Friday, June 12, 2009

Social Inequities and Political Dilemma - By Moses

Case Study

1. A Nazi Officer fled Germany because he did not want to partake in the Holocaust anymore. He was protected by the Iclandic Government as he fled voluntarily. Do you kill him or try him for War Crimes? What Governing body makes that decision?

2. One man says 'Nigger' to another man and he is warmly greeted. The man who recieves 'Nigger' says 'Nigger' to another man and that man breaks his arm. The first man says 'Nigger' to the third man and is warmly greeted.
Here is the logistic being used; Men 1 and 3 are 'Black', and man 2 is Caucasian.
Are we to honestly to believe that it's alright for a 'Negro' Male or Female to say 'Nigger', and not alright for a Caucasian Male or Female to use that word.
My Grandfather was darker than me, does this give me added Rights?

As we can see from the aforementioned exaqmples, these issues are real. I personally know someone who broke another mans' arm based on the exact same argument. He will gladly call another man the 'N' word, or of himself for that matter. It's when someone not noticeably 'Black' says the word that he breaks arms. This is, in my opinion, the reason we are instituting Afro-Centric Schools across Canada.
It leaves me wondering why Oprah Winfrey hasn't put this issue before the American people on her Nationally Syndicated T.V Show. By burying our heads in the sand, means we're living the life of an osterich, and this is where we see blinded ignorance of the majority.
With the first case study example, it's pretty safe to say that Sovereign Nations expel former Nazi Party members, or at the very least these former Party members are made known to the United Nations for Security reasons. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live next door to Joseph Mengele (the Head Butcher of 'Jew Children' - as they were referred).

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