Israel in 2021 is an Apartheid state similar to that of 'White' South Africa (up until the end of their Apartheid). The media coverage is divided but if you look at their history, Ethiopian 'Blacks' are shipped off to towns like Dimona (almost 100% 'Black' - because of bigotry). If you look closer you see how Palestinians are being locked down with zero rights, and Jewish settlements are constantly created (100% Jewish) to appease the Orthodox Jewry. The Israeli viewpoint is that their rights are protected by the Israeli Constitution, but the Palestinians are treated subhuman and cannot use the Israeli constitution (as they aren't eligible to). This was what America saw before 1964 when the Segregatory Act was abolished in the Southern States across America. The problem I have is that Israel has an Arab population of 10% (of the total population) and they are told that they have equal rights to an Israeli Jew, however, the hypocrite oath is that no Arab will be in power in Israel. In other words there will never be an Israeli Arab as Prime Minister or President. This hypocrite oath is felt by peoples of many Nations as being disgraceful.
In fact Israel has constantly tried to proclaim dominance to other Nations by instituting Dutch Africana ('White' South Africa under Apartheid) principles in its' Military. The disgusting thing about it is that these are now techniques being employed by not only Israel but by the U.S authorities too, and looking closer we see the tip of the iceberg in cases like George Floyd. These Dutch Africana techniques were supposed to end during Nelson Mandela's time as Prime Minister when he ended Apartheid in South Africa.
The reality is that Israel employs Apartheid in the forming of their Nation and promotes dividing their Country, by separating people by race, color, and creed. To people in multi- cultural Nations this is absurd, and begs the question; Why would you work against having multi-cultural pockets when roughly 10% of the Country is Israeli Arab and roughly 20% of the population is Palestinian? and, when will Palestinians living in Israel have equal rights to a Jew?
It would benefit Israel greatly to build Kibbutzim in the Negev Region that ARE multi-cultural. Why not have Kibbutzim with equal representation of their population. In other words communities that are multi-cultural with breakdown by per capita; 30% Israeli Jew, 30% Israeli Arab, 30% Palestinian, 5% Bedouin, and 5% Rastafarian. This would be a true barometer of having equal rights among the Israeli population and would help end stigma attached to being Jewish outside your homeland. The truth of the matter is that Jewish people in Canada and the U.S.A are still persecuted by many, and the current position of Apartheid in the State of Israel is the main reason why.