Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms - by Moses

      In 1776 the U.S.A fought against English colonialism by arming themselves against the red coats.  This was in a time when five Rifles was considered an armored existence.  The problem we're seeing in today's' age is symptomatic of the Americanism of armed forces within the main populous across America today.  This can't be controlled presently with the amount of firepower available to the masses within the U.S.A today and as a result we see guns being run into cities across the U.S.A to serve economic interests within their Nation.  The U.S needs to have balls enough to say no to the National Rifle Association when it comes to the selling and distribution of anything other than handguns and hunting rifles.  Say no to semi-automatics, say no to sub-machine guns, M-16's, AK-47's the lot of them.  The reality is that economically these guns don't need to be supported to have a thriving economy.  To the man that collects guns I ask a very simple question.  'Are you accountable?'  If a man is accountable to his guns and is registered there really isn't a problem.  The problem is when the N.R.A use their clout and arm inner cities with corruption from their end of doing business.  This is a vicious cycle that needs to end with an amendment to the 2nd amendment right to bear arms.  The registration of firearms within America is imperative to insure that violence on the streets of Chicago, Detroit, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, among other big American cities cease to exist.

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