Monday, March 30, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic (Part 5) - by Moses

      How many people are benefiting from the essential workers that are currently in place.  The police departments, fire departments, hospital staffs, coffee employees, sanitation workers, and the rest of our essential service workers are risking their lives going out to do their jobs every day through this crisis.  

  It's funny how people take for granted the simple idea of having their morning coffee at the coffee shop.  What would we do if they closed their doors to the public?  People in North America are somewhat ignorant to the idea of the services entailing risk through this crisis, and they bitch and moan when one of their freedoms (like picking up their morning coffee) are threatened.  What we need through this time is to give kudos to those that are still in the workforce serving the general public.  When we see people go to the grocery store and buy half of the meat section to feed THEIR family, realize this;  It's not only offensive to the common man, it's offensive to G-d himself.  How many people are taking this period of history seriously?  Staying safe means to isolate the best you can, and to have some level of compassion for your fellow man.  We may not be perfect beings, but to deny another of their basic freedoms is slanderous.  I'm not referring to the closing of a coffee shop through this period (and having to suffer through this possibility), but rather denying someone who's on the streets their basic freedom of the right to life.  It's hard for someone in the police force to assess this situation.  Someone who is vagabond still should have the right to life and the freedoms provided by their Nations' Constitution.

  What worries me through this time is that people will be round up and quarantined in F.E.M.A Camps with no regard for their freedoms instilled by their Nations' constitution and scapegoated in the realm of population control, stricken with no recourse to their right to life.  It's easy enough to combat if you have a comfortable dwelling to get through this nervous time, however to a vagabond this time is like living in hell.  How bad is it if you have to draw from unemployment insurance and receive only $40,000/year in Canada (from an $80,000 job) when you can get your house in order, look after things that you didn't have time for when you were at work, and still watch Cable T.V?  Keep in mind that there are poverty stricken areas in cities across North America that still have to function.  Do we perpetuate someones' suffering when they don't even have the means to pay their rent through this time or do we give bursaries to the poor to get them through this time?  

  Religious epithet through this ordeal is starting to reach the mainstream.  The Catholic Church has even gone so far as to give drive-through confessionals to accommodate the population of people that believe they must confess their sins on a weekly or monthly basis.  This is truly hysterical when we objectify and realize that maybe, just maybe, this system of the perpetual sinner should calm down a little and just not sin as much.

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic - Health Care Heroes (Part 4) - by Moses

      We are seeing Health Care Workers around the world working around the clock treating its' populations by putting their lives on the line day in and day out in treating people that have the virus.  These men and women deserve medals for taking a chance with respect to their lives in treating a highly contagious disease.  While there are stories that showcase peoples' greed; like those hoarding grocery store supplies for themselves through this crisis, the positives are what I'm focusing on in this article.

  When September 11, 2001 came it was the NYPD and NYFD that stepped up to the plate and delivered as heroes.  Through this crisis Doctors, Nurses and all other medical personnel have been professional and have saved lives.  Period. 
   It's ironic; the masses look to the rich and famous for answers throughout their lives, yet when a health crisis hits we realize how invaluable having a strong health care system really is (independent of famous actors, famous sports figures, famous personalities and their roles in society).  Now that we see all professional sports shut down for the time being we realize that our health really does need to be preserved.  When one thinks of the value of a Doctor or Nurse we realize how vulnerable they really are in their day to day jobs, and why we shouldn't take our lives for granted as the death toll has steadily climbed. around the world.  Some very high profile people have been stricken with the virus, including Tom Hanks, Prince Charles, and many professional sports athletes, so the class structure on who got hit can't just be attributed to the poor.

