Land Settlements in Israel
In the 19th and early 20th Centuries in the Soviet Union, a Jew was documented by medical rcord and segregated from every other denomination, until their death. A Jew was tortured at will of the Soviet Government and given lifetime imprisonments in the name of Psychiatric Hospitalizations (the Dicotamy of Dicotamy). Jews were defined stringently as 'White Jews' in the Soviet at that time, as any person darker in skin complection were defined as 'Jews', and not allowed in this region.
'Fiddler on the Roof'' comes to mind when thinking of bltant anti-Semetism.
In Israel today, it is reported from Canada that 'the Jews' have set up similar camps amongst the Palestinian People. In truth, no Arab Nation has adopted Pilgrimage for the Palestinian People. Why should Israel be the only Arab Nation to house another Nation (as Palestine - Phillistine People - are distinctly geneologically Not Arab People but rather Aegian).
!973 Yom Kippur War
Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia (Persia)} invaded Israel during YomKippur, as all Military Posts were kept at a bare minimum to allow Jews innate right to make ammends with the Lord (in Christian Proverb - with Jesus) - our Day of Atonement.
Izchak Rabin, Israel's Defence Minister at the time (Head of the Bait Shin), warned Israel's Prime Minister Golda MEir 1 month prior to the attack that an attackwas plausibly coming, and suggested that Militasry Posts be upheld. Meir Followed Hebrew Custom, that a Man, Woman, and Child needed to Atone for their sins on Yom Kippur. This is Paramount to being a Jew. Gist. Understanding where you stand in life. With this Cultural theme comes direction of propagation (affluence/influence).
When Syria reached the Sea of Galilea, they stopped and waited for Damascus to clear a unilateral strike 0n Jerusalem. While the Chaganah oversaw the Israeli Militaries restoring their posts, Damascus was slow in response, and enough IDF were in place to fight the converging Nations. In fact, there were Israeli Arabs fighting for Israel, and today in Israel roughly 1/8th the population are Isreali Arab.
As a result of the Yom Kippur War, Israel is very sensitive about the Golan, the Northern Most and Highest Plain separating Israel from Syria. During the Six Day War of '67, the Golan Heights was claimed by Israel as Syria was set to attack from there. Currently, in the Southern Most points of Syria and Lebanon, there are terrorist camps of Hezbollah within 100 miles of Israel. (In War excercises a man never lights the same cigarettes twice over the course of 10 minutes - for proximity purposes).
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