Monday, March 30, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic (Part 5) - by Moses

      How many people are benefiting from the essential workers that are currently in place.  The police departments, fire departments, hospital staffs, coffee employees, sanitation workers, and the rest of our essential service workers are risking their lives going out to do their jobs every day through this crisis.  

  It's funny how people take for granted the simple idea of having their morning coffee at the coffee shop.  What would we do if they closed their doors to the public?  People in North America are somewhat ignorant to the idea of the services entailing risk through this crisis, and they bitch and moan when one of their freedoms (like picking up their morning coffee) are threatened.  What we need through this time is to give kudos to those that are still in the workforce serving the general public.  When we see people go to the grocery store and buy half of the meat section to feed THEIR family, realize this;  It's not only offensive to the common man, it's offensive to G-d himself.  How many people are taking this period of history seriously?  Staying safe means to isolate the best you can, and to have some level of compassion for your fellow man.  We may not be perfect beings, but to deny another of their basic freedoms is slanderous.  I'm not referring to the closing of a coffee shop through this period (and having to suffer through this possibility), but rather denying someone who's on the streets their basic freedom of the right to life.  It's hard for someone in the police force to assess this situation.  Someone who is vagabond still should have the right to life and the freedoms provided by their Nations' Constitution.

  What worries me through this time is that people will be round up and quarantined in F.E.M.A Camps with no regard for their freedoms instilled by their Nations' constitution and scapegoated in the realm of population control, stricken with no recourse to their right to life.  It's easy enough to combat if you have a comfortable dwelling to get through this nervous time, however to a vagabond this time is like living in hell.  How bad is it if you have to draw from unemployment insurance and receive only $40,000/year in Canada (from an $80,000 job) when you can get your house in order, look after things that you didn't have time for when you were at work, and still watch Cable T.V?  Keep in mind that there are poverty stricken areas in cities across North America that still have to function.  Do we perpetuate someones' suffering when they don't even have the means to pay their rent through this time or do we give bursaries to the poor to get them through this time?  

  Religious epithet through this ordeal is starting to reach the mainstream.  The Catholic Church has even gone so far as to give drive-through confessionals to accommodate the population of people that believe they must confess their sins on a weekly or monthly basis.  This is truly hysterical when we objectify and realize that maybe, just maybe, this system of the perpetual sinner should calm down a little and just not sin as much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a Catholic Priest gets into his car, drives to the nearest Timmy's, orders a 50 pack of Timbits, passes a Vagabond; and gives Vaggy half a dozen Timbits, and a nice warm blanket made out of aluminum foil, and then drives by your home to hear your confession.

a confession which goes something like this:
"bless me Father for I have sinned, this is my 5th Article on the Coronavirus and I did not mention how this pandemic has been staged by the U.S. Government" please give me a triple triple and a dozen of those Timibts you have with you."