  Regardless of the politics of the current situation we are still just human - imperfect beings.  The only entity that really matters in life or death decisions aside from G-d himself is the Doctor and Nurse team that saves a Coronavirus patient's life at their own risk.  If people have the compassion necessary to treat this disease we can hopefully change for the better as people.  This time is a true reality check for the common man.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Coronavirus - Is this a Plague on Mankind (Part 3)? - by Moses

      The Coronavirus is now sitting with 308,000 worldwide cases and roughly 13,000 deaths as a result.  This is from the beginning of 2020 to today (March 22/20).  The American Media has promoted this disease as a possible plague on mankind.  The seriousness is there, unfortunately the kill rate is less than 5% of recipients of the disease, so plague can be taken out of the equation.  When Trump was briefed on the pandemic to come - at the beginning of January - he was told that this was a new pneumonia that could be treated if contained.  Unfortunately world leaders failed their peoples' by treating this virus as a token flu at its' beginning, Trump being the ringleader.  The disease is much more serious however, and while some modals project affliction at higher than 40% for their nations' populations, we're still not seeing the full picture here.  This pandemic looks to be a U.S Military exercise to bring nations to their knees when it comes to the inevitable cure, which will make some people (and/or companies and Governments) an enormous amount of money.  The question of whether the Coronavirus could be a plague is ironic considering that as of next week Jewish people around the world have to discriminate against having Passover Ceders to recite the history of our people in the time of Moses - a time which tells the story of ten plagues that befell Egypt and the diaspora of the Hebrew people.  The question I ask as Moses is this;  'Who's suffering is being exploited?'  I would say that G-d himself would have impacted us underlings in a much stronger manner if he truly resented mankind and the ways in which people sin.

  Here's the thing; each sovereign Nation has its own protocol.  Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark for example recite the beliefs of Christ.  Pakistan, Turkey, and Somalia recite the beliefs of Muhammad.  Italy, Greece, Ireland, and Croatia recite the beliefs of Christ in a pro-dominating way.  China, Japan and Korea recite the beliefs of Buddha.  India - Hinduism.  Thailand and Taiwan recite the Tai belief structure, and so on.  This pro-dominating effort to build up Nations needs a limiter in place to make sure we don't have massive breakdowns in multicultural Nations.  As a Jew I can't profess my views as being the only option.  I can only present the argument, an argument of which comes up in almost every instance.  This is hopefully felt by people so that we don't allow ourselves to alienate people from living their lives.  Let's be pro-active in our rationalizations and how we reason.  Keep in mind that as a Canadian or American there is still genocide among our Aboriginal Populations.  These gross acts of suffering are still being perpetuated day by day.  Now that there is concern of the homeless spreading the disease, what will happen to them?  Do we perpetuate these health concerns and put more people (those at the Sally Ann or other Hostels) on the streets?  This is why I think G-d put this blip on the earth for us to conquer.  Let's have some humanity on our poor and downtrodden, and have some level of treating this poverty issue in Canada and the U.S.A.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic (Part 2) - by Moses

      Let's review the last 40 years;  First it was AIDS that was supposed to consume the World.  Isn't it convenient that Homosexuality and being 'Black' was in question.  Isn't it ironic that it ended up being treated in remission  Then it was Ebola to consume Africa - fed by coffers in Hollywood exposing the American Military to people, and the dirty Politics behind it in the movie 'Outbreak' (starring Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman).  Ironically there was cure for that too.  Now it's 2020 and the Coronavirus is supposed to be a threat to humanity.  At this point I ask one very simple question.  Why is America treating the situation as if this is the coming of F.E.M.A Camps for the poor and downtrodden.  'Stay at home' the media is telling us in this time (which lowers our morale), be sensitive to your surroundings and every fear (which isn't practical in the Business World or to a child's psyche).  What kind of Trojan commands are these being dictated by the Pentagon to the people.  Sounds like the U.S Military are trying to brainwash the masses into believing that the Coronavirus is a plague.  The U.S.A will eventually have to answer to the Pope based on Human Rights infringements of the righteous within their Nation.  Too many Catholics are aware of the Sacrilege being spewed by the Pentagon.  At this point I re-hash and ask why the Fourth Reich of the Nazi Party is being defended by their Constitution in the name of Freedom of Speech.  In Canada, England, Israel, Egypt, Portugal, and Greece we were all trying to achieve Solidarity to an Occupy Movement to house the homeless and downtrodden in building small communities across the World (in 2011), that could be defended by each Nations' Constitution.  It was the U.S.A that reneged and closed down Worldwide Occupy Sites, essentially killing off the Occupy Movement (as the Kibbutz Movement in Israel in the early 1940's couldn't support the argument of supporting anything Nazi related within a Nazi Mandate - a.k.a the coming of the Fourth Reich).  Us Jews can't and won't forget the Holocaust, nor can people around the World forget about the starvation of people in Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia.  That's when the Rastafarian Movement is vilified.  The idea that Hitler may have won the war after all.  These unfortunate historical events can't be forgotten, and as a result of these constant slights given by Rasta men of 'Dutti Jew' (that offend an Ashkanazi Jew, Sephardic Jew, Felocia 'Black' Jew, and Sephardiim - Ethiopian Jewry), lead people to fear based on the tragic Holocaust events of the past that can't be forgotten.  A Neo-Nazi has no place in the World, neither does a former Nazi Officer.  Transgender has been accepted by the Western World and there is hell to pay for that legality of changing one' sex, which begs another question; Why was it made legal for a man or woman to have the right to have a sex change?  This level of immorality is disgusting to any person that is considered righteous.  So I ask the question;  Would G-d himself condone this?  If not, who's going to stop G-d from acting in vengeance?  My G-d is a jealous G-d.

