Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Global Warming Hoax by Gråulf

I was planning to work on my motorcycle today, but it is too cold to work out in the garage, so I am inside, with the furnace on, writing this.

I didn’t pay much attention to the Global Warming talk until a couple of years ago. There have always been gloom and doom predictions. In the old days people thought natural catastrophes were Gods punishment for their sins. Then pollution became the popular cause. I vividly remember listening to a scientist from the University of Colorado pontificating that we had reached a critical tipping point, and that human life on earth would be snuffed out within 10 years. Back in the seventies the talk was all about the impending ice age. At the same time, some people were obsessed by the possibility of a nuclear winter, and if that didn’t wipe us out, overpopulation would. Then the imminent danger became global warming. It seemed sort of silly to me, because Colorado was always hot in the summer, and people wear big hats because the summer sun can fry your brain without one. A degree one way or the other would not make any difference.

When All Gore’s movie came out I began to take global warming seriously, because I realized this was not just an idiot fringe belief. Friends of mine came away from “An Inconvenient Truth” frightened by what we are doing to the climate, and terrified by Gore’s dire predictions of the consequences. Normally I would not pay money to go and see anything by All Gore, but I finally did see the movie, and it was about what I expected. The high point was when All Gore hoisted his fat ass up to the ceiling to point out how much hotter it is now that it has been in the past million years. I am an amateur historian, and I knew he was lying, because it was warmer during the Viking Age when Viking settlers were able to grow grain on Greenland, and you can’t grow grain there today. That lie made me wonder what else Gore lied about, and got me started on what was to become a two-year research project.

All Gore claims there is worldwide consensus among climatologists that today’s global warming is caused by our CO2 pollution, and that the debate is over. To prove his point he shows belching factory chimneys, followed by a litany of dried up farmland, forest fires, hurricanes, floods, melting glaciers, and drowning polar bears. Gore is a little vague on exactly how the belching factory chimneys are causing this calamity. When I began reading peer-review articles on climate change I assumed I would find scientific proof that CO2 is responsible for the present global warming, but all I found were predictions based on computer models, and the fact that both CO2 and the earths temperature has risen during the past one hundred years. It is not surprising that global temperatures are rising, since we are coming out of “the Little Ice Age”, but there is no proof whatsoever that the raise in CO2 in the atmosphere is responsible for more than a small part of the raise in temperatures. However, there are indications to the contrary. During the 1930es and 1940es it was as warm as it is today, and then the temperature cooled for twenty years, while the CO2 levels continued to rise. That is happening again today. There has been no increase in global warming for the past ten years, and the global temperatures has fallen by almost one degree during the last two years, and again, CO2 levels continue to increase. The claim that ice cores prove CO2 is responsible for global warming is also false, because the ice cores confirm definitively that the temperature rose well before there was a rise in CO2. What I find significant is that the computer models did not predict, and cannot explain, the drop in global temperature that is taking place now. All Gore’s claim of consensus among climatologists is far fetched as well. Lots of climatologists do not agree that CO2 is responsible for significant global warming, and a lot of scientists are changing sides due to the cooling taking place now. Russian scientists have never agreed that global warming is caused by CO2, and now a majority of Japanese and New Zealand climatologists are speaking out against that theory as well.

CO2 constitute only .035% of the earth’s atmosphere, and man-made CO2 is 3.225% of that total. To reduce modern climate change to one variable, CO2, or a small proportion of one variable - human-induced CO2 - is not science. It is also contrary to how CO2 behaves in the atmosphere. CO2 is not a good conductor of heat, as it only absorbs heat in a narrow band of the ultraviolet spectrum. Global warming advocates explain their extraordinary claim of CO2’s disproportionate role in global warming by inventing a feed-back loop that has CO2 reradiate heat back at the earth, thereby causing further warming. That is contrary to everything we know of heat transfer. Heat radiates towards anything that is colder, never towards anything that is warmer. Even if the claimed CO2 feedback loop was possible, only 0.28% of the so-called greenhouse effect is due human activity.

As I was reading hundreds of peer-review papers on climate change I tried to engage people in conversation about global warming. Most don’t know anything about CO2, or how the climate system works, but they know that the debate is over, and that man-made global warming is responsible for all the cute polar bears drowning. Global warming is like religion. It has to be taken on faith rather than knowledge. One professor at the University of Colorado was outraged that I questioned the climate change computer models, and told me that I should read some of the books in the library at the National Institute for Atmospheric Research. That is like being told to go to the Vatican to ask if Christianity is real. The institute is the national center for computer modelers, and most of it’s funding is based on keeping the faith.

CO2 is an invisible, odorless, and harmless trace gas in the atmosphere, that plants need to survive, and now the Obama administration is about to classify it a pollutant so they can tax it. Obama’s tax-and-trade scheme is based on a theory that is unproven, and beyond crazy, and will drive what little manufacturing we have left out of the country. It will also enable government to regulate every part of our lives.


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