Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Internal vs External Thought Process - by Moses

A thought that you agree with is your thought on that matter, therefore an internal thought process. A thought that you disagree with is an external process, as this is counter productive to ones' semblance. A thought that you agree with is not absolute truth. Perceiving that ones' thought is absolute truth causes an act of turbulence, as this is a fundamental approach to thought. At some level, everyone experiences an external thought process. To implement the ideology of never having an external thought, would essentially be mandating schizophrenia. To sort out your thoughts is innate, your affinity to the Creator of the Universe. Memory loss will sometimes occur in context to this issue.
Ampage is a key component when analyzing this issue, as when a person feels 'hell bent' they act out and make demands that in some ways affects others to act out. This is a boundaries issue as relative to whatever that demand or trigger is...
When we delve into the ideology of fundamental thought process we should consider the difference between appeasement and compromise. For example; 'Blacks' weren't allowed to fly to South Africa before 1992. Today, Jews are not allowed to fly to Saudi Arabia. To appease this ideology is essentially the legalization of Concentration Camps in that Nation. Appeasement is defined in the dictionary as; To give in to a demand that goes against your basic principles. This causes higher incidences of suicide. Compromise as defined in the dictionary is a give and take process through collective bargaining (if you see something a certain way you give or you take).
To make it illegal to be somewhere, based on Race or Creed is (or rather was) Hitler's Theology written in the Fourth Reich.

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