Friday, December 12, 2008

The Three Abrahams, "The Similareties" part #1 -by Pindsvin

The three major monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all accept Abraham as the first or founder of their respected religions. They are sometimes referred to as the Abrahamice religions. More then half the world’s population belongs to these three religions.

So if one person is credited as the founder of these three religions they must have a lot in common. -all three religions were founded by people that originated from Semitic desert nomadic tribes in the Middle East.-all three religions believe in the same all powerful, supreme God.- all believe that God created the universe in six days, and then rested for one day; hence the seven day week.
-all three religions share key prophets such as Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, and Moses.
-they all have a holy book, Torah, Bible, and Qur’an, that teaches morality, non-violence, social responsibilities, how to live a righteous life.
-they all have prophets as the most signifying person or leader of their respective religions, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, and all three claimed to be descendants of Abraham. In other words they are all related to each other.
-all three Abrahamice religions believe in a cosmic war between good and evil. God and Satin are at war and humans have to take sides.
-all share the same Creation and the concept that God works through history.
-all condemn homosexuality, and sexual activities outside of marriage.
-they all believe in an afterlife, in which the body dies, the soul lives on and is judge by God and where the good go to Heaven, or Paradise, the bad or evil goes to Hell.
-they all teach that there will be an end of time when God or the Messier returns.

With all these common belief and similarities you would think that these three religions would be just three branches of the same fait, and that there would not be any major divisions between them. It might have turned out that way if it had not been for rulers and politicians. The rulers and politicians have always seen religion as a wonderful tool to unite and divide people.

In part #2, I will talk about what happened to these three religions once the politician’s went to work on them.

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