Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The Coronavirus Pandemic (Part 2) - by Moses
Let's review the last 40 years; First it was AIDS that was supposed to consume the World. Isn't it convenient that Homosexuality and being 'Black' was in question. Isn't it ironic that it ended up being treated in remission Then it was Ebola to consume Africa - fed by coffers in Hollywood exposing the American Military to people, and the dirty Politics behind it in the movie 'Outbreak' (starring Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman). Ironically there was cure for that too. Now it's 2020 and the Coronavirus is supposed to be a threat to humanity. At this point I ask one very simple question. Why is America treating the situation as if this is the coming of F.E.M.A Camps for the poor and downtrodden. 'Stay at home' the media is telling us in this time (which lowers our morale), be sensitive to your surroundings and every fear (which isn't practical in the Business World or to a child's psyche). What kind of Trojan commands are these being dictated by the Pentagon to the people. Sounds like the U.S Military are trying to brainwash the masses into believing that the Coronavirus is a plague. The U.S.A will eventually have to answer to the Pope based on Human Rights infringements of the righteous within their Nation. Too many Catholics are aware of the Sacrilege being spewed by the Pentagon. At this point I re-hash and ask why the Fourth Reich of the Nazi Party is being defended by their Constitution in the name of Freedom of Speech. In Canada, England, Israel, Egypt, Portugal, and Greece we were all trying to achieve Solidarity to an Occupy Movement to house the homeless and downtrodden in building small communities across the World (in 2011), that could be defended by each Nations' Constitution. It was the U.S.A that reneged and closed down Worldwide Occupy Sites, essentially killing off the Occupy Movement (as the Kibbutz Movement in Israel in the early 1940's couldn't support the argument of supporting anything Nazi related within a Nazi Mandate - a.k.a the coming of the Fourth Reich). Us Jews can't and won't forget the Holocaust, nor can people around the World forget about the starvation of people in Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia. That's when the Rastafarian Movement is vilified. The idea that Hitler may have won the war after all. These unfortunate historical events can't be forgotten, and as a result of these constant slights given by Rasta men of 'Dutti Jew' (that offend an Ashkanazi Jew, Sephardic Jew, Felocia 'Black' Jew, and Sephardiim - Ethiopian Jewry), lead people to fear based on the tragic Holocaust events of the past that can't be forgotten. A Neo-Nazi has no place in the World, neither does a former Nazi Officer. Transgender has been accepted by the Western World and there is hell to pay for that legality of changing one' sex, which begs another question; Why was it made legal for a man or woman to have the right to have a sex change? This level of immorality is disgusting to any person that is considered righteous. So I ask the question; Would G-d himself condone this? If not, who's going to stop G-d from acting in vengeance? My G-d is a jealous G-d.
Here's the thing. This is totally heretic to explain to a child. When I try to function through the day I try to rationalize and reason my thoughts. If I can't, I don't try to vilify all that came out in a moment of disgust. We're not computers, we're not cyborgs. A man is just a man. To always look for the logic is a dangerous game. When man tries to operate like a computer there is breakdown. There will always be the element of human error in the World. Let's try to be pro-active to the right to life instead of placing human imperfections as vested interest. How is human suffering perceived? The pro-creation of human suffering, who pays for this?
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1 comment:
"Sounds like the U.S Military are trying to brainwash the masses into believing that
the Coronavirus is a plague. The U.S.A will eventually have to answer to the Pope
based on Human Rights infringements of the righteous within their Nation.
Too many Catholics are aware of the Sacrilege being spewed by the Pentagon."
all that aluminum foil you are hoarding you make wonderful hats
"Transgender has been accepted by the Western World and there is hell to pay for that legality of changing one' sex, which begs another question; Why was it made legal for a man or woman to have the right to have a sex change? This level of immorality is disgusting to any person that is considered righteous."
Midgard Journal is a Blog which has a number of writers of different backgrounds, and interest. We share certain values such as belief in democracy, freedom to be different, and gender equality. (see Transgender has been accepted, so it is OK for you to have your sex change and become the woman you always wanted to be. plus you have so much aluminum foil at home, you can make a dress to match your hat, you can even make shoes and a handbag to accessorize)
"Here's the thing. This is totally heretic to explain to a child."
heretic: noun
a professed believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church or rejects doctrines prescribed by that church. Roman Catholic Church. a baptized Roman Catholic who willfully and persistently rejects any article of faith. anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle.
so... "Here's the thing. This is totally (a professed believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church or rejects doctrines prescribed by that church. Roman Catholic Church. a baptized Roman Catholic who willfully and persistently rejects any article of faith. anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle.) to explain to a child."
you can make dolls and or teddy bears with all that aluminum foil you are hoarding
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