Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Vaccine Scandal - by Moses

       The vaccine for Covid has been around for at least 20 years.  It is now understood that of the mutations of Covid is SARS related (dating back 20 years).  Therefore we can interpolate the data being forth in the name of an 8 month researched vaccine that has roots to SARS dating back 20 years and we're being led to believe that the vaccine was an eight month project?  How much money has been doled to the medical community is what I'd like to know.  This seems like a military exercise that has been planned for twenty years to lock-down communities for self serving interests.  There are at least 12 Pharmaceutical companies that have been doled $200+ Billion U.S.D contracts while the average Joe or small business owner is being squeezed out of business by corporations feeding the money to the medical community for their clout.  This is a head game to scare people into believing whatever it is that the corporations want you to believe.  Then the U.S has the audacity to tell their people that a cheque for $6000/family is just compensation.  Well it sure is hell isn't a problem economically for the Doctor, the Nurse, the Orderly, the Pharmacologist, the Pharmacy Owner, or anyone associated with a pharmaceutical company (or the health care system for that matter).

  This is a vicious cycle if you ask me.  First we were told this was a strong flu.  Then we were told there was no remedy.  Then we were told that the vaccine was JUST invented.  Then Biden won the Presidency and he told the people of his Country what he NEEDED the people to do instead of telling the people what he wanted, which was to get the the two shots of the vaccine.  We were told that is all you need to take.  Now we're being told that we have to take a booster either annually or every two years and that mutations of the COVID will be around for years.    

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