Monday, September 19, 2011

Technological, Scientific, and Physics Principles - by Moses

Theory of Relativity

1 second = 1 day
Therefore 1 day = 236.71233 years
Therefore 1 year = 86,400 years

1 cent = $100
Therefore $100 = $1,000,000
Therefore $1,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Energy = Mass x C x C (speed of light)
Mass = kinetic energy – undefined
C (speed of light) = defined by amount

In-motion – kinetic energy in its’ purest form is in-motion, undefined. This is also known as temporal time. Once temporal time is defined as spacial time (exact location, point to point), we see constellations and polar patterns. At this point, time can be quantized resulting in a shooting star. Interpolating data between two points, at absolute zero (-273 degrees centigrade or -454 degrees farenheit) cause these locations to be defined, similar to playing G-d. The paradox relationship of cause and effect is that of combustion, the big bang theory. Temporal is monitor in relation to
spacial – the source. Temporal is compression in relation to spacial – rarefaction. Temporal is temperature in relation to spacial – location. The discovery of Louis Theremin was Absolute Zero, the point at temporal time and spacial time parody. Therefore temporal is time and spacial is Frequency (A premise of the scientist Herz- a defined number of occurances over space and time). Temporal time = spacial time at Absolute Zero and at this point temporal is Amplitude (or power) and spacial is frequency (or pitch). Likewise as there is 60 seconds in a minute, temporal signifies these seconds. The micro-perspective (the measurements in between) is space, or spacial, undefined. Monitor and Source.

Triangular Effect

By taking a point on the x-axis point of origin, a point on the y-axis point of origin, and a point on the z-axis point of origin, one can locate a frequency (measurement of time). Keep in mind there are two points of origin set at (-0, -0, -0), one is the centre of the sphere and the second is similar to a satellite, sitting in space (0, 0, 0). Therefore should x = 1, y = 2, and z = 3 these following points (at x, y, z) will take place; (1, 2, 3), (0 , 2, 3), (1, 0, 3), (1, 2, 0), (0, 0, 0), and (-0, -0, -0). As per; three distinct points will allow you to locate exact location (a listing of co-ordinates), also known as the triangular effect. Three (Power Three)(Power Three) or 3 to the Power 27, at a Common Denominator. This is why in the movie ‘Stargate’ the 7th Symbol was the map of a star-constellation (the common denominator). 3 to the Power 27 is also referred to as the Death-star (from Star Wars), and at a common frequency it becomes a laser. Quantification is the legal term behind this premise.
A measurement of time can be temporal or spacial. In terms of a temporal state, frequency compresses and then dissipates. For example; 1 second is made up of 1000 milliseconds. After each millisecond there is change. In terms of spacial time, location or space, is ever changing (undefined) – hence the name space.


1. Point of origin can be a point in a sphere, outside this realm (space), and/or at a specific frequency. I) e.g. -0, -0, -0 (at core), 2) e.g. 0, 0, 0, (in space), 3) e.g. 0, 0, 0 @ 2 khz (common denominator).
2. Astrology is the Zodiac Map, time travel. Constellations are interpretations of this map. Each star has its’ own set of constellations.
3. The study of constellations, star-constellations is the interpretation of star-constellations, called astronomy.
4. Distance = Time (Herz) x Rate (speed-V).
5. Analog – Ana (diem –lifeforce) log (carpes – representation).
6. Navigation – slope = Q = M = Margin – trajectory – vision.
7. Distance = Pitch x Amplitude – frequencies { (number of occurances) x Amplitude (the undefined amount of energy it produces, known in Metric to be kilojoules – Rate – Metabolism - Physiology) } Frequency x Kinetic Energy (or Amplitude).

Space Travel

1. Travel is motion
2. Point to point
3. Velocity is the measurement of time
4. Stars that are in-motion are in time travel
5. Stars that move disperse, as motion internalized is called combustion
6. In medical terms combustion in severity is called catatonic
7. Space continuum is the foundation of locating frequencies
8. Quandrants in a sphere -4 quarters (*,*), (*,-), (-,-), (-,*)

Black Holes

Black is the culmination of all color and light. Transparency is the opposite of Black (or opaque). To see a transparent image there has to be an opaque surface to see the reflected light (transparency), and its’ ultimate destination is ‘Black light’ – refer to the back of mirror.
Looking into a ‘Black Hole’ is a paradox as this is only in reference to there being a destination after defining it to be a hole (empty). A ‘stargate’, theoretically, is the transference of energy thru this hole. Translucence in this example would be the atmosphere in which a person sees through upon opaque surfaces, essentially CO2.

Interpolation, Extrapolation, and Navigation

Interpolation – interpret, guess, projections
Extrapolation – To capture, seizing, diem, reverberence
Cartes – jeu-play-cards, pictures, vision, cortex

Carpes diem – Time period, a picture says a thousand words-years, seize the day, living in the moment, Reverberence, Leagues, Metric system, school of thought.
(Photo–graph) – (inverted to protect integrity – also known as the negatives)

Radius vs diameter – Ra-dius – half (days – Conscience, and nights – Sub-conscience)
Diem - Diameter – period, unit – doctrine - Science

Explorers and Navigators

1. Galileo – Galilean time period - Constellations
2. Columbus – Columbian Empire
3. Jacques Cartier – St. Lawrence Seaway
4. Apollo – Space Program (Original Interpretation)
5. Topolov – Space Program (Expanded Interpretation)

Relevant Scientists and Philosophers (Theology)

1. Apollo – Astrology and Astronomy – Study of Constellations, or Zodiac.
2. Galileo – Astronomist – Constellations.
3. Des Cartes – ‘I Think Therefore I am’ – ‘Seize the day’
4. Sir Issac Newton – Space – planetary gravitational field – magnetism – ions
5. Herzl – Frequency – Distance = Time (Frequency) x Velocity (Rate)
6. Topolov – Astrology and the study of Constellations - Astronomy
7. Louis Theremin – Absolute Zero – Pitch and Amplitude – A chronological state Nucleus
8. Albert Einstein – Theory of Relativity. CO (Oxygen)(Oxygen) – Air – The Atom-Nuclear Energy
9. Socrates – ‘All We are is Dust in the Wind’
10.Machiavelli – The principle of Power and Totalianistic behaviour – getting what you want, all of the time- otherwise known as intolerance, or superstition
11.Dr. Martin Luther King – ‘I Will not Move’
12.Malcolm X – ‘By Whatever Means’
13.Nelson Mandela and Stephen Biko – imprisoned for fighting Apartheid
14.Bob Dylan – ‘All Along the Watchtower’ – Monitors
15.Bob Marley – ‘How Long Must They Kill Our Prophets’ – Redemption –
16.Rabba Akiba – Theology of Talmud – Expansion – Nebiim - Mishna
17.Rabba Jose – Theology of Talmud - Expansion – Nebiim - Mishna
18.Rabba Eliezar – Theology of Talmud – Expansion – Interpretation of historical events also known as Nebiim – Mishna.

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