Nano-Second/Sub-Zero Nano Second
A nanosecond is roughly .000000000001
A sub-zero nanosecond is roughly -.000000000001 (negative energy, negative time, stored information).
Sub-zero nanoseconds are used in sample and hold circuits to filter the trigger. This makes the digital reproduction seem real. It is used in only the professional audio and graphic software applications. Theoretically, this technology could be used to create temperal and spacial changes in our environment.
Internet versus Intranet
An intranet is the connection of hard-drives (cards) to a main source (hub). An internet connects these cards to a hub and to each-other.
The first intranet was developed in WW11 when the Americans and the British had their submarines’ hard-drives (cards) connected to one central hub. The submarines could only communicate with the central hub. This was essentially an internet as the central hub could share information discriminately. Location was usually shared from the central hub. In this configuration the hub itself was designed as a software application. This is what we see today in the form of search engines. This in its purist form is’ Networking. For example - E-Mail, My Space, Face-book, U Tube any software application for that matter.
Four properties of an internet;
1) Sharing information
2) Trading information,
3) Securing information
4) Selling information.
Gates and Limiters (Nyquist Limit)
Gates – in the analog domain, a gate is considered intolerance. The paradigm relationship is considered expansion. In other words 1:2, 1:4, 1:16, 1:256 and 1: 65536 are exponential rates of expansion and is considered to be tolerance (You’re tolerant up to a point). Past its’ level of barometer it becomes too fast a rate and is discriminated upon. In the digital domain, a gate is considered stringency (defined). Expansion in this context is considered a variance of concept (triggers). A Gate in its’ purest form takes a frequency barometer for example 20Hertz and any frequency above is mainstreamed and any frequency below is cut. That is why some machines use high-pass filters and some machines use low-cut filters. To insure that the signal is clean a 12 Hertz guard-band is used, and this increases the headroom of the signal (as the barometer of the Gate is set at 12 Hertz, therefore the peak frequency increases allowing for the signal to be recorded hotter. i.e. 10 dbu as opposed to 6 dbu).
Limiters – in the analog domain a limiter is considered intolerance. The paradigm relationship is considered compression. In other words 2:1, 4:1, 16:1, 256:1, 65536:1 is an exponential rate of compression and is considered to be tolerance. Past its’ level of barometer it becomes too much pressure and is discriminated upon. In the digital domain, a limiter is considered stringency (defined). Compression in this context is considered a variance of concept (triggers). A limiter in its’ purest form takes a frequency barometer, for example, 20khz and any frequency below is mainstreamed, and any frequency above is cut. That is why some machines use low-pass filters and some machines use high-cut filters. When it comes to limiters and compressors the filter carries a property that is called guard-band, firewalls and in CD professional applications a 2 kilohertz guard-band is used to prevent distortion (also known as unwanted noise). This is a Nyquist principle and creates headroom. In Digital Audio Tape there is no guard-band to protect the print and this is why an audio engineer uses a limiter so as to not clip (anything past 0dbu and the highest frequency recorded is less than 20khz enabling the signal appear to have more depth – A.K.A more headroom. There is more headroom with D.A.T tape than Compact disks as Compact disks incorporate a 2khz guard-band to print onto disk without distortion (as even with a built in limiter the print is only capable of printing frequencies up to 20.05khz and this is a full 3.95khz less in sampling than D.A.T. In the Nyquist Limit all frequencies positive and negative are accounted for and this is why the maximum frequency is doubled (in magnetics this is considered positive and negative ions). In other words through the Nyquist limit we see 20.05 kilohertz + 2kilohertz guard-band = 22.05 kilohertz x 2 = 44.1 kilohertz (C.D). D.A.T takes 24 kilohertz and doubles it to follow the Nyquist principle of positive and negative waveforms that encompasses all spectrums of sound.
Tape Speed
7.5 inches/second maximizes domains, meaning that there is more domains to work with. In professional applications in the analog domain 2-inch tape is used and in the digital domain Super-8 tape is used. In amateur and semi-professional applications tape speed is sped up to 30 inches/second and is used to accelerate rate. By using less tape and maximizing domains the human brain has a greater chance of interpreting the data effectively, also known as optimum (vs. Peak). 4-track on cassette is one side only as the left channel is in stereo, as is the right channel. This is also known as surround sound, or THX – a Lucas design (commonly referred to as DTS – Digital Theatre Systems).
Broadcast Networks
From a source (camera and/or microphone through a cable and/or antennae) to satellites- A.K.A monitors.
Miramax – E.T
M.G.M (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) – James Bond
Warner Brothers – A Clockwork Orange
Disney – The Jungle Book
Columbia (C.B.S, A.B.C, N.B.C included) – DaVinci Code
Alliance – Johnny Mnemonic
T.B.S – The Atlanta Braves
C.B.C – Hockey Night in Canada
C.T.V – The Toronto Blue Jays
B.B.C – Monty Python
Sony – Amanda Marshall
Paramount – The Sting
In Video we see test tape on the feed also known as propagation (or influence-excise). There is frequency bias (the colorization of sound), amplitude bias (volume), panning bias (left and right channels), quadrant bias (where the focus of the screen appears), reverb or contrast (the depth of the signal), the pitch and pixel count (resolution), the timbre (brightness or tone, the equalization), and leagues (the overall perception broadcast and received- A.K.A- Sonar). To affect the equalization of the signal logarithms-synthesis is used A.K.A log. I.E – 1 cent of 100 is .01 or log10, 1 cent of log10 (.01) is .001 (log20), I cent of log20 is .0001 (log30) etc. This provides us with seamless edits and makes the picture pleasing to the eye.
