theremin was one such person. Theremin invented an electronic musical device and was hidden from his own family, in the name of science. His existence was negated by the U.S.S.R when he was 16 years of age. This is an example of the cause and effect of a monitor appearing, or disappearing from all Governing bodies. A Solar Flare, in severity, is a natural destruction of of all such monitors (or Satellites). This, to many, is considered to be the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, also considered 'Armageddon'. A Judaic Death-star. Sometimes a moment of thought helps to clarify matters, this is something technology can't do for us. By the way, on your way to work today did you listen to the music through headphones?
In the late seventies and early 80's we saw the advent of 'the Walkman' and many people wore headphones as a convenience, essentially letting the music fight their thoughts. Fighting ones' thoughts outside ones' reality is paramount to conflict.
Today, in most North American Cities people wear headphones, or hearing aids, with uncommon frequency. For those that wear headphones, it almost looks as if they're paranoid schizophrenic's walking around yelling at themselves. Rather these people are communicating on the phone or listening to music. The communication device is now defining what you will think, or makes thought an ambiguity. The quantification of thought will always be undefined, to a musician this is known as pitch bend. This is why Bob Marley wrote 'Have No Fear For Atomic Energy For None Of Them Can Stop-A-The Time.'
We now live in an age where we can communicate to any part of the World from anywhere in the World. This is a technological conundrum. Where do we go from here? Satellite telecommunications are now common place. It is now possible to use technological devices as software devices to interface to other technological devices. With this transference between Hub to Hub, Satellite to Satellite, Hub to Satellite, or Satellite to Hub begs the question; What about software viruses?
In 1980, when Apple, IBM, and Commodore came out the hardware couldn't be corrupted by software as the software had to be approved to be sold on the Market. A modem (as seen in the movie 'War Games') could corrupt a mainframe, and hence we saw the danger of hackers. Today, when a person is on their Satellite phone conversing with someone in Indonesia (looking like a paranoid schizophrenic I might add) their phone will always be one push of a button away from being rendered useless. A premise that seemingly has become oblivious in the mainstream.
Solar Flares
A satellite in space that monitors human activity through a tracking practice can be destroyed by a Nations' airspace at any time. At this point, any and all homosapiens activity disappears from existence of any and all Governing bodies of any Nation (unless their is a second Satellite) - 'Enemy of the State'
In the former U.S.S.R this is paramount to destroying the activity of a Czar and his people. Similar to Jewish settlements being extradited (having their 'Satellite' removed from existence) there were several cases of Russian Jews being given lifelong imprisonment. Louis Theremin was one such person. Theremin invented an electronic musical device and was hidden from his own family, in the name of science. His existence was negated by the U.S.S.R when he was 16 years of age. This is an example of the cause and effect of a monitor appearing, or disappearing from all Governing bodies. A Solar Flare, in severity, is a natural destruction of of all such monitors (or Satellites). This, to many, is considered to be the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, also considered 'Armageddon'. A Judaic Death-star. Sometimes a moment of thought helps to clarify matters, this is something technology can't do for us. By the way, on your way to work today did you listen to the music through headphones?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Internal vs External Thought Process - by Moses
A thought that you agree with is your thought on that matter, therefore an internal thought process. A thought that you disagree with is an external process, as this is counter productive to ones' semblance. A thought that you agree with is not absolute truth. Perceiving that ones' thought is absolute truth causes an act of turbulence, as this is a fundamental approach to thought. At some level, everyone experiences an external thought process. To implement the ideology of never having an external thought, would essentially be mandating schizophrenia. To sort out your thoughts is innate, your affinity to the Creator of the Universe. Memory loss will sometimes occur in context to this issue.
Ampage is a key component when analyzing this issue, as when a person feels 'hell bent' they act out and make demands that in some ways affects others to act out. This is a boundaries issue as relative to whatever that demand or trigger is...
When we delve into the ideology of fundamental thought process we should consider the difference between appeasement and compromise. For example; 'Blacks' weren't allowed to fly to South Africa before 1992. Today, Jews are not allowed to fly to Saudi Arabia. To appease this ideology is essentially the legalization of Concentration Camps in that Nation. Appeasement is defined in the dictionary as; To give in to a demand that goes against your basic principles. This causes higher incidences of suicide. Compromise as defined in the dictionary is a give and take process through collective bargaining (if you see something a certain way you give or you take).
To make it illegal to be somewhere, based on Race or Creed is (or rather was) Hitler's Theology written in the Fourth Reich.
Ampage is a key component when analyzing this issue, as when a person feels 'hell bent' they act out and make demands that in some ways affects others to act out. This is a boundaries issue as relative to whatever that demand or trigger is...
When we delve into the ideology of fundamental thought process we should consider the difference between appeasement and compromise. For example; 'Blacks' weren't allowed to fly to South Africa before 1992. Today, Jews are not allowed to fly to Saudi Arabia. To appease this ideology is essentially the legalization of Concentration Camps in that Nation. Appeasement is defined in the dictionary as; To give in to a demand that goes against your basic principles. This causes higher incidences of suicide. Compromise as defined in the dictionary is a give and take process through collective bargaining (if you see something a certain way you give or you take).
To make it illegal to be somewhere, based on Race or Creed is (or rather was) Hitler's Theology written in the Fourth Reich.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
No-Fault Insurance Re-Explored - by Moses
When Bob Rae introduced no-fault insurance to Ontario in 1989 it was deemed to be a logical way of discouraging civil suits resulting from auto accidents. The logic was that the civil courts were being clogged by minor suits from victims in auto accidents, and no-fault would lower accident rates as a result. It is now 2011 and we see that this is pure fallacy. Accident rates have remained exactly the same. We now see victims of minor auto accidents afraid to report the accident they were in, because they fear their insurance premiums will go up. As a result of no-fault insurance, when an auto accident takes place both parties generally find their insurance premiums go up, regardless of who was at fault. The victims' insurance company has to pay for the damages of their vehicle and this is leaving people paranoid of just being in their car, as there is practically zero accountability to the guilty party. Yes, the guilty party may lose points on their license (and a careless driving ticket), however, they are generally absolved of a civil suit from the victim.
Just to clarify, there are two distinctly different no-fault insurance systems;
1) In Saskatchewan they employ what is called a quantitative monetary threshold. This sets a specific dollar amount that must be spent on medical bills, before a tort is allowed. Therefore should a construction worker be out of work for three weeks as a result of whiplash from an auto accident and be out of pocket $6,000 in wages (as his Union only covers a portion of his lost wages), he can't file a tort in civil court because the amount is less than $8,200 (assuming this amount is the monetary threshold).
2) In Ontario we have what is called a qualitative verbal threshold, whereas an injury incurred as a victim of an auto accident must be severe enough to take a claim to civil court for damages (punitive in some cases, usually lost wages). This means that if a construction worker only receives minor whiplash as a victim of an auto accident, he can't make a claim for wage losses if it falls below this qualitative threshold.
In either case what we see is very little accountability to drivers causing accidents. They may lose points on their license, receive a ticket of careless driving, and receive a higher insurance premium as a result of their role in the auto accident. But how is no-fault insurance fair to the victim? He/She (the victim) can no longer feel safe knowing they are responsible drivers. All it takes is one idiot and their insurance premiums go through the roof. Before no-fault insurance the police report of an accident was done in far greater detail for insurance purposes, and they used to even track the hospital reports for the victims' benefit. In today's age it seems like a matter of convenience to simply put onus on the victim to make a case in civil court. It's kind of disheartening to know that the law really has no clout in many cases because of unfair thresholds. Considering that almost 40% of all Canadians live pay-cheque to pay-cheque this could be why there are so many timid drivers.
Just to clarify, there are two distinctly different no-fault insurance systems;
1) In Saskatchewan they employ what is called a quantitative monetary threshold. This sets a specific dollar amount that must be spent on medical bills, before a tort is allowed. Therefore should a construction worker be out of work for three weeks as a result of whiplash from an auto accident and be out of pocket $6,000 in wages (as his Union only covers a portion of his lost wages), he can't file a tort in civil court because the amount is less than $8,200 (assuming this amount is the monetary threshold).
2) In Ontario we have what is called a qualitative verbal threshold, whereas an injury incurred as a victim of an auto accident must be severe enough to take a claim to civil court for damages (punitive in some cases, usually lost wages). This means that if a construction worker only receives minor whiplash as a victim of an auto accident, he can't make a claim for wage losses if it falls below this qualitative threshold.
