Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Covid-19 Vaccine Part 2 by Moses

       Now that the U.S is going with a full endorsement of the Covid vaccine Americans will have to endure early ramifications, including side effects to taking a 94.1% effective vaccine shot.  The side effects may last for the duration of a year.  The problem I see is that after the vaccine has been implemented will the side effects ever go away?  If they don't, will Phizer be held liable in a Civil case suit of Americans that suffer long lasting side effects (as a result)?  The problem with taking a vaccine is that it may look to be an improvement to suffering through Covid, but you can't say there aren't causes and effects of the actual strand of the vaccine properties themselves.  As a result there are side effects to this vaccine.

  I would imagine that in a couple of years a pharmaceutical remedy will be in place to treat this pandemic, for now it's a vaccine made by Phizer.  Keep in mind that a pharmaceutical remedy in the name of two pills a day could sustain us into the future with full engagement of our fellow man.  Like going to the Jays or Yankees game, the Concerts, the downtown crowds.  All that Jazz.  It's important to remember because getting back to what we had as recent as 2018 will not be attainable with just a 94.1 % effective vaccine and a mask to wear in public.  It will be attainable when enough Americans have been immunized by the vaccine and become the majority within the U.S.A.

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