  Here's the thing.  This is totally heretic to explain to a child.  When I try to function through the day I try to rationalize and reason my thoughts.  If I can't, I don't try to vilify all that came out in a moment of disgust.  We're not computers, we're not cyborgs.  A man is just a man.  To always look for the logic is a dangerous game.  When man tries to operate like a computer there is breakdown.  There will always be the element of human error in the World.  Let's try to be pro-active to the right to life instead of placing human imperfections as vested interest.  How is human suffering perceived?  The pro-creation of human suffering, who pays for this?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The 2020 Coronavirus Plague - by Moses

      We're now entering a tense time with the Coronavirus disease exceeding over 100,000 cases worldwide.  Starting out in China, we are now aware that the Western World has been hit hard (Europe and the America's likewise).  Nations are closing their borders for the time being and pressure is being put on first world nations to have and administer testing among the population near found cases of the virus.  Could this be a planned health scare to remind us of the power of America?  Could the cause and effect have already been doled out?  Possibly.  It seems a little contrived that Trump had the info as far back as two months ago as to what this virus would entail.  Are people not aware that the news coverage was sidestepped in the name of American convenience?  This pandemic could end up being the next 'Black' plague.  We are now seeing all sports in North America being closed down (alongside huge public gatherings) for the time being.  How long is it going to be before testing for the virus becomes mandatory? and, When will the Doctors have testing facilities in place to accommodate the masses?  These questions are prevailing and we're forgetting that the simple flu as this virus starts as, is capable of killing about 4.5 of 100 recipients of the disease in a very short period of time.  

  I ask this question;  Is G-d mad right now?  When plague strikes who's to know what, when, where, how, and why?  Maybe our world just doesn't deserve homo-sapiens to populate.  For all we really know it's a Pentagon test of 'Outbreak' like out of the movies.  Or maybe a Chinese coup to recover losses from trade with North America.  From a cynical standpoint, maybe we deserve everything we get, including an early grave.  When the Bubonic plague hit in Medieval Times there were 75 Million to 200 Million casualties across Europe over a 14 year period.  This could be a precursor as to what we'll see in the future.  A society that becomes decimated by indifference and apathy.  Do we know exactly why G-d would exact this upon mother earth.  I don't believe I'll ever know, other than to ask a very simple question; How many of the population worldwide could be considered as righteous?  In the time of Sodom and Gommoroh not even a handful of men could be found, and we saw the land (and the people) decimated by G-d's wrath.  Should this eventually play out to be the next plague, how likely would it be for this plague to never end and consume us into oblivion?

