Thursday, August 29, 2019

The real truth of the State of Israel - by Moses

  The State of Israel was formed in 1948 when the Palmach (the underground army of the Hagannah) seized control of the land when the United Nations Partition plan was drawn up (formerly the British Mandate).  Palestine refused to accept the two-state solution and the Palmach acted.  The Israeli constitution was drawn up soon after.  The constitution states that any Israeli Jew OR any Israeli Arab can run for office and become Prime Minister or President.  The fact of the matter is that there are assurances given to provide Israel as a Jewish State for all eternity.  There are Chief Rabbi's in place as assurance to the hypocrit oath of having it in the constitution to have equal rights between an Israeli Jew and Israeli Arab,  yet never allow for an Arab to be in power in Israel.  This hypocrit oath isn't just obvious in the Apartheid State of Israel.  Look at the obvious bias towards a Christian State in Canada or the United States.  Every single Prime Minister or President in Canada and the U.S.A has been either Christian or Catholic.  EVERY ONE.  How can you explain this to the population of Canada and the U.S when their Governments preaches Multi-Culturalism?

  What scares this writer is the means' in which self-serving interests (like that of securing a Jew in power in Israel at all times or securing a Christian or Catholic as leader in Canada and the U.S at all times).  At what cost will they go?  Will they eventually adopt the practices exhibited by the Nazi's, or the Communist Mantra within China in the 60's?  Please don't dismiss this as an impossibility.  We forget that history repeats itself, and that we're entering the modern day mantra of let's be sensitive to the needs of Trans-Gender cases.  When shit hits the fan, which is supposed to be in our day, we'll no longer be able to appease any and every Freedom some people seem to think they're entitled to.  

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