Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Themes Within Modern Day and Future Unions - By Moses

It is now 2011 Astra-Damanos and roughly 1/3 of the Worldwide population are living below the Canadian Poverty line. Within Canada and the Unites States alone, we see the majority of the population living paycheck to paycheck. Here are a couple of brainstorming ideas I have about resolving these internal issues within North America.

1. The Ultimate Fighting Commission (U.F.C) could in fact earn a Federal Commission of $100 Billion U.S.D as compensation for their knowledge of fighting. Shutting down the televised events of the U.F.C would be an excellent idea for our children. The fighters' within the U.F.C Union could open Dojo's and build Housing Developments with longer terms of mortgage. ie. $400/Month over 50 years for a $300,000 - $500,000 House (Property Value). At this point there would be much less poverty stricken areas in Metropolitan's across North America.
After 15 years on a 50 year mortgage@2%Annum of 1 million homes, the economy would be thriving as 1 million people would have enough disposable income to spend into the economy. This is essentially an economic stimulus. As a result cost of living would remain stable, as would inflation.

2. The Major League Baseball Players' Association (M.L.B.P.A) and the Negro League Baseball Players' Association could become on par from the earnings of all Major Leaguers. The logic is simple. African-Americans suffered enough at the hands of racist Owners until Cum Posey organized the Negro Leagues, and Branch Rickey ended segregation within Major League Baseball. This Levy to the N.L.B.P.A is a long time coming.
A 1% Levy to the M.L.B.P.A and to the N.L.B.P.A (from all Major League Ballplayers) would result in this mathematical equation; .01 X $5 Million (Avg Salary) X 1000 (# of Ballplayers within the Major Leagues) = #50 Million U.S.D/Year (for each Union).
Why is this important and relevant in our socio-economic system?
As $50 Million is generated by this Levy, the N.L.B.P.A would be in a position to hire people at decent salaries, as opposed to being a much smaller revenue generator. Currently the N.L.B.P.A is the eighth largest Baseball Union Worldwide, only capable of hiring so many people at a far less salary than is currently given to employees within the M.L.B.P.A.

This writer would love to see the day where opportunities become available in areas that are considered to 'labour of love' to the majority of the workforce. By the way, paying $400/Month towards your mortgage would still entitle you to your basic right to life.

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