Saturday, November 22, 2014

Technology - A Five Part Series (by Moses a.k.a Stacey Marc Goldman)

Technology (Part One of Five)

Computers – i) Apple ii) Internal Business Machines (I.B.M) iii) Hewlett Packard iv) Olivetti v) N.C.R (Bank Machines – Wide Area Network).
Microphones- i) Ribbon ii) Dynamic iii) Condenser – Polar Patterns in reference to all three.
Camera’s – i) Analog ii) Digital
Automotives - refer to article in Pop-Culture
Planes – i) Boeing 747, 767 ii) Mirage iii) F-16/17/18 iv) C-16 v) Concorde vi) Cesna vii) MIG
Trains – i) Bombardier ii)Go-Train iii) C.N Rail (Canadian National) iv) Via Rail v) Amtrak
Radar – Tracking – Satellites
Cable – i) Ground (Copper) ii) Fiber-optics-Satellite iii) Standard frequency – i.e. 900Mega-Hertz – Cellular.
The internet vs. singular workstations
Fuel – i) Solar ii) Electric iii) Hydrogen iv) Wind v) Fossil vi) Nuclear
A/C – D/C – Alternating Current – Direct Current
A.M (Amplitude Modulation) and F.M (Frequency Modulation)
Source – Monitors (also known as an Input / Output Module) – a channel
Electronic Principles and Digital Circuitry A.K.A Silicon


There are 9 characters in a byte. One byte sequence is binary, and follows the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. This is called pulse code modulation, and other pulse codes such as pulse width, pulse number, and pulse positional are considered to be modulation or synthesis – osmosis (change).

In binary the sequence is as follows; 1 is on, 0 is off

The least significant bit is the bit to the furthest right. i.e. – 10100(1- least significant bit)
The most significant bit is the bit to the furthest left. i.e. – (1)01001
The binary word is a list of on and offs. i.e. - 101100101 – the bit rate is the number of bits in the binary word.
To calculate the value of the binary word simply, from right to left, add each bit together. The sequence of a binary word is as follows; 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64…

To calculate; 101001101 – bit rate is 9
256+64+8+4+1 = 333 x 9
Therefore the binary word has 2997 characters

Computers and Communication

An exchange of information from one data bank to another whereupon a data bank can be a disk, a hard-drive, a software application, or random access memory. A disk stores information. With a disk you put it into a drive and the hard-drive (random operating memory) stores it. The hard-drive then retrieves this information by using its’ random access memory. The disk in this configuration is the master device.
A hard-drive uses both R.O.M, and R.A.M. Operating memory is information stored and access memory is retrieved information.
Software applications are platforms used to store and retrieve information. Essentially, the concept of software includes hardware, as in order to access any information from a computer you’re retrieving this information from your R.O.M (which is a software application – internal to the hard-drive). Each independent digital workstation is a search engine. To copyright it makes it a legal commodity. Software applications access these stations through a Local Area Network and to a Wide Area Network, the intranet in the Private sector and the internet in the Public sector. For a company to burn D.V.D’s (Digital Video Encoding Drives) for the masses outside copyright means that they have the right to affect the storage medium, test frequencies, also known as propagate – influence.

Video Games

In 1971 home computers were introduced at a 2-bit rate, 3 kilobytes, is 27,000 characters and the video game Pong was released. Today, when two-bit is used the least significant bit is the indicator as to whether the machine is on or off at 1 and 0 (a switch), and the most significant bit is the total number of characters, undefined by specification.
In 1975, the technology changes towards a format in 4-bit, 15 kilobytes, is 135,000 characters and we saw Atari – Space Invaders and Galaxian, video games that were put in Arcades for the Public. These video games taught intolerance towards aliens, anyone outside their ways. People that played the game in an arcade had to stand as the game was designed for this purpose.
In 1977, Atari, Commodore, Apple, I.B.M, Coleco-Vision introduced 7-bit, also known as 64K, or 127 kilobytes, is 1,143,000 characters. They were Home Systems using conceptual video games such as Donkey Kong and Zapper designed to teach a person to fight paranoia (while sitting on a couch).
In 1983, Arcades introduced the Video Game Dragon’s Lair. This was the first virtual reality Video Game on the Market in the Arcades. It promoted the idealism of making choices. If you made the wrong choice you died. Virtual Reality is reality – A persons’ vision.
In 1987, Nintendo and Sega Home Systems surfaced and the number of conceptual video games are now so ever-changing that one must question what the games are teaching regarding the education of our children.
Significant analogies regarding the properties of Video Games;

1. Game Over – Death
2. Score – Digital representation of the analog domain, the player him/her self
3. Killing – De-sensitization
4. Arcades – Community Hard-drive (Hub)
5. Home Systems – Hubs and interface cards (Cartridges and System-internal software)
6. Software (interface cards) – Hard-drive (circuitry) - Grid


By 1996 the professional application used in post-production technology was 16-bit, or 65,535,000 kilobytes (65,535 megabytes) is 294,913,359,000,000 characters. It operated at 2 gigahertz.
In professional applications today, as of Jan 16th/08, an I-Pod uses 80 Gigabytes of R.O.M at 2 gigahertz, and post- production facilities use 384-bit at 20 gigahertz, a lot of information to account for, at an enormous speed. In 1998, the professional application of Ram was 4 gigabytes, used by Apple, in the name of the Seagate Barracuda (operating at 2 Gigahertz).
In my opinion the professional standard application should be 24-bit, or 16,777,215,000 Kilobytes (16.777215 terabytes), or 16,777,215,000,000 bytes, is 150,994,935,000,000,000 characters (operating at 4 gigahertz). My logic is this; In order for a man or woman to account for more characters than this amount, it will be such an ‘information overload’ that their system will turn to paranoia. In modern day home computers they’re starting to use terabytes. A terabyte is 1 trillion bytes, or, 1,000,000,000,000 bytes or 9,000,000,000,000 characters.

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