Friday, March 6, 2020

Video Games, Ports (Interface Units), and Recording Studio's - by Moses

Video Games, Ports (Interface Units), Recording Studio’s, Technological Products and Technologies
  1. Abbey Road - recording studio
  2. Le Studio (Morin Heights) - recording studio
  3. Trident - recording studio
  4. Maclear - recording studio
  5. Cherry Beach - recording studio
  6. Metalworks - recording studio
  7. Bearsville - recording studio
  8. Studio 306 - recording studio
  9. Casablanca - post-production studio
  10. Deluxe - post-production studio
  11. Q107 – Skylab - recording studio
  12. Walt Disney Studio’s - recording studio and post-production studio
  13. Lucas Sound - post-production studio 
  14. Many unnamed Governments and Broadcasters - post-production studio
  15. AES/EBU - American and European Protocol
  16. SPDIF - Phillips (American) Protocol
  17. U.S.B - Universal Serial Bus 
  18. Optical – Crystal
  19. Fiber-Optics - wireless communications running through transponders
  20. VHF/UHF – Antenna
  21. M.I.D.I – Musical Instrument Digital Interface
  22. Turtle Beach (sound-card)
  23. Sonic Solutions (advent of DVD Authoring)
  24. Atari - video game software, arcade machines, video game consoles
  25. Williams - video game software and arcade machines
  26. Sega - video game software, arcade machines, and video game consoles
  27. Nintendo - video game software, arcade machines, and video game consoles
  28. Colecovision - video game software and video game consoles
  29. Intellivision - video game software and video game consoles
  30. Activision - video game software 
  31. C.I.S.C.O - Servers
  32. Apple - home and business computer solutions
  33. Olivetti - business computer solutions
  34. I.B.M – Internal Business Machines - home and business computer solutions
  35. Hewlett-Packard - home and business computer solutions
  36. Commodore - home computers
  37. Seagate Barracuda - multi-channel hard-drives (ie. 16 copper inductance channel-lines in one server)
  38. Tascam - 8-Track Digital Modules and 2 inch tape (tape consoles) + outboard gear
  39. Alesis - 8-Track Digital Modules and Monitors + outboard gear
  40. Yamaha - technological product manufacturer
  41. Akai - technological product manufacturer
  42. Sony - technological product manufacturer
  43. Canon - technological product manufacturer (including cameras)
  44. Maxell - cassette tape manufacturer
  45. TDK - cassette tape manufacturer
  46. Fuji Film - cassette tape manufacturer and technological product manufacturer (cameras) 
  47. Kurtzweil - synthesizer and keyboard manufacturer with sampling capability
  48. Korg - T1/T2/T3/T4 lines as well as other technological products including keyboards and synthesizers
  49. Hammond - electronic keyboards
  50. Moog - synthesizer/keyboard
  51. Oberheim - bass pedals and synthesizers
  52. Solid State Logic - mixing consoles and channel-lines and other technological goods
  53. Neve - mixing consoles and channel-lines
  54. Westar - mixing consoles and channel-lines
  55. Neotek - mixing consoles and channel-lines
  56. Studer - tape consoles and other technological products
  57. Marshall - amplifiers
  58. Fender - guitars and amplifiers
  59. Traynor - amplifiers
  60. Warwick - guitars and amplifiers
  61. Laney - amplifiers
  62. Yorkville - amplifiers
  63. Roland - amplifiers and other technological products
  64. Bryson - amplifiers and equalizers
  65. Harman Kardon - amplifiers and equalizers
  66. Nikko - tube amplifiers
  67. Gerrard - tube amplifiers and turn-tables
  68. Viking - Ham Radio with tube amplifiers
  69. Neumann - microphones
  70. Sennheiser - microphones and head phones
  71. Behringer - microphones and other technological products
  72. A.K.G - microphones and head phones
  73. Shure - microphones
  74. Realistic - technological products
  75. Technics - technological products
  76. Pioneer - technological products
  77. J.B.L / Altec Lansing - monitors and other technological products
  78. Tannoy - monitors
  79. Meyer - monitors
  80. Cerwin Vega - monitors
  81. Ground-lines - supported through physical cabling
  82. Bell Meridian - the first cellular telecommunications solution
  83. Cellular - premise of wireless signal reaching transponders to make the signal live 
  84. Satellite - supporting a wireless signal from one source                                                  
Video Games
  1. Zapper
  2. Galaga
  3. Space Invaders
  4. Galaxian
  5. Missile Command
  6. Donkey Kong
  7. Pac-Man
  8. Miss Pac-Man
  9. John Elway Football
  10. Tommy Lasorda Baseball
  11. Dragon’s Lair – Virtual Reality
  12. Frogger
  13. Qix
  14. Tempest
  15. Defender
  16. Centipede
  17. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  18. Super Mario Brothers
  19. Tetras
  20. Q-Bert
  21. Joust
  22. Track and Field
  23. Jungle King (a.k.a Jungle Hunt)
  24. Asteroids
  25. Star Wars
  26. Speed
  27. Grand Theft Auto
  28. Pitfalls
  29. The Body Synth–The human is the game or character/Muscles making visuals/music/Cyborg
  30. Labyrinth *
* - a wooden-like video game focusing on maneuvering a ball around a maze of holes
Dimensia and Polarization 
  1. Modals – Ionian (C), Dorian (D), Phrygian (E), Lydian (F), Mixolydian (G), Aeolian (A), Locrian (B)  – Set Scales
  2. Octaves – Thirds, Fifths, Sevenths within a particular Mode of one scale
  3. Scale to Scale – Major, Minor, Augmented Scales, and Diatonic Scales
  4. Chords - Major, Minor and Diminished
  5. Uni – Two Dimensional (linear)
  6. Bi – Two Dimensional with Common Frequency (linear)
  7. Tri - Three Dimensional (non-linear)
  8. Omni – Three Dimensional with a Common Frequency (non-linear)
  9. Quadraphonic – Surround Sound - front and back left and right (non-linear)
  10. Pentagon – Intelligence Gathering Techniques based on Roman Times
  11. Hexagon – Star
  12. Septagon – Million
  13. Octagon – 8th Dimension
  14. Tetragon – Dan or Highest level in Martial Arts
  15. Decigon -  Highest/Billion
  16. Uni-directional –  Taking in at/from one direction (linear)
  17. Bi-directional -  Taking in from two directions at once (linear)
  18. Omni-directional – Taking in from all directions at once (non-linear)
  19. Cardioid – Heart shaped envelope (non-linear)
  20. Hyper-Cardioid – Heart shape (with a Penis) for greater sensitivity (non-linear)
 Video Games - Legend
     1.  Start of Game - Life
       2.  Game Over – Death and Desensitization
       3.  High Score – Material 
       4. Increased Speed – Levels  
       5. % of hits – Success Rate  
       6. Virtual Reality – Identifying with the characters
       7. Memory – The players’ imagination and talent
       8. Discovering Hidden Screens – Conquest
       9. Confidence - Ability 
     10. Legend - Final Analysis 