In either case what we see is very little accountability to drivers causing accidents. They may lose points on their license, receive a ticket of careless driving, and receive a higher insurance premium as a result of their role in the auto accident. But how is no-fault insurance fair to the victim? He/She (the victim) can no longer feel safe knowing they are responsible drivers. All it takes is one idiot and their insurance premiums go through the roof. Before no-fault insurance the police report of an accident was done in far greater detail for insurance purposes, and they used to even track the hospital reports for the victims' benefit. In today's age it seems like a matter of convenience to simply put onus on the victim to make a case in civil court. It's kind of disheartening to know that the law really has no clout in many cases because of unfair thresholds. Considering that almost 40% of all Canadians live pay-cheque to pay-cheque this could be why there are so many timid drivers.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Illegalization of the Jew - by Moses
It is now official. U.S.A President Barack Obama has condoned Concentration Camps within Saudi Arabia. While this may not happen in the next week, here is the lowdown;
DELTA, an American Airline, has signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia Airlines that prohibit Jews. The legal ramifications are as follows; 1) A Jewish man books a flight to Saudi Arabia through DELTA to visit family. He arrives in Dubai and is greeted by Saudi officials and sent to prison for the infraction of being a 'Jew'. He is no longer able to contact the U.S Embassy for constitutional help as the U.S Government has signed a waiver with Saudi Arabia legalizing their actions. At this point any person living within Saudi Arabia deemed to be 'a Jew' is without an ally in the U.S.A. This is paramount to Saudi officials rounding up Jews, similar to that exercised by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party. While Saudi Arabia's position of 'No Jews Allowed' was in place years' ago, it has now been sanctioned by the U.S Government through the private sector, namely DELTA Airlines.
DELTA, an American Airline, has signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia Airlines that prohibit Jews. The legal ramifications are as follows; 1) A Jewish man books a flight to Saudi Arabia through DELTA to visit family. He arrives in Dubai and is greeted by Saudi officials and sent to prison for the infraction of being a 'Jew'. He is no longer able to contact the U.S Embassy for constitutional help as the U.S Government has signed a waiver with Saudi Arabia legalizing their actions. At this point any person living within Saudi Arabia deemed to be 'a Jew' is without an ally in the U.S.A. This is paramount to Saudi officials rounding up Jews, similar to that exercised by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party. While Saudi Arabia's position of 'No Jews Allowed' was in place years' ago, it has now been sanctioned by the U.S Government through the private sector, namely DELTA Airlines.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Heretic versus Hero - by Moses (a.k.a Stacey Marc Goldman)
The Definition of Heretic - A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Definition of Dogma - n. pl. dog•mas or dog•ma•ta (-m -t ). 1. A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith set forth in an authoritative ... manner by a church.
2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true. See Synonyms at doctrine.
3. A principle or belief or a group of them: "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present" (Abraham Lincoln).
As we enter into the year 2012 (the year in which Nostradamos forecast the end of the Roman Empire), there is much dissent from traditional views in all Monothaic faith. What should we see as ultimate truth? When there is variance, is this deviance? Perception is subjective for this reason and this dissent from an ultimate objective viewpoint (whether from the Roman Catholic Church, or any Monothaic practice for that matter) will always be ongoing. Sorry Nostradamos, there will be no War in Armageddon (City of Four – Geddon). Jerusalem won’t be overthrown on a whim of the Roman Catholic Church. 'Have no fear for atomic energy for none of them can stop - a - the time' - Bob Marley 'There is eternal life in every soul' - Moses
The Definition of Dogma - n. pl. dog•mas or dog•ma•ta (-m -t ). 1. A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith set forth in an authoritative ... manner by a church.
2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true. See Synonyms at doctrine.
3. A principle or belief or a group of them: "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present" (Abraham Lincoln).
As we enter into the year 2012 (the year in which Nostradamos forecast the end of the Roman Empire), there is much dissent from traditional views in all Monothaic faith. What should we see as ultimate truth? When there is variance, is this deviance? Perception is subjective for this reason and this dissent from an ultimate objective viewpoint (whether from the Roman Catholic Church, or any Monothaic practice for that matter) will always be ongoing. Sorry Nostradamos, there will be no War in Armageddon (City of Four – Geddon). Jerusalem won’t be overthrown on a whim of the Roman Catholic Church. 'Have no fear for atomic energy for none of them can stop - a - the time' - Bob Marley 'There is eternal life in every soul' - Moses
Monday, June 13, 2011
G.A.T.T Revisited - by Moses (a.k.a Stacey Marc Goldman)
G.A.T.T (General Agreements of Tariffs and Trade)
By Stacey Goldman
An employee base is always able to be varied. 750,000 employees are able to be broken down into smaller amounts under different Holding Companies, with one or more Multinational.
Distribution from each Holding Company to a competitive market place yields price. Distribution from each multinational to their Holding Companies yields supply. An increase in multinationals yields markets.
For example, in banking, the government is represented in Canada by our Chartered banks (C.I.B.C, Bank of Montreal, Scotia-bank, Toronto Dominion, Royal Bank of Canada). Each Chartered bank is a multinational. Each region (city) is represented as a holding company. It’s retail at the branch level. The government’s printing the money and giving it to each Chartered bank (multinational). Each head office of each Multinational supplies each region (holding company).
Every branch is part of a competitive market place and this is where we see economics principle of ‘Laissez Faire’ or, ‘let the market stand’.
Recently we have seen other multinationals enter our banking sector. The Netherlands, the U.S.A, China, and Japan are creating markets of trade as their governments have closer ties with us now compared to earlier days.
In other words, should you want to visit Holland there are friendly trading agreements between us and that breeds sentiment. Supply in any industry is a result of the parent company (multinational) distributing to its holding companies (also known as the parent company). Choice of volume (market) is an imperative context in this analogy.
The logic of having more markets (an influx of multinationals) is as follows. Say the U.N divided $50 Trillion Cdn evenly amongst the 2 billion people that are below the Canadian poverty line worldwide, how would these people be able to buy their food should there be no Market there?
This brief analysis of Multinationals can be summed up by the following analogy;
Chrysler Motors is the Multinational. Mitsubishi is a Holding Company of Chrysler Motors. The Model Automobile ‘Eclipse’, is the Manufacturer (made in a designated plant). The Distributor is the Automobile Dealer, and, the Wholesaler/Retailer is the finance company that the customer uses in payment method.
Cost of Living and Inflation
Cost of Living
What an item is valued at in the present, in relation to what an item was valued at in the past, and what an item will be worth in the future.
For example (in Canada) – the past
1) Staples - 10 years ago is ruminatory (past, present, future). A corned beef sandwich is $4.50.
2) Luxuries - 10 years ago is ruminatory and an Automobile (median) is $20,000.
For example (in Canada) – the present
1) Staples – A corned beef sandwich costs $5.50.
2) Luxuries – An Automobile (median) is $25,000.
For example (in Canada) – the future
1) Staples – In 10 years a corned beef sandwich costs $5
2) Luxuries – In 10 years an Automobile (median) costs $30,000.
With a greater discrepancy from the top 10% income earners’ to the bottom 10%, it stands to reason that staples come down in price so that the poor do not starve, and, it stands to reason that items that are luxuries goes up in price – to accommodate the bottom 10% income earners, and pensioners. Technology is the barometer, as when the price of a technological good comes down in price the consumer market goes up, and this is paramount to education and communication.
Inflation (Ratio’s of Currency)
1. E.E.C (European Economic Community) – Euro – Equal terms in currency.
2. North American Free Trade Agreement – Greater parody today than before the Treaty.
3. African Congress – Initiative was to unify the Continent and remove economic sanctions within.
4. Asia and America – Dynasty’s – Japan in the East, and, Colombia in the West.
i.e. – Once two countries trade on par, the cost of living is reduced, as there are less tariffs (government imposed taxes on other Countries goods) – also known as Levy’s. ‘When the Levy Breaks’ is a lyric from Led Zeppelin to signify equal trade around the World, and is the foundation of the General Agreements of Tariffs and Trade.
i.e. - your tomato is equal to my tomato
i.e. - your potato is equal to my potato
i.e. – your apple is equal to my apple (equal intelligence)
Bartering is the technical term behind this mentality, and includes trading one crop for another crop. Tolerance is used as a barometer to establish this sentiment of trade, hence the Worldwide use of Gold, Silver, and Platinum as these minerals are ore (of the land – a Native principle).
With respect to technology;
1) Your Apple Macintosh is equal to my Dell PC.
2) Your Cadillac is equal to my Jaguar
3) Your Pontiac Bonneville SSE is equal to my Mercury Cougar
4) Your Citroen is equal to my Saab
5) Your Squash is equal to my Honeydew
6) Your Wheat is equal to my Cocoa Bud
7) Your Land is Equal to my Land
With respect to Markets;
1) One Market per 1,000 people is fair
2) One Market per 10,000 people is arguable
3) One Market per 100,000 people is unfair and unjust
4) One Market per 1,000,000 people is slaughter
With respect to Percentile;
1) One artist affecting 1% of 100,000 people is 1,000.
2) One artist affecting 10% of 100,000 people is 10,000.
3) One artist affecting 50 artists that affect 10% of 100,000 is 500,000, known as Aggregate or Median (in this example 50,000%).
