Thursday, December 12, 2019
Defining What is Right and What is Wrong - by Moses
Here's the conundrum; There is one G-d for argument's sake. There are Seven Billion people on earth, therefore there are seven billion different ideas of what is right and wrong. When someone argues a point in check another person has the right to agree, to disagree, be indifferent, or agree to disagree. When we're young we study in school to get an education. When we reach our late twenties we have pretty much formulated our independence through schooling (and street smarts that we've entertained). The problem that most people have is that most people see things in 'black' and 'white'. What happens when it's a grey area and the polarized view leads most people into believing that either or is okay. The problem with too linear an approach is that it makes it harder on the psyche to entertain a polarized viewpoint. The reality is that every issue has pros and cons that can't be stringently expressed with just one statement. When someone tells me that something is right, or something is wrong, and I disagree to the statement, I remind them that it will still be okay to agree to disagree. 'You gotta do this or gotta do that' really shouldn't be said unless it's by the parent to the child, or by the Employer to the Employee.
The problem America is having today is regarding 'White' privilege and 'Black' privilege.
'White' privilege; Authoritative measures in place to ensure the safety of the 'White' man.
'Black' privilege; Coverage on the streets by people if your 'Black' and full exposure if you're 'White'.
When Colin Kaepernick wouldn't stand to the National Anthem in a Football game in 2016, he said afterwards that his conscience wouldn't allow him to honor his Nation based on the practices within America today towards 'Blacks'. Funny, now he's been ostracized by the Football Community (kept from a job) and the media as being un-American for his actions. Wasn't it Muhammad Ali who refused to go to Vietnam because, and I quote 'Ain't no Viet-Cong ever called me a Nigger'. When it happened, Ali lost his belt and was almost railroaded out of the fight game.
It seems to me that when a 'White' man speaks up on a matter he expects to be heard. When a 'Black' man speaks up he's railroaded.
Bill Cosby is another example of misguided justice. Here is a man that every American loved for years and was thought of as a Great man. When accusations towards rape from years' past surfaced, the legal system failed him and now he's being ostracized by America for allegations on his personal life from years past. What confuses me is why statute of limitations wasn't employed in these allegations as the events are from 20 years past. America would rather try to humble men as opposed to honoring the legal system when it's a legal matter. There was no need to destroy Cosby's character in the media or in the Courthouse for that matter as a man is innocent until proven guilty.
'Black' privilege; Say you're in Compton, California. You're 'Black' and living in a predominantly 'Black' neighborhood. You're taught to have your neighbors back at all times in the hood. Say a 'White' guy drives into the area and goes into a convenient store there. Do the people in that area have his back? Should America dismiss this as cultural indifference?
This procreation of bad blood from both sides of the fence causes many disturbances. In fact some would say, even today, that should these negative sentiments be put forth as truths, could cause a ripple effect in the psyche of children across America and lead people to believe that have to fight battles that they don't really need to fight. Likewise that feed the frenzy of the KKK, Neo Nazi's within America, and the Radical Muslim view of Shariya Law.
What is wrong with being indiscriminate of race, color, and creed? Like I said earlier in the article; There are seven billion different ideas of what is right and wrong. How the hell are you supposed to singularly define what is right and wrong?
We may have to re-examine what Multi-Culturalism entails.
By the way, how many African Americans own Professional Sports Franchises in North America today?
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