Friday, December 5, 2008

Nuclear Power Plants -by Moses

But what if something does go wrong?

It was in 1977 and in the Mid-West of America a Nuclear Power Plant had a slow leak resulting in some of the workers receiving radiation (transferable at that). This event was documented in the Movie 'Silkwood' starring Meryl Streep.
It was 1989 and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the U.S.S.R had an explosion and could not be contained. Swedish Scientists and Meteorologists discovered the radiation from an analysis of wind fronts entering Sweden from Russia (as the U.S.S.R was in denial). There were over 1000 deaths as a direct result of this event.
It is now 2008, less than a month away from the New Year, and the closing down of the Pickering Nuclear Power Plant is planned over the next 2-3 years. What is disheartening to this writer is that the Provincial Government of Ontario is planning to build a successor to the Pickering Power Plant, and yes it's Nuclear. I just spoke to a couple of advocates for Greenpeace in Kensington Market and we were scratching our heads in disbelief at this logic. Could we please advocate for safe, environmentally friendly energy sources.

Energy from Solar and Wind are both plausible and realistic.

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