A nanosecond is roughly .000000000001
A sub-zero nanosecond is roughly -.000000000001 (negative energy, negative time, stored information).
Sub-zero nanoseconds are used in sample and hold circuits to filter the trigger. This makes the digital reproduction seem real. It is used in only the professional audio and graphic software applications. Theoretically, this technology could be used to create temperal and spacial changes in our environment.
Internet versus Intranet
An intranet is the connection of hard-drives (cards) to a main source (hub). An internet connects these cards to a hub and to each-other.
The first intranet was developed in WW11 when the Americans and the British had their submarines’ hard-drives (cards) connected to one central hub. The submarines could only communicate with the central hub. This was essentially an internet as the central hub could share information discriminately. Location was usually shared from the central hub. In this configuration the hub itself was designed as a software application. This is what we see today in the form of search engines. This in its purist form is’ Networking. For example - E-Mail, My Space, Face-book, U Tube any software application for that matter.
Four properties of an internet;
1) Sharing information
2) Trading information,
3) Securing information
4) Selling information.
Gates and Limiters (Nyquist Limit)
Gates – in the analog domain, a gate is considered intolerance. The paradigm relationship is considered expansion. In other words 1:2, 1:4, 1:16, 1:256 and 1: 65536 are exponential rates of expansion and is considered to be tolerance (You’re tolerant up to a point). Past its’ level of barometer it becomes too fast a rate and is discriminated upon. In the digital domain, a gate is considered stringency (defined). Expansion in this context is considered a variance of concept (triggers). A Gate in its’ purest form takes a frequency barometer for example 20Hertz and any frequency above is mainstreamed and any frequency below is cut. That is why some machines use high-pass filters and some machines use low-cut filters. To insure that the signal is clean a 12 Hertz guard-band is used, and this increases the headroom of the signal (as the barometer of the Gate is set at 12 Hertz, therefore the peak frequency increases allowing for the signal to be recorded hotter. i.e. 10 dbu as opposed to 6 dbu).
Limiters – in the analog domain a limiter is considered intolerance. The paradigm relationship is considered compression. In other words 2:1, 4:1, 16:1, 256:1, 65536:1 is an exponential rate of compression and is considered to be tolerance. Past its’ level of barometer it becomes too much pressure and is discriminated upon. In the digital domain, a limiter is considered stringency (defined). Compression in this context is considered a variance of concept (triggers). A limiter in its’ purest form takes a frequency barometer, for example, 20khz and any frequency below is mainstreamed, and any frequency above is cut. That is why some machines use low-pass filters and some machines use high-cut filters. When it comes to limiters and compressors the filter carries a property that is called guard-band, firewalls and in CD professional applications a 2 kilohertz guard-band is used to prevent distortion (also known as unwanted noise). This is a Nyquist principle and creates headroom. In Digital Audio Tape there is no guard-band to protect the print and this is why an audio engineer uses a limiter so as to not clip (anything past 0dbu and the highest frequency recorded is less than 20khz enabling the signal appear to have more depth – A.K.A more headroom. There is more headroom with D.A.T tape than Compact disks as Compact disks incorporate a 2khz guard-band to print onto disk without distortion (as even with a built in limiter the print is only capable of printing frequencies up to 20.05khz and this is a full 3.95khz less in sampling than D.A.T. In the Nyquist Limit all frequencies positive and negative are accounted for and this is why the maximum frequency is doubled (in magnetics this is considered positive and negative ions). In other words through the Nyquist limit we see 20.05 kilohertz + 2kilohertz guard-band = 22.05 kilohertz x 2 = 44.1 kilohertz (C.D). D.A.T takes 24 kilohertz and doubles it to follow the Nyquist principle of positive and negative waveforms that encompasses all spectrums of sound.
Tape Speed
7.5 inches/second maximizes domains, meaning that there is more domains to work with. In professional applications in the analog domain 2-inch tape is used and in the digital domain Super-8 tape is used. In amateur and semi-professional applications tape speed is sped up to 30 inches/second and is used to accelerate rate. By using less tape and maximizing domains the human brain has a greater chance of interpreting the data effectively, also known as optimum (vs. Peak). 4-track on cassette is one side only as the left channel is in stereo, as is the right channel. This is also known as surround sound, or THX – a Lucas design (commonly referred to as DTS – Digital Theatre Systems).
Broadcast Networks
From a source (camera and/or microphone through a cable and/or antennae) to satellites- A.K.A monitors.
Miramax – E.T
M.G.M (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) – James Bond
Warner Brothers – A Clockwork Orange
Disney – The Jungle Book
Columbia (C.B.S, A.B.C, N.B.C included) – DaVinci Code
Alliance – Johnny Mnemonic
T.B.S – The Atlanta Braves
C.B.C – Hockey Night in Canada
C.T.V – The Toronto Blue Jays
B.B.C – Monty Python
Sony – Amanda Marshall
Paramount – The Sting
In Video we see test tape on the feed also known as propagation (or influence-excise). There is frequency bias (the colorization of sound), amplitude bias (volume), panning bias (left and right channels), quadrant bias (where the focus of the screen appears), reverb or contrast (the depth of the signal), the pitch and pixel count (resolution), the timbre (brightness or tone, the equalization), and leagues (the overall perception broadcast and received- A.K.A- Sonar). To affect the equalization of the signal logarithms-synthesis is used A.K.A log. I.E – 1 cent of 100 is .01 or log10, 1 cent of log10 (.01) is .001 (log20), I cent of log20 is .0001 (log30) etc. This provides us with seamless edits and makes the picture pleasing to the eye.
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