Monday, December 16, 2019

Letter for CBC, CTV, City TV, Ontario Tribunal, Case Manager at ODSP, Ontario Ombudsman Office, Home-care Services of Farhan Aboubaker; A Man's Right to Life - by Moses Goldman

 Letter for CBC, CTV, City TV, Ontario Tribunal, Case Manager at ODSP, Ontario Ombudsman Office, Homecare Services of Farhan Aboubaker;

  Farhan Aboubaker has had his travel options limited because he is an ODSP recipient.  For Farhan the winter months are excruciating.  Over the last number of years he has suffered a brain aneurysm, a collapsed lung, and had a case of pneumonia all as a result of his body rejecting cold weather.  He traveled to Thailand last winter and was cut off from his pension cheque (for what were called breaking guidelines and regulations which stipulates an ODSP recipient is only allowed to be out of the Country for 1 -3 Months).

  Farhan would like the decision from the Ontario Tribunal to be delayed so that he can travel again this year back to Thailand (to be with his family) and keep his Canadian Citizen status.  It really is a simple case;  Farhan wants to live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for 6 months plus one day and live with his family abroad 6 months minus one day.  Farhan's right to life is the issue here.  For Farhan to live in Toronto in the winter months means that he can't go outside for months on end as Farhan was born polio stricken.  He would like re-assurance from your office to be treated as a Canadian Citizen drawing from his Disability Pension at ODSP while abroad.

  When Farhan and I called the Ombudsman Office a few days ago we were told to take this route as Farhan's ODSP worker worked against procedure and was proactive in cutting off Farhan from ODSP.  She was supposed to inform Farhan first to see if he would have answers to why and what was the case if a guideline wasn't followed.  The reason Farhan had was that he mailed a letter from Dr. Chen to ODSP BEFORE he left the Country stating he was out of the Country for Health Reasons.

  If it would please your offices Farhan's Doctor has already shown case evidence to ODSP and this information can be provided.

  Yours Truly,

Moses Goldman and Farhan Aboubaker

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