      In the 1970’s when Video Games were introduced into our communities, the premise was simple – Kill the Alien, anything that is a threat to us - shoot an alien, shoot an asteroid, shoot a Centipede.  These games were inoffensive to most.  The person who played these games were expediting their rate to achieve high scores.  Today, most Video Games employ hand to hand combat, and other acts of violence.  When Video Games first came out there were many arcades in Mega-Cities and the usual form of playing was done standing.  Today most people play their Video Games from home-systems – usually played while sitting.

  In the Tom Clancy novel ‘Games of State’, the concern that he had was that Video Games would be used as a weapon to disorient people into believing that ‘Blacks’ should be exterminated.

  On the internet today, practically any and all Video Games can be uploaded and downloaded onto a persons’ hard-drive.  This is different from twenty years ago when a person had to buy the software.  Today, hard-drives are ports, communication devices (with internal tracking a.k.a G.P.S).  Therefore, any electronic device or cable used in our modern day carries with it a built in limiter in the Hardware (now considered a port).  This chip can be activated outside of the home (each hardware component exists within the mainframe – a software design.  Modulation (or synthesis) is used as a measure of issuing commands or triggers.  In a natural state these commands carry no meaning – in other words, passive resistance is a defense mechanism used to combat impulses.

  Closed circuit television was employed as a premise to define each Nuclear Household with respect to our programming.  In our modern day – since 1990 - we now see many 24/7 businesses.  By this perspective the psychology of our time has changed, in relation to the 70’s and 80’s (when almost 100% of the population worked a conformed 9am-5pm position), people were on the same page.  Since virtual reality Video Games were introduced, and when the Telecommunications industry became much more de-regulated, peoples’ psychology changed.  In this writers’ opinion, we’ve become desensitized to the decline of Western Civilization, and we’re experiencing gross acts of violence in the Western World as a result.  Once there is a removal of programs within an operating system, this form of sensory deprivation is essentially psychological warfare.  A rational person that consciously experiences this becomes disoriented.  This is Tom Clancy’s fear.  At the point of being triggered, or, having information withheld, a person will naturally combat.  To see things clearly is paramount.  Once time and depth perception changes, this is a form of terror.  A person will naturally deduce based on whatever stimulus their given (how a person feels) - kismet/karma - and this leads to a dangerous world to live in, home or abroad.  