1) Annuities – Principal investment that grows with compounding interest
2) Whole Life – Paying into a lump sum settlement
3) Term-Life – Paying into a settlement that grows with a rate of interest
that compounds
4) T-Bills – Treasury Bonds – issued by Governments at buyer currency (4% return)
G.I.C – Government Issued Certificates done over terms that can be rolled over
5) Stocks and Bonds – Trading over Stock Exchanges
‘Kiddy’ Stock Market – Collectables such as Baseball and Hockey Cards
6) Information Systems – Secure internet (private search engine)
7) Technology – An old Neve Strip Input/Output Module
8) Jewelery – Star of Sapphire in 1984 - $300 – 2008 - $3,000 (rarely loses value)
Collective Bargaining
Union – Supports workers rights – division of labor
Management – Ownership
The Union leaders and legal counsel for the Owners are pro-active in renewing existing contracts between Management and the workers. This process is called Collective Bargaining. In a Collective Bargaining agreement there are four areas that are explored;
1) Pension – Paid into a fund by the employees. Usually takes inflation into account regarding a persons’ retirement (cost of living).
2) Wages – Increases are based on the escalation of cost of living. This is similar to the pension fund but is in the short term and not the long-term.
3) Profit Sharing – Companies that are highly profitable benefit from profit sharing as it’s an incentive to their employees and frees up capital that would otherwise be spent in wages – off the top.
4) Working Conditions – Example; Free Agency – In professional sports we see employees with seniority and tenure having added rights.
Ethics are relevant in the Collective Bargaining between the Union and the
Never give a dishonest offer
Fight for only what you want
Give when you want to give
Never Steal
Be Gracious
Never Discriminate
Free - Agency
1) The NHLPA was formed in 1953 by Ted Lindsey and Doug Harvey among others. The root issue was developing a Pension Fund in protecting the players’ from low-saddling Owners. In other words 4% of each Players salary was paid directly from the players’ paychecks to the Pension Fund, guaranteeing an income for the players following their retirement. Ted Lindsey was traded by the Detroit Red Wings Owner James Norris to his brothers’ Chicago Black Hawks (from the best team to the worst team) for his involvement in establishing Collective Bargaining through the NHLPA Union. Free Agency was soon addressed.
2) In 1955 Roberto Clemente was put on Waivers by the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Pittsburgh Pirates signed him immediately as he was a Free-Agent, as reported by the Dodgers. In those days the only way a player could claim Free-Agency status was when his ball-club sent him to waivers. A sign of things to come.
3) Marvin Miller was named as the first MLBPA Union Leader in 1969. His credentials included being the chief negotiator for the Steelworkers’ Union dealing with President Lyndon Johnson in order to sidestep a National Strike.
4) In late 1971 Curt Flood, of the St. Louis Cardinals, decided to sit out the ’72 season trying to claim Free-Agency as he wasn’t happy with his arrangement with the Cards’. After the season the St. Louis Cardinals released Flood, and no team in Baseball picked him up even though he was still in his prime, he was blackballed thus ending his career.
5) In 1974, Andy Messersmith and two other Ballplayers decided to test the waters again. They sat out the whole year testing the Reserve Clause that Flood had previously done. In the Reserve Clause (established by the Owners at the turn of the 20th Century) it states that a player is bound to his team for the duration of his career (essentially slavery) unless a) He was traded, or, b) His contract expired – and teams always had the option of re-signing a Ballplayer at the end of each year. At the end of the 1974 season Marvin Miller pushed the issue before an arbitrary Arbitrator named by the Owners and Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. The root issue was; Are the three players that sat out the year still under contract? The decision made was that they were not under contract; therefore they were Free-Agents. Messersmith became the first Free-Agent signing ever (with the Dodgers).
Currency Exchange and Stock Markets
1: 10 = log10
1: 100 = log20
1: 1,000 =log30
1: 10,000 =log40
1: 10,000,000,000 =log100
Logarithms are a premise for Stock Markets (dividing shares).
Today in the U.S.A the average Household income is roughly $50,000 U.S. In Southeast Asia and Northeast Africa, the average yearly Household income is roughly 125,000 Japanese Yen. The U.S Dollar traded at roughly 1:500 Japanese Yen (likewise 500:1 from Yen – U.S Dollar) in 1990 (currently 150:1), therefore the people in these regions in the World take in roughly $250 U.S/Year per Household. Traditionally, Southeast China’s Labor force has been exploited by the Western World. This was supposed to end in 2001 when Great Britain left Hong Kong to Mainland China. In the last Seven Years ($250 U.S X 500,000,000 households equals $125,000,000,000,000,000 U.S X 7 = $875 Zillion U.S– as each tenth is a market, therefore adding an additional variable to the equation – Hence the added three Zero’s) the U.S.A has exploited Mainland China of $875,000,000,000,000,000 U.S Dollars, AS THE PEOPLE WERE PAYED IN JAPANESE YEN!!! At this point the money was cash converted into Chinese Yuen trading at 6.8:1 U.S Dollar giving each household in these masses a Grand Total of 1,700 Chinese Yuen/ Year to live off of.
Through analysis;
1) The U.S Dollar will be devalued to roughly 1/100 its’ current value on the World Market in relation to the Chinese Yuen, as the U.S owes them HARD CURRENCY.
2) As the U.S Dollar reaches parody to the Chinese Yuen, a DVD burner that is currently selling for $40 U.S will adjust accordingly in price to the parody exchange. Bringing the cost of a DVD burner to $272 U.S Dollars = 272 Chinese Yuen.
3) Multinationals will grow exponentially throughout the World to compensate for the dying masses World-wide.
4) Currency will no longer be associated with the Machiavelan Principle of ‘Power’. In other words people will no longer be perceived by a Dollar, as life (or Currency) is not related to the Almighty Dollar.
5) Worldwide Identification will be issued by each Government to insure a person’s wants and needs are met.
Principles of Markets
1. Average – Total invested divided by number of investors. E.G - 60% return of 500 is 300
2. Percentile – 100,000 total investors makes the 80,000 - 90,000 investors between 80th%-90th%
3. Median - % of investors versus total investors – 60% return could very well be 80% average return as the median is based solely on percentiles and 60% return could very well be the 80th percentile
4. Aggregate Sum – Total sum of all invested
By Stacey Goldman
An employee base is always able to be varied. 750,000 employees are able to be broken down into smaller amounts under different Holding Companies, with one or more Multinational.
Distribution from each Holding Company to a competitive market place yields price. Distribution from each multinational to their Holding Companies yields supply. An increase in multinationals yields markets.
For example, in banking, the government is represented in Canada by our Chartered banks (C.I.B.C, Bank of Montreal, Scotia-bank, Toronto Dominion, Royal Bank of Canada). Each Chartered bank is a multinational. Each region (city) is represented as a holding company. It’s retail at the branch level. The government’s printing the money and giving it to each Chartered bank (multinational). Each head office of each Multinational supplies each region (holding company).
Every branch is part of a competitive market place and this is where we see economics principle of ‘Laissez Faire’ or, ‘let the market stand’.
Recently we have seen other multinationals enter our banking sector. The Netherlands, the U.S.A, China, and Japan are creating markets of trade as their governments have closer ties with us now compared to earlier days.
In other words, should you want to visit Holland there are friendly trading agreements between us and that breeds sentiment. Supply in any industry is a result of the parent company (multinational) distributing to its holding companies (also known as the parent company). Choice of volume (market) is an imperative context in this analogy.
The logic of having more markets (an influx of multinationals) is as follows. Say the U.N divided $50 Trillion Cdn evenly amongst the 2 billion people that are below the Canadian poverty line worldwide, how would these people be able to buy their food should there be no Market there?
This brief analysis of Multinationals can be summed up by the following analogy;
Chrysler Motors is the Multinational. Mitsubishi is a Holding Company of Chrysler Motors. The Model Automobile ‘Eclipse’, is the Manufacturer (made in a designated plant). The Distributor is the Automobile Dealer, and, the Wholesaler/Retailer is the finance company that the customer uses in payment method.
Cost of Living and Inflation
Cost of Living
What an item is valued at in the present, in relation to what an item was valued at in the past, and what an item will be worth in the future.
For example (in Canada) – the past
1) Staples - 10 years ago is ruminatory (past, present, future). A corned beef sandwich is $4.50.
2) Luxuries - 10 years ago is ruminatory and an Automobile (median) is $20,000.
For example (in Canada) – the present
1) Staples – A corned beef sandwich costs $5.50.
2) Luxuries – An Automobile (median) is $25,000.
For example (in Canada) – the future
1) Staples – In 10 years a corned beef sandwich costs $5
2) Luxuries – In 10 years an Automobile (median) costs $30,000.
With a greater discrepancy from the top 10% income earners’ to the bottom 10%, it stands to reason that staples come down in price so that the poor do not starve, and, it stands to reason that items that are luxuries goes up in price – to accommodate the bottom 10% income earners, and pensioners. Technology is the barometer, as when the price of a technological good comes down in price the consumer market goes up, and this is paramount to education and communication.
