Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Coronavirus - Is this a Plague on Mankind (Part 3)? - by Moses

      The Coronavirus is now sitting with 308,000 worldwide cases and roughly 13,000 deaths as a result.  This is from the beginning of 2020 to today (March 22/20).  The American Media has promoted this disease as a possible plague on mankind.  The seriousness is there, unfortunately the kill rate is less than 5% of recipients of the disease, so plague can be taken out of the equation.  When Trump was briefed on the pandemic to come - at the beginning of January - he was told that this was a new pneumonia that could be treated if contained.  Unfortunately world leaders failed their peoples' by treating this virus as a token flu at its' beginning, Trump being the ringleader.  The disease is much more serious however, and while some modals project affliction at higher than 40% for their nations' populations, we're still not seeing the full picture here.  This pandemic looks to be a U.S Military exercise to bring nations to their knees when it comes to the inevitable cure, which will make some people (and/or companies and Governments) an enormous amount of money.  The question of whether the Coronavirus could be a plague is ironic considering that as of next week Jewish people around the world have to discriminate against having Passover Ceders to recite the history of our people in the time of Moses - a time which tells the story of ten plagues that befell Egypt and the diaspora of the Hebrew people.  The question I ask as Moses is this;  'Who's suffering is being exploited?'  I would say that G-d himself would have impacted us underlings in a much stronger manner if he truly resented mankind and the ways in which people sin.

  Here's the thing; each sovereign Nation has its own protocol.  Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark for example recite the beliefs of Christ.  Pakistan, Turkey, and Somalia recite the beliefs of Muhammad.  Italy, Greece, Ireland, and Croatia recite the beliefs of Christ in a pro-dominating way.  China, Japan and Korea recite the beliefs of Buddha.  India - Hinduism.  Thailand and Taiwan recite the Tai belief structure, and so on.  This pro-dominating effort to build up Nations needs a limiter in place to make sure we don't have massive breakdowns in multicultural Nations.  As a Jew I can't profess my views as being the only option.  I can only present the argument, an argument of which comes up in almost every instance.  This is hopefully felt by people so that we don't allow ourselves to alienate people from living their lives.  Let's be pro-active in our rationalizations and how we reason.  Keep in mind that as a Canadian or American there is still genocide among our Aboriginal Populations.  These gross acts of suffering are still being perpetuated day by day.  Now that there is concern of the homeless spreading the disease, what will happen to them?  Do we perpetuate these health concerns and put more people (those at the Sally Ann or other Hostels) on the streets?  This is why I think G-d put this blip on the earth for us to conquer.  Let's have some humanity on our poor and downtrodden, and have some level of treating this poverty issue in Canada and the U.S.A.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"This pandemic looks to be a U.S Military exercise to bring nations to their knees
when it comes to the inevitable cure, which will make some people
(and/or companies and Governments) an enormous amount of money."
get over it Outbreak was a movie

"The question of whether the Coronavirus could be a plague is ironic considering that
as of next week Jewish people around the world have to discriminate against having
Passover Ceders to recite the history of our people in the time of Moses - a time which tells
the story of ten plagues that befell Egypt and the diaspora of the Hebrew people."
you can make your very own Cup of Elijah with all that aluminum foil you are hoarding