Thursday, January 13, 2011

Perfection - by Moses

Perfection, or so they say, is summed up by tiny imperfections. 'Rome wasn't built in one day' as recited by my boss. The pressure associated next to trying to achieve perfection can be excruciating. I've never seen a Major League Baseball Player have 500 Base-Hits in 500 At-Bats. Yet many torment over unachievable goals in this body of context, and we see an influx of pressure and anxiety. Pressure and anxiety can raise endorphin flow to both/either the blood stream (related to blood pressure) and to the nervous system {(the brain - the muscles)(impulse/trigger philosophy)}. There is a higher blood pressure when your heart is pumping endorphins at a higher rate into the blood system. Blood Vessels - Capilliaries - Veins - Arteries - Aorta - Heart Valves - Heart; This is the signal flow of the blood stream and can be measured at any point. Private health institutions across America administer these tests on supply and demand, and they make a pretty penny. Arbitration is relevant in this context, as either Socialist or Capitalist societies will operate in this manner.

I suppose you could say that perfection is overated, and it is this ambivalence that accounts for many failures, and much success I must add. Having 'ice in your veins' has traditionally been a good thing in sport and pop-culture and being 'cool' in both realms solidifies the ideology that indifference is a viable option in any situation.

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