Inflation (Ratio’s of Currency)
1. E.E.C (European Economic Community) – Euro – Equal terms in currency.
2. North American Free Trade Agreement – Greater parody today than before the Treaty.
3. African Congress – Initiative was to unify the Continent and remove economic sanctions within.
4. Asia and America – Dynasty’s – Japan in the East, and, Colombia in the West.
i.e. – Once two countries trade on par, the cost of living is reduced, as there are less tariffs (government imposed taxes on other Countries goods) – also known as Levy’s. ‘When the Levy Breaks’ is a lyric from Led Zeppelin to signify equal trade around the World, and is the foundation of the General Agreements of Tariffs and Trade.
i.e. - your tomato is equal to my tomato
i.e. - your potato is equal to my potato
i.e. – your apple is equal to my apple (equal intelligence)
Bartering is the technical term behind this mentality, and includes trading one crop for another crop. Tolerance is used as a barometer to establish this sentiment of trade, hence the Worldwide use of Gold, Silver, and Platinum as these minerals are ore (of the land – a Native principle).
With respect to technology;
1) Your Apple Macintosh is equal to my Dell PC.
2) Your Cadillac is equal to my Jaguar
3) Your Pontiac Bonneville SSE is equal to my Mercury Cougar
4) Your Citroen is equal to my Saab
5) Your Squash is equal to my Honeydew
6) Your Wheat is equal to my Cocoa Bud
7) Your Land is Equal to my Land
With respect to Markets;
1) One Market per 1,000 people is fair
2) One Market per 10,000 people is arguable
3) One Market per 100,000 people is unfair and unjust
4) One Market per 1,000,000 people is slaughter
With respect to Percentile;
1) One artist affecting 1% of 100,000 people is 1,000.
2) One artist affecting 10% of 100,000 people is 10,000.
3) One artist affecting 50 artists that affect 10% of 100,000 is 500,000, known as Aggregate or Median (in this example 50,000%).
1) Annuities – Principal investment that grows with compounding interest
2) Whole Life – Paying into a lump sum settlement
3) Term-Life – Paying into a settlement that grows with a rate of interest
that compounds
4) T-Bills – Treasury Bonds – issued by Governments at buyer currency (4% return)
G.I.C – Government Issued Certificates done over terms that can be rolled over
5) Stocks and Bonds – Trading over Stock Exchanges
‘Kiddy’ Stock Market – Collectables such as Baseball and Hockey Cards
6) Information Systems – Secure internet (private search engine)
7) Technology – An old Neve Strip Input/Output Module
8) Jewelery – Star of Sapphire in 1984 - $300 – 2008 - $3,000 (rarely loses value)
Collective Bargaining
Union – Supports workers rights – division of labor
Management – Ownership
The Union leaders and legal counsel for the Owners are pro-active in renewing existing contracts between Management and the workers. This process is called Collective Bargaining. In a Collective Bargaining agreement there are four areas that are explored;
1) Pension – Paid into a fund by the employees. Usually takes inflation into account regarding a persons’ retirement (cost of living).
2) Wages – Increases are based on the escalation of cost of living. This is similar to the pension fund but is in the short term and not the long-term.
3) Profit Sharing – Companies that are highly profitable benefit from profit sharing as it’s an incentive to their employees and frees up capital that would otherwise be spent in wages – off the top.
4) Working Conditions – Example; Free Agency – In professional sports we see employees with seniority and tenure having added rights.
Ethics are relevant in the Collective Bargaining between the Union and the
Never give a dishonest offer
Fight for only what you want
Give when you want to give
Never Steal
Be Gracious
Never Discriminate
Free - Agency
1) The NHLPA was formed in 1953 by Ted Lindsey and Doug Harvey among others. The root issue was developing a Pension Fund in protecting the players’ from low-saddling Owners. In other words 4% of each Players salary was paid directly from the players’ paychecks to the Pension Fund, guaranteeing an income for the players following their retirement. Ted Lindsey was traded by the Detroit Red Wings Owner James Norris to his brothers’ Chicago Black Hawks (from the best team to the worst team) for his involvement in establishing Collective Bargaining through the NHLPA Union. Free Agency was soon addressed.
2) In 1955 Roberto Clemente was put on Waivers by the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Pittsburgh Pirates signed him immediately as he was a Free-Agent, as reported by the Dodgers. In those days the only way a player could claim Free-Agency status was when his ball-club sent him to waivers. A sign of things to come.
3) Marvin Miller was named as the first MLBPA Union Leader in 1969. His credentials included being the chief negotiator for the Steelworkers’ Union dealing with President Lyndon Johnson in order to sidestep a National Strike.
4) In late 1971 Curt Flood, of the St. Louis Cardinals, decided to sit out the ’72 season trying to claim Free-Agency as he wasn’t happy with his arrangement with the Cards’. After the season the St. Louis Cardinals released Flood, and no team in Baseball picked him up even though he was still in his prime, he was blackballed thus ending his career.
5) In 1974, Andy Messersmith and two other Ballplayers decided to test the waters again. They sat out the whole year testing the Reserve Clause that Flood had previously done. In the Reserve Clause (established by the Owners at the turn of the 20th Century) it states that a player is bound to his team for the duration of his career (essentially slavery) unless a) He was traded, or, b) His contract expired – and teams always had the option of re-signing a Ballplayer at the end of each year. At the end of the 1974 season Marvin Miller pushed the issue before an arbitrary Arbitrator named by the Owners and Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. The root issue was; Are the three players that sat out the year still under contract? The decision made was that they were not under contract; therefore they were Free-Agents. Messersmith became the first Free-Agent signing ever (with the Dodgers).
Currency Exchange and Stock Markets
1: 10 = log10
1: 100 = log20
1: 1,000 =log30
1: 10,000 =log40
1: 10,000,000,000 =log100
Logarithms are a premise for Stock Markets (dividing shares).
Today in the U.S.A the average Household income is roughly $50,000 U.S. In Southeast Asia and Northeast Africa, the average yearly Household income is roughly 125,000 Japanese Yen. The U.S Dollar traded at roughly 1:500 Japanese Yen (likewise 500:1 from Yen – U.S Dollar) in 1990 (currently 150:1), therefore the people in these regions in the World take in roughly $250 U.S/Year per Household. Traditionally, Southeast China’s Labor force has been exploited by the Western World. This was supposed to end in 2001 when Great Britain left Hong Kong to Mainland China. In the last Seven Years ($250 U.S X 500,000,000 households equals $125,000,000,000,000,000 U.S X 7 = $875 Zillion U.S– as each tenth is a market, therefore adding an additional variable to the equation – Hence the added three Zero’s) the U.S.A has exploited Mainland China of $875,000,000,000,000,000 U.S Dollars, AS THE PEOPLE WERE PAYED IN JAPANESE YEN!!! At this point the money was cash converted into Chinese Yuen trading at 6.8:1 U.S Dollar giving each household in these masses a Grand Total of 1,700 Chinese Yuen/ Year to live off of.
Through analysis;
1) The U.S Dollar will be devalued to roughly 1/100 its’ current value on the World Market in relation to the Chinese Yuen, as the U.S owes them HARD CURRENCY.
2) As the U.S Dollar reaches parody to the Chinese Yuen, a DVD burner that is currently selling for $40 U.S will adjust accordingly in price to the parody exchange. Bringing the cost of a DVD burner to $272 U.S Dollars = 272 Chinese Yuen.
3) Multinationals will grow exponentially throughout the World to compensate for the dying masses World-wide.
4) Currency will no longer be associated with the Machiavelan Principle of ‘Power’. In other words people will no longer be perceived by a Dollar, as life (or Currency) is not related to the Almighty Dollar.
5) Worldwide Identification will be issued by each Government to insure a person’s wants and needs are met.
Principles of Markets
1. Average – Total invested divided by number of investors. E.G - 60% return of 500 is 300
2. Percentile – 100,000 total investors makes the 80,000 - 90,000 investors between 80th%-90th%
3. Median - % of investors versus total investors – 60% return could very well be 80% average return as the median is based solely on percentiles and 60% return could very well be the 80th percentile
4. Aggregate Sum – Total sum of all invested
The Commodore 64 - by Moses (a.k.a Stacey Marc Goldman)
The Commodore 64
In 1979, the Commodore 64 came out into the consumer market in North America. With 64 kilobytes it was reasoned a person could document anything and everything in their home to their satisfaction. The system carried a Hard-drive, Monitor, Floppy Disk Drive, and keyboard for roughly $700/Unit. An advancement on technology it was reasoned. You can store 64 kilobytes of information. The future, it promised. In 1977 alone the company NORTEL was trading at 150/share.
