Monday, January 4, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccine Part 3 - by Moses

       This Covid vaccine has now been in existence publicly for about a month across the U.S.A, yet we're seeing a very small group being treated with the vaccine in the here and now (across America).  With medical front-line workers receiving first treatment of the vaccine across America, it will be interesting when people can get their number in line for a vaccine shot that promises at least some relief to a virus that doesn't just go away.  With a 94.1% effective vaccine the majority of the U.S population are in favor of taking a vaccine shot for them and their families.  Those that choose to wait for possible additional holistic treatments of the Covid-19 strand will eventually make up the minority once the vaccine has been doctored to the masses.  In fact the country of Israel has treated over 1,000,000 Israeli's since they received their vaccine supplies (and this is a nation of not even 9,000,000 people), and other countries are likewise working around the clock to use the vaccine to immunize their populations as quickly as possible.

  What's interesting is that those that have contracted Covid-19 can still be treated with the vaccine, and this vaccine is somewhat remedy to those afflicted.  The vaccine is able to work if the person hasn't already contracted the virus, but is a relief effort to the immune system for those that have contracted the virus.  Those that have contracted the virus would still benefit enormously from having the vaccine go to work for them and at the least prevent further progression of the virus itself.  The reality is that we're in the year 2021 and this means that the science of the equation looms as telling to fact that the World will have the Covid-treatments for eternity based on the expedition of a 94.1% effective vaccine in today's' age.  Is this where science ends?  No.  We'll be looking at what is feasible next quarter when we see how fast North America has an efficient immunization plan that is 98.6% effective with near zero side effects.  If it's not next quarter it's the quarter after that.  To the common man I ask a question;  Is 94.1% good enough?    

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