The Hunting of the Jew and the Nazi Hunter (Gestapo Part 10) - by Moses

      Traditionally throughout our history Jews have been hunted and tracked by our enemies.  The practices in Italy under Mussolini was just one of the Gestapo's that were and are currently in place.  Ever wonder why Jewish people change their names.  For this simple reason, security.  If you go back to Greco-Roman Times, Jews were often fed to Lions.  If you go back to Babylonian times, the Assyrian would hunt the Jew.  If you go back to 1492 and 1498, we're talking about the Spanish Inquisition (which Portugal joined in 1498) - the extermination of the Jew  If you go back to the early 1900's we're talking about Jews being expelled from the U.S.S.R in mass numbers (roughly 600,000 from 1900-1920).  If you go back to the time of Hitler, we're reminded of the Holocaust.

  Can we forget?  An impossibility really as most Jewish people are aware of personal attacks based on ethnicity.  We're not stupid, we know that Hitler himself professed the Fourth Reich, and in this writer's opinion has led to mass starvation in modern times (1900-today) across Africa (mainly mass-starvation's in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan).  What I'd like to know is this;  A man that is tracked by an enemy force is consistently harbored and run down because he is a low income Jew.  This goes on in our streets across North America.  A man that is treated this way long enough eventually becomes forgotten by his own community, and therefore becomes shunned and treated as the enemy by his own people.  This is psychological warfare that was put into place by the Third Reich, and the Fourth Reich was to insure that these patterns - and patterns of mass starvation's, NEVER END.  The problem is that this premise is considered viral and essentially causes affliction as the masses speak volumes and the element of control goes out the window when Hashem (G-d himself) - conveys.  

  In today's age (from 1970 - today) we've seen a liberal attitude across North America at times and a conservative attitude at times, and because of constant Political turmoil we tend to believe there really aren't any homeland threats (when there are actually many sick practices followed).  Many Jewish people take ethnic slurs across Middle America and most of the time they don't even realize how offensive they really are - implying in many cases to just leave me alone, 'YOU'RE A JEW.  WHY ARE YOU REMINDING ME OF THE HOLOCAUST?'  When in actual fact the Holocaust never ceased.

  In many 'Black' communities across North America there is a trend to disregard stories of the Holocaust implying we should just forget because Germany paid reparations to 'the Jews'.  How can a man forget when the Fourth Reich was already written and has been followed by people in high ranking positions all over the World, and, how can a Jewish man treat the insult of being called a 'NIGGER HATER' just because he doesn't want to use that word?

  The problem is very simple.  The 'Black' guy doesn't get a reparation for his 400 years of slavery, but 'the Jew' does for his suffering at the hands of Nazi Germany.  'White' America defends the KKK and Neo-Nazi Conventions - siting Freedom of Association and Freedom of Assembly of ways to promote hate crimes which is protected by the American Constitution, at which time a 'Black' is called out for being a Nigger because he is 'Black'.  When I see how disturbing and heretic this is for an African-American child it makes me wonder when America will pay their reparation to 'Blacks' instead of denying a 'Black' his history (like that of the Negro Leagues and any great 'Black' man that walked the earth like Dr. Martin Luther King) which essentially is a forecast of genocide (to forget ones' history).  We know the rest.  Herein lies the problem; if a mans' genealogy is forgotten - did he walk the earth?  How many 'Natives' have had their history erased through genocide for standing for a cause?  This is a perpetual door to genocide that is constantly being left open to people in 'Native', 'Jewish', and 'Black' communities.  These acts of genocide are constantly being justified and constantly perpetuated by hate groups around the World and by institutionalized methodology.   The reality for me, as a man, is a duty to remember my history.  Remember this of 'Chippewa' Folklore - They don't give up their dead.  Pretty much the same can be said of any Jew, and any 'Black'.  Funny, but wasn't it just 70 years ago when it was a given that a Golf Club in Canada and the U.S.A had a sign out front reading 'No Jews, Indians, or Niggers Allowed.'