Times have definitely changed as NORTEL currently trades at 7 cents/share, and as of today June 13, 2011, here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada an 8 gigabyte flashcard sells for under $15/unit. Therefore it can store 125,000 Commodore 64’s. At $700/Unit this would mean that in 1979 had you wanted to back everything up from your hard-drive to an 8 gigabyte flashcard instantaneously it would cost you $87,500,000. Even at that you’d have to download 125,000 units at separate times (meaning that you’d be backing things up for months on end/8-gig flashcard). Today there is not just one Port (or Protocol). We now see U.S.B, AES/EBU, SPIDF, even M.I.D.I (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) protocols, otherwise known as Time-codes.
Here is the dilemma when analyzing these appalling figures;
In 1979 $87,500,000 consumer dollars were required to do this lump sum work as the mainframe network was purely done through Military Application software. However, the Military Application software cost about $3,000,000. Therefore if you were associated with the North American Military in 1979, it only cost you $3,000,000 to gather your intelligence. Since it’s naïve to assume that Governments haven’t somewhat stocked and barreled this is what I’d like to know;
Say you’ve got a card that gives you access to something and everything. Does this preclude others from necessities in life? For that to occur within the World would mean this. Governments Worldwide have been exempt from being tried for not providing the Right to Life to their citizens. This is the same premise as paying $3,000,000 with a card, and, $87,500,000 without this card.
Say you had an 8-gigabyte flashcard interfaced to your Protocol Port of every Commodore 64, in 1979. This would mean that you’d have enough storage space to monitor 125,000 computers all at the same time. Through this number crunching, an 8-terabyte flashcard could monitor 125,000,000 Commodores – exponential is the relevant analogy in this context.
Have early Home Computers been made obsolete? Has the know how of how to program a computer been erased from the equation? I would still imagine that being able to program an actual instrument, super-cedes having $20 to buy the M.I.D.I trigger.
In 1979, the Commodore 64 came out into the consumer market in North America. With 64 kilobytes it was reasoned a person could document anything and everything in their home to their satisfaction. The system carried a Hard-drive, Monitor, Floppy Disk Drive, and keyboard for roughly $700/Unit. An advancement on technology it was reasoned. You can store 64 kilobytes of information. The future, it promised. In 1977 alone the company NORTEL was trading at 150/share.
Times have definitely changed as NORTEL currently trades at 7 cents/share, and as of today June 13, 2011, here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada an 8 gigabyte flashcard sells for under $15/unit. Therefore it can store 125,000 Commodore 64’s. At $700/Unit this would mean that in 1979 had you wanted to back everything up from your hard-drive to an 8 gigabyte flashcard instantaneously it would cost you $87,500,000. Even at that you’d have to download 125,000 units at separate times (meaning that you’d be backing things up for months on end/8-gig flashcard). Today there is not just one Port (or Protocol). We now see U.S.B, AES/EBU, SPIDF, even M.I.D.I (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) protocols, otherwise known as Time-codes.
Here is the dilemma when analyzing these appalling figures;
In 1979 $87,500,000 consumer dollars were required to do this lump sum work as the mainframe network was purely done through Military Application software. However, the Military Application software cost about $3,000,000. Therefore if you were associated with the North American Military in 1979, it only cost you $3,000,000 to gather your intelligence. Since it’s naïve to assume that Governments haven’t somewhat stocked and barreled this is what I’d like to know;
Say you’ve got a card that gives you access to something and everything. Does this preclude others from necessities in life? For that to occur within the World would mean this. Governments Worldwide have been exempt from being tried for not providing the Right to Life to their citizens. This is the same premise as paying $3,000,000 with a card, and, $87,500,000 without this card.
Say you had an 8-gigabyte flashcard interfaced to your Protocol Port of every Commodore 64, in 1979. This would mean that you’d have enough storage space to monitor 125,000 computers all at the same time. Through this number crunching, an 8-terabyte flashcard could monitor 125,000,000 Commodores – exponential is the relevant analogy in this context.
Have early Home Computers been made obsolete? Has the know how of how to program a computer been erased from the equation? I would still imagine that being able to program an actual instrument, super-cedes having $20 to buy the M.I.D.I trigger.
Video Games Revisited - by Moses (a.k.a Stacey Marc Goldman)
Video Games
Ports (Interface Units) and Recording Studio’s
1. Abbey Road
2. Le Studio (Morin Heights)
3. Trident
4. Maclear
5. Cherry Beach
6. Turtle Beach
7. Metalworks
8. Bearsville
9. Studio 306
10. Casablanca
11. Q107 – Skylab
12. Walt Disney Studio’s
13. Lucas Sound
14. Many unnamed Governments and Broadcasters
15. AES/EBU European Broadcast Union(European Protocol)
16. SPDIF Philips(American Protocol)
17. U.S.B
18. Optical – Crystal
19. Fiber-Optics
20. VHF/UHF – Antenna
21. M.I.D.I – Musical Instrument Digital Interface
22. Atari
23. Williams
24. Sega
25. Nintendo
26. Apple
27. Olivetti
28. I.B.M – Internal Business Machines
29. Commodore
30. Coleco-vision
31. Acti-vision
32. Intelli-vision
33. Tascam
34. Alesis
35. Sony
36. Maxell
37. TDK
38. Yamaha
39. Akai
40. Kurtzweil
41. Neve
42. Westar
43. Neotek
44. Studer
45. Bryson
46. Carver
47. Bell Meridian
48. Cellular
49. Satellite
50. Sonar – Leagues/Steinberg’s' Cu-Base
Video Games
1. Zapper
2. Galaga
3. Space Invaders
4. Galaxian
5. Missile Command
6. Donkey Kong
7. John Elway Football
8. Tommy Lasorda Baseball
9. Dragon’s Lair – Virtual Reality
10. Frogger
11. Qix
12. Labyrinth *
13. Tempest
14. Defender
15. Centipede
16. Pac Man
17. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
18. Super Mario Brothers
19. Tetras
20. Q-Bert
21. Joust
22. Track and Field
23. Asteroids
24. Star Wars
25. Speed
26. Miss Pac Man
27. Pitfalls
28. The Body Synth–The human is the game or character/Muscles making
visuals, music, cyborg.
Dimensia and Polarization
1. Modes – Lydian, Phrygian, Dorian, Locrian – Set Scales
2. Octaves – Thirds, Fifths, Sevenths – Scale to Scale
3. Uni – Two Dimensional
4. Bi – Two Dimensional with Common Frequency
5. Tri – Three Dimensional
6. Holographic - Three Dimensional with Common Frequency
6. Quadraphonic – Surround Sound
7. Pentagon – Intelligence Gathering Techniques
8. Hexagon – Star
9. Septagon – Million
10. Octagon – 8th Dimension
11. Tetragon – Dan or Highest level in Martial Arts
12. Decigon - Highest/Billion
13. Uni-directional – Taking in at/from one direction
14. bi-Polar - Taking in from two directions at once
15. Omni-directional – Taking in from all directions at once
16. Cardioid – Heart shaped envelope
17. Hyper-Cardioid – Heart shape with a Penis for greater sensitivity
Video Games – Legend
1. Start of Game – Life
2. Game Over – Death and Desensitization
3. High Score – Material
4. Increased Speed – Levels
5. % of hits – Success Rate
6. Virtual Reality – Identifying with the characters
7. Memory – The players’ imagination and talent
8. Discovering Hidden Screens – Conquest
9. Ability – Confidence
In the 1970’s when Video Games were introduced into our communities, the premise was simple – Kill the Alien, anything that is a threat to us - shoot an alien, shoot an asteroid, shoot a Centipede. These games were in-offensive to most. The person who played these games were expediting their rate to achieve high scores. Today, most Video Games employ hand to hand combat, and other acts of violence. When Video Games first came out there were many arcades in Mega-Cities and the usual form of playing was done standing. Today most people play their Video Games from home-systems – usually played while sitting.
In the Tom Clancy novel ‘Games of State’, the concern that he had was that Video Games would be used as a weapon to disorient people into believing that ‘Blacks’ should be exterminated, as had been employed by the ‘KKK’ – ZERO TOLERANCE TOWARDS RACE MIXING.
On the internet today, practically any and all Video Games can be uploaded and downloaded onto a persons’ hard-drive. This is different from twenty years ago when a person had to buy the software. Today, hard-drives are ports, communication devices (with internal tracking a.k.a G.P.S - Ground Positional Systems). Therefore, any electronic device or cable used in our modern day carries with it a built in limiter in the Hardware (now considered a port). This chip can be activated outside of the home (each hardware component exists within the mainframe – a software design. Modulation (or synthesis) is used as a measure of issuing commands or triggers. In a natural state these commands carry no meaning – in other words, passive resistance is a defence mechanism used to combat impulses.
Closed circuit television was employed as a premise to define each Nuclear Household with respect to our programming. In our modern day – since 1990 - we now see many 24/7 businesses. By this perspective, the psychology of our time has changed in relation to the 70’s and 80’s when almost 100% of the population worked a conformed 9am-5pm position. Since virtual reality Video Games were introduced and when the Telecommunications industry became much more de-regulated, peoples’ psychology changed. In this writers’ opinion, we’ve become de-sensitized, and we’re experiencing gross acts of violence around the World as a result. Once there is a removal of programs within an operating system, this form of sensory deprivation is essentially psychological warfare. A rational person that consciously experiences this becomes disoriented. This is Tom Clancy’s fear. At the point of being triggered, or, having information withheld, a person will naturally combat. To see things clearly is paramount. Once time and depth perception changes, this is a form of terror. A person will naturally deduce based on whatever stimulae their given (how a person feels) - kismet.
Ports (Interface Units) and Recording Studio’s
1. Abbey Road
2. Le Studio (Morin Heights)
3. Trident
4. Maclear
5. Cherry Beach
6. Turtle Beach
7. Metalworks
8. Bearsville
9. Studio 306
10. Casablanca
11. Q107 – Skylab
12. Walt Disney Studio’s
13. Lucas Sound
14. Many unnamed Governments and Broadcasters
15. AES/EBU European Broadcast Union(European Protocol)
16. SPDIF Philips(American Protocol)
17. U.S.B
18. Optical – Crystal
19. Fiber-Optics
20. VHF/UHF – Antenna
21. M.I.D.I – Musical Instrument Digital Interface
22. Atari
23. Williams
24. Sega
25. Nintendo
26. Apple
27. Olivetti
28. I.B.M – Internal Business Machines
29. Commodore
30. Coleco-vision
31. Acti-vision
32. Intelli-vision
33. Tascam
34. Alesis
35. Sony
36. Maxell
37. TDK
38. Yamaha
39. Akai
40. Kurtzweil
41. Neve
42. Westar
43. Neotek
44. Studer
45. Bryson
46. Carver
47. Bell Meridian
48. Cellular
49. Satellite
50. Sonar – Leagues/Steinberg’s' Cu-Base
Video Games
1. Zapper
2. Galaga
3. Space Invaders
4. Galaxian
5. Missile Command
6. Donkey Kong
7. John Elway Football
8. Tommy Lasorda Baseball
9. Dragon’s Lair – Virtual Reality
10. Frogger
11. Qix
12. Labyrinth *
13. Tempest
14. Defender
15. Centipede
16. Pac Man
17. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
18. Super Mario Brothers
19. Tetras
20. Q-Bert
21. Joust
22. Track and Field
23. Asteroids
24. Star Wars
25. Speed
26. Miss Pac Man
27. Pitfalls
28. The Body Synth–The human is the game or character/Muscles making
visuals, music, cyborg.
Dimensia and Polarization
1. Modes – Lydian, Phrygian, Dorian, Locrian – Set Scales
2. Octaves – Thirds, Fifths, Sevenths – Scale to Scale
3. Uni – Two Dimensional
4. Bi – Two Dimensional with Common Frequency
5. Tri – Three Dimensional
6. Holographic - Three Dimensional with Common Frequency
6. Quadraphonic – Surround Sound
7. Pentagon – Intelligence Gathering Techniques
8. Hexagon – Star
9. Septagon – Million
10. Octagon – 8th Dimension
11. Tetragon – Dan or Highest level in Martial Arts
12. Decigon - Highest/Billion
13. Uni-directional – Taking in at/from one direction
14. bi-Polar - Taking in from two directions at once
15. Omni-directional – Taking in from all directions at once
16. Cardioid – Heart shaped envelope
17. Hyper-Cardioid – Heart shape with a Penis for greater sensitivity
Video Games – Legend
1. Start of Game – Life
2. Game Over – Death and Desensitization
3. High Score – Material
4. Increased Speed – Levels
5. % of hits – Success Rate
6. Virtual Reality – Identifying with the characters
7. Memory – The players’ imagination and talent
8. Discovering Hidden Screens – Conquest
9. Ability – Confidence
In the 1970’s when Video Games were introduced into our communities, the premise was simple – Kill the Alien, anything that is a threat to us - shoot an alien, shoot an asteroid, shoot a Centipede. These games were in-offensive to most. The person who played these games were expediting their rate to achieve high scores. Today, most Video Games employ hand to hand combat, and other acts of violence. When Video Games first came out there were many arcades in Mega-Cities and the usual form of playing was done standing. Today most people play their Video Games from home-systems – usually played while sitting.
In the Tom Clancy novel ‘Games of State’, the concern that he had was that Video Games would be used as a weapon to disorient people into believing that ‘Blacks’ should be exterminated, as had been employed by the ‘KKK’ – ZERO TOLERANCE TOWARDS RACE MIXING.
On the internet today, practically any and all Video Games can be uploaded and downloaded onto a persons’ hard-drive. This is different from twenty years ago when a person had to buy the software. Today, hard-drives are ports, communication devices (with internal tracking a.k.a G.P.S - Ground Positional Systems). Therefore, any electronic device or cable used in our modern day carries with it a built in limiter in the Hardware (now considered a port). This chip can be activated outside of the home (each hardware component exists within the mainframe – a software design. Modulation (or synthesis) is used as a measure of issuing commands or triggers. In a natural state these commands carry no meaning – in other words, passive resistance is a defence mechanism used to combat impulses.
Closed circuit television was employed as a premise to define each Nuclear Household with respect to our programming. In our modern day – since 1990 - we now see many 24/7 businesses. By this perspective, the psychology of our time has changed in relation to the 70’s and 80’s when almost 100% of the population worked a conformed 9am-5pm position. Since virtual reality Video Games were introduced and when the Telecommunications industry became much more de-regulated, peoples’ psychology changed. In this writers’ opinion, we’ve become de-sensitized, and we’re experiencing gross acts of violence around the World as a result. Once there is a removal of programs within an operating system, this form of sensory deprivation is essentially psychological warfare. A rational person that consciously experiences this becomes disoriented. This is Tom Clancy’s fear. At the point of being triggered, or, having information withheld, a person will naturally combat. To see things clearly is paramount. Once time and depth perception changes, this is a form of terror. A person will naturally deduce based on whatever stimulae their given (how a person feels) - kismet.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Airwaves - by Moses
In the 50’s airwaves hit the mainstream without headphones. We lived in North America without the pretension of actually knowing something contrary to ones’ belief. During this time we saw the Korean War and the Cuban missile crisis a few years later. In the Eighties we saw the advent of ‘the Walkman’ and many people wore headphones to fight their thoughts. Fighting ones’ thoughts outside ones’ reality is paramount to conflict. ‘When the appearance of conflict, meets the appearance of force.’ *
Today, in most North American’ Cities, people wear headphones, or hearing aids, with uncommon frequency. This is essentially defining what one thinks, or makes thought an ambiguity. The quantification of thought will always be undefined for this reason. To a musician this is known as pitch bend. This is why Bob Marley wrote ‘Have no fear for atomic energy, for none of them can stop-a-the time.’ ‘All Dogs go to Heaven’ was filmed on this premise. What would have happened if Iran was a friend of Iraq and a friend of the U.S.A (likewise Iraq), at the same time. This would mean that there was no conflict to begin with. A dictionary is of such lessons; ambiguous interpretations of context. The definition of synonym has roughly 50 meanings, each unique to different circumstances of context.
* - a lyric written by The 'Tragically Hip''s Gord Downie
In the 50’s airwaves hit the mainstream without headphones. We lived in North America without the pretension of actually knowing something contrary to ones’ belief. During this time we saw the Korean War and the Cuban missile crisis a few years later. In the Eighties we saw the advent of ‘the Walkman’ and many people wore headphones to fight their thoughts. Fighting ones’ thoughts outside ones’ reality is paramount to conflict. ‘When the appearance of conflict, meets the appearance of force.’ *
Today, in most North American’ Cities, people wear headphones, or hearing aids, with uncommon frequency. This is essentially defining what one thinks, or makes thought an ambiguity. The quantification of thought will always be undefined for this reason. To a musician this is known as pitch bend. This is why Bob Marley wrote ‘Have no fear for atomic energy, for none of them can stop-a-the time.’ ‘All Dogs go to Heaven’ was filmed on this premise. What would have happened if Iran was a friend of Iraq and a friend of the U.S.A (likewise Iraq), at the same time. This would mean that there was no conflict to begin with. A dictionary is of such lessons; ambiguous interpretations of context. The definition of synonym has roughly 50 meanings, each unique to different circumstances of context.
* - a lyric written by The 'Tragically Hip''s Gord Downie
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Top 50 Greatest Basketball Players of All-Time - by Moses
50 Greatest Basketball Players of All-Time
By Stacey Goldman (a.k.a Moses)
1. Wilt Chamberlain
2. Michael Jordan
3. Magic Johnson
4. Bill Russell
5. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
6. Julius Erving (Dr. J)
7. Oscar Robertson
8. Hakeem Olawjuwan
9. Elgin Baylor
10. Isaiah Thomas
10. Kobe Bryant
11. Steve Nash
12. David Robinson
13. Shaquille O’Neil
14. Tim Duncan
15. Larry Bird
16. Kevin Garnett
17. Charles Barkley
17. Dwayne Wade
17. Lebron James
18. Moses Malone
19. James Worthy
19. Dirk Niwitzki
20. Scottie Pippin
21. Bob Cousy
22. Karl Malone
23. Clyde Drexler
24. Dominique Wilkins
25. Joe Dumars
26. Jerry West
27. Tracy McGrady
28. Paul Pierce
29. Alonzo Mourning
30. Chris Bosh
31. Ben Wallace
32. Meadowlark Lemon
33. Jason Kidd
34. Amare Stoudamire
35. Reggie Miller/John Stockton
36. Walt Frazier
37. Willis Reed
38. Patrick Ewing/Rick Barry
39. Vince Carter
40. Bob McAdoo
41. Allen Iverson
42. Ray Allen
43. Bob Petit
44. Alex English/Adrian Dantley
45. David Thompson/Carmelo Anthony
46. Robert Parrish
47. Kevin McCale
48. Baron Davis
49. Rasheed Wallace
50. Chauncey Billups
To honour the sport of Basketball during this years' NBA Finals, I wanted to post this list of the 50 Greatest Basket-ballers of All-Time written by yours truly. Moses.
By Stacey Goldman (a.k.a Moses)
1. Wilt Chamberlain
2. Michael Jordan
3. Magic Johnson
4. Bill Russell
5. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
6. Julius Erving (Dr. J)
7. Oscar Robertson
8. Hakeem Olawjuwan
9. Elgin Baylor
10. Isaiah Thomas
10. Kobe Bryant
11. Steve Nash
12. David Robinson
13. Shaquille O’Neil
14. Tim Duncan
15. Larry Bird
16. Kevin Garnett
17. Charles Barkley
17. Dwayne Wade
17. Lebron James
18. Moses Malone
19. James Worthy
19. Dirk Niwitzki
20. Scottie Pippin
21. Bob Cousy
22. Karl Malone
23. Clyde Drexler
24. Dominique Wilkins
25. Joe Dumars
26. Jerry West
27. Tracy McGrady
28. Paul Pierce
29. Alonzo Mourning
30. Chris Bosh
31. Ben Wallace
32. Meadowlark Lemon
33. Jason Kidd
34. Amare Stoudamire
35. Reggie Miller/John Stockton
36. Walt Frazier
37. Willis Reed
38. Patrick Ewing/Rick Barry
39. Vince Carter
40. Bob McAdoo
41. Allen Iverson
42. Ray Allen
43. Bob Petit
44. Alex English/Adrian Dantley
45. David Thompson/Carmelo Anthony
46. Robert Parrish
47. Kevin McCale
48. Baron Davis
49. Rasheed Wallace
50. Chauncey Billups
To honour the sport of Basketball during this years' NBA Finals, I wanted to post this list of the 50 Greatest Basket-ballers of All-Time written by yours truly. Moses.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
NHL Hockey Comparisons During Our Stanley Cup Finals - by Moses
Mats Sundin versus Mike Modano
Both Sundin and Modano were NHL breadwinners throughout their careers. Enormous talents, both were 1st Overall picks, one year apart. They both reached their potential throughout their careers.
Sundin started his career with the Quebec Nordiques franchise. Alongside Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg, and Owen Nolan, Quebec looked poised to win Cup after Cup for years to come before re-locating to Colorado, where they fulfilled the Cup dream. Unfortunately, Sundin was traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs in his Quebec years’ before he could see the Avalanche Cup successes led by the aforementioned, and Hall of Fame Goalie Patrick Roy.
In Toronto, Sundin was the focal point for the majority of his career. While Sundin was never able to drink from the Cup, he did lead the Leafs to three Semi-Final Appearances in the late 90’s, early 00’s. Over his career, Mats was a consummate pro, scoring 31+Goals in a season 13 times!!! Sundin finished his career with the Vancouver Canucks and amassed 1349 Points (564 Goals and 785 Assists) in his storied career. He was the Maple Leafs Captain for just over ten years, the longest tenure of all the infamous Toronto Captains over the years.
Mats was only a +73 over the duration of his career, however, his 82 Points in 91 Playoff Games (38 Goals and 44 Assists) is more indicative of his worth to the Maple Leafs Chain. He is the ‘buds All-Time leading scorer, both in Goals, Assists, and Points.
Mike Modano was fortunate enough to win Lord Stanley’s’ Cup, and displayed grace throughout his career. Over 1499 Games, Modano scored 561 Goals and had 813 Assists for a total of 1374 Points. He scored 33+Goals in a year 9 times, and had 1-50 Goal Campaign to boot. During playoff matches, Modano notched 146 Points, scoring 58 Goals and drawing 88 Assists, over 176 Games. Mikey Mike was a +114 over his career, but compared to Sundin this figure is skewed as Modano’s Dallas Stars were a perennial playoff team, more-so than the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Modano started his career with the Minnesota North Stars, and when they re-located to Dallas, Mikey Mike became their Captain and unsung hero.
The mirror image of each-other in many ways, it would be unfair to rank one higher than the other. Oh, by the way, in international matches Modano led U.S.A to the Gold Medal in the 1996 World Cup of Hockey, while Sundin led Team Sweden to Gold in the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. These two men are truly class acts, and both will surely be enshrined into the Hockey Hall of Fame on their first ballots, soon to come.
Peter Stastny versus Dale Hawerchuk
Stastny and Hawerchuk were great players during the expansion of 1979, when Quebec, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Hartford joined the NHL. In 1980, a phenom from the Czechoslovakian League joined the NHL (alongside his brother), and we saw the Stastny’s in Quebec with the Nordiques. Peter was the more skilled, however, Anton and brother Peter (and later Marian Stastny) formed quite a duo (eventually a trio). All Peter did in his rookie campaign was score 39 Goals and add 70 Assists for a total of 109 Points and he took home the Calder Trophy that year. Peter Stastny went on to accumulate 6 consecutive 100+ Seasons between 1980/81-1985/86 (seven in his storied career). During Stastny’s career in the NHL he amassed 1239 Points in 977 Games (450 Goals and 789 Assists. When including his 263 Points accumulated in the Czechoslovakian League and Olympic play (in just 212 Games) we see that Peter Stastny totaled 1189 Games with 593 Goals and 909 Assists for 1502 Points!!! During his years in the NHL playoffs, Stastny tallied 105 Points in 93 Games, and adding that figure to his regular League stats, we see that Peter Stastny had 1607 Points in Elite League, and NHL Playoffs in just 1282 Games!!! Stastny was duly voted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1998.
It was in 1981 that the Winnipeg Jets signed Dale Hawerchuk as the 1st Overall pick in the Entry Draft. Hawerchuk did not disappoint. In 1981/82, Hawerchuk scored 45 Goals and added 58 Assists, his rookie year, and he took home the Calder Trophy, as Peter Stastny had done the year prior. Slipping a little off his pace in his soft-more year Dale still managed to score 91 Points (40 Goals and 51 Assists). The next 5 years saw Hawerchuk score 100+ in each year, each year scoring 37+ Goals, and neigh the 37 Goal season he was 40+ Goals each year.
Dale finished his career with 1409 Points, scoring 518 Goals and adding 891 helpers. When including the 99 Points he scored in the Playoffs (in 97 Games), we see Hawerchuk had 1508 Points in 1285 Games Played. Hawerchuk was elected into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2001. The figures he put up may be slightly behind the numbers that Stastny put up, however, Stastny may not have had the success in the NHL that he did, had he not had seasoning in the Czech League. For that reason, I would rank Stastny and Hawerchuk on par.
Now that Winnipeg finally got it's team back, let's hope that we get another team in Quebec. All I can say for this years Hockey Playoffs is GO CANUCKS!!!
Both Sundin and Modano were NHL breadwinners throughout their careers. Enormous talents, both were 1st Overall picks, one year apart. They both reached their potential throughout their careers.
Sundin started his career with the Quebec Nordiques franchise. Alongside Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg, and Owen Nolan, Quebec looked poised to win Cup after Cup for years to come before re-locating to Colorado, where they fulfilled the Cup dream. Unfortunately, Sundin was traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs in his Quebec years’ before he could see the Avalanche Cup successes led by the aforementioned, and Hall of Fame Goalie Patrick Roy.
In Toronto, Sundin was the focal point for the majority of his career. While Sundin was never able to drink from the Cup, he did lead the Leafs to three Semi-Final Appearances in the late 90’s, early 00’s. Over his career, Mats was a consummate pro, scoring 31+Goals in a season 13 times!!! Sundin finished his career with the Vancouver Canucks and amassed 1349 Points (564 Goals and 785 Assists) in his storied career. He was the Maple Leafs Captain for just over ten years, the longest tenure of all the infamous Toronto Captains over the years.
Mats was only a +73 over the duration of his career, however, his 82 Points in 91 Playoff Games (38 Goals and 44 Assists) is more indicative of his worth to the Maple Leafs Chain. He is the ‘buds All-Time leading scorer, both in Goals, Assists, and Points.
Mike Modano was fortunate enough to win Lord Stanley’s’ Cup, and displayed grace throughout his career. Over 1499 Games, Modano scored 561 Goals and had 813 Assists for a total of 1374 Points. He scored 33+Goals in a year 9 times, and had 1-50 Goal Campaign to boot. During playoff matches, Modano notched 146 Points, scoring 58 Goals and drawing 88 Assists, over 176 Games. Mikey Mike was a +114 over his career, but compared to Sundin this figure is skewed as Modano’s Dallas Stars were a perennial playoff team, more-so than the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Modano started his career with the Minnesota North Stars, and when they re-located to Dallas, Mikey Mike became their Captain and unsung hero.
The mirror image of each-other in many ways, it would be unfair to rank one higher than the other. Oh, by the way, in international matches Modano led U.S.A to the Gold Medal in the 1996 World Cup of Hockey, while Sundin led Team Sweden to Gold in the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. These two men are truly class acts, and both will surely be enshrined into the Hockey Hall of Fame on their first ballots, soon to come.
Peter Stastny versus Dale Hawerchuk
Stastny and Hawerchuk were great players during the expansion of 1979, when Quebec, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Hartford joined the NHL. In 1980, a phenom from the Czechoslovakian League joined the NHL (alongside his brother), and we saw the Stastny’s in Quebec with the Nordiques. Peter was the more skilled, however, Anton and brother Peter (and later Marian Stastny) formed quite a duo (eventually a trio). All Peter did in his rookie campaign was score 39 Goals and add 70 Assists for a total of 109 Points and he took home the Calder Trophy that year. Peter Stastny went on to accumulate 6 consecutive 100+ Seasons between 1980/81-1985/86 (seven in his storied career). During Stastny’s career in the NHL he amassed 1239 Points in 977 Games (450 Goals and 789 Assists. When including his 263 Points accumulated in the Czechoslovakian League and Olympic play (in just 212 Games) we see that Peter Stastny totaled 1189 Games with 593 Goals and 909 Assists for 1502 Points!!! During his years in the NHL playoffs, Stastny tallied 105 Points in 93 Games, and adding that figure to his regular League stats, we see that Peter Stastny had 1607 Points in Elite League, and NHL Playoffs in just 1282 Games!!! Stastny was duly voted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1998.
It was in 1981 that the Winnipeg Jets signed Dale Hawerchuk as the 1st Overall pick in the Entry Draft. Hawerchuk did not disappoint. In 1981/82, Hawerchuk scored 45 Goals and added 58 Assists, his rookie year, and he took home the Calder Trophy, as Peter Stastny had done the year prior. Slipping a little off his pace in his soft-more year Dale still managed to score 91 Points (40 Goals and 51 Assists). The next 5 years saw Hawerchuk score 100+ in each year, each year scoring 37+ Goals, and neigh the 37 Goal season he was 40+ Goals each year.
Dale finished his career with 1409 Points, scoring 518 Goals and adding 891 helpers. When including the 99 Points he scored in the Playoffs (in 97 Games), we see Hawerchuk had 1508 Points in 1285 Games Played. Hawerchuk was elected into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2001. The figures he put up may be slightly behind the numbers that Stastny put up, however, Stastny may not have had the success in the NHL that he did, had he not had seasoning in the Czech League. For that reason, I would rank Stastny and Hawerchuk on par.
Now that Winnipeg finally got it's team back, let's hope that we get another team in Quebec. All I can say for this years Hockey Playoffs is GO CANUCKS!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Greatest NHL Hockey Coaches of All-Time - by Moses
50 Greatest NHL Hockey Coaches of All-Time
1. Scotty Bowman
2. Toe Blake
3. Dick Irvin
4. Punch Imlach
5. Al Arbour
6. Glen Sather
7. Jack Adams
8. Fred Shero
9. Hap Day
10. Tommy Ivan
11. Lester Patrick
12. Pat Burns
13. Art Ross
14. Jacques Lemaire
15. Harry Sinden
16. Mike Keenan
17. Billy Reay
18. Randy Carlyle
19. Marc Crawford
20. Joel Quennville
21. Roger Nielson
22. Larry Robinson
23. Pat Quinn
24. Terry Crisp
25. John Muckler
26. Dan Bylsma
27. Mike Babcock
28. Jacques Demers
29. Don Cherry
30. Frank Boucher
31. Dave Tippett
32. Ron Wilson
33. John Tortorella
34. Peter Laviolette
35. Alain Vigneault
36. Paul Maurice
37. Jacques Martin
38. Claude Julien
39. Lindy Ruff
40. Herb Brooks
41. Emile Francis
42. Darryl Sutter
43. Guy Boucher
44. Gerry Cheevers
45. Joe Primeau
46. Bruce Boudreau
47. Todd McLellan
48. Barry Trotz
49. Lou Lamoriello
50. Bryan Murray
1. Scotty Bowman
2. Toe Blake
3. Dick Irvin
4. Punch Imlach
5. Al Arbour
6. Glen Sather
7. Jack Adams
8. Fred Shero
9. Hap Day
10. Tommy Ivan
11. Lester Patrick
12. Pat Burns
13. Art Ross
14. Jacques Lemaire
15. Harry Sinden
16. Mike Keenan
17. Billy Reay
18. Randy Carlyle
19. Marc Crawford
20. Joel Quennville
21. Roger Nielson
22. Larry Robinson
23. Pat Quinn
24. Terry Crisp
25. John Muckler
26. Dan Bylsma
27. Mike Babcock
28. Jacques Demers
29. Don Cherry
30. Frank Boucher
31. Dave Tippett
32. Ron Wilson
33. John Tortorella
34. Peter Laviolette
35. Alain Vigneault
36. Paul Maurice
37. Jacques Martin
38. Claude Julien
39. Lindy Ruff
40. Herb Brooks
41. Emile Francis
42. Darryl Sutter
43. Guy Boucher
44. Gerry Cheevers
45. Joe Primeau
46. Bruce Boudreau
47. Todd McLellan
48. Barry Trotz
49. Lou Lamoriello
50. Bryan Murray
Greatest Baseball Managers of All-Time - by Moses
50 Greatest Managers of All-Time
1. Casey Stengall
2. Joe Torre
3. Cum Posey
4. Billy Martin
5. Cito Gaston
6. Sparky Anderson
7. Dick Williams
8. Tony LaRussa
9. Connie Mack
10. Walter Alston
11. John McGraw
12. Bobby Cox
13. Tommy Lasorda
14. Earl Weaver
15. Leo Durocher
16. Tom Kelly
17. Danny Murtaugh
18. Whitey Herzog
19. Terry Francona
20. Ralph Houk
21. Dick Howser
22. Johnny Keane
23. Gene Stallings
24. Felipe Alou
25. Davey Johnson
26. Joe Altobelli
27. Jack McKeon
28. Buck Showalter
29. Mike Scoscia
30. Charlie Manual
31. Pete Rose
32. Danny Ozark
33. Jim Leland
34. Mike Hargrove
35. Bruce Bochy
36. Ozzie Guillen
37. Dusty Baker
38. Chuck Tanner
39. Jim Frey
40. Ron Washington
41. Gil Hodges
42. Frank Robinson
43. Joe Girardi
44. Jimmy Collins
45. Lou Pinella
46. John Maddon
47. Ron Gardenhire
48. Don Baylor
49. Willie Randolph
50. Eric Wedge
1. Casey Stengall
2. Joe Torre
3. Cum Posey
4. Billy Martin
5. Cito Gaston
6. Sparky Anderson
7. Dick Williams
8. Tony LaRussa
9. Connie Mack
10. Walter Alston
11. John McGraw
12. Bobby Cox
13. Tommy Lasorda
14. Earl Weaver
15. Leo Durocher
16. Tom Kelly
17. Danny Murtaugh
18. Whitey Herzog
19. Terry Francona
20. Ralph Houk
21. Dick Howser
22. Johnny Keane
23. Gene Stallings
24. Felipe Alou
25. Davey Johnson
26. Joe Altobelli
27. Jack McKeon
28. Buck Showalter
29. Mike Scoscia
30. Charlie Manual
31. Pete Rose
32. Danny Ozark
33. Jim Leland
34. Mike Hargrove
35. Bruce Bochy
36. Ozzie Guillen
37. Dusty Baker
38. Chuck Tanner
39. Jim Frey
40. Ron Washington
41. Gil Hodges
42. Frank Robinson
43. Joe Girardi
44. Jimmy Collins
45. Lou Pinella
46. John Maddon
47. Ron Gardenhire
48. Don Baylor
49. Willie Randolph
50. Eric Wedge
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