Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pass the Vaseline, by Gråulf

We have just been victimized by the biggest heist in human history. The Democrats voted to take almost a trillion dollars from American taxpayers, and legitimized it by calling it a stimulus plan. It is not a stimulus plan, or even a bailout plan. It is one gigantic swindle. This plan is the wish list of every tax-and-spend Liberal in Nancy Peloci’s nutty government. Obviously, if the first trillion dollars didn’t do anything to fix the financial crisis, the logical thing to do is to drop another trillion into the hole. So much for Obama working both sides of the isle!

Like the first bailout, this one had to be done in a hurry so there was no time for discussion or debate, or to allow the public to discover that a large part of the money is designated for pork barrel projects favored by Democrats. The unseemly haste should have been a warning, because there is no need for hurry since less than 20% of the money will be spent during the first year, and a large part will not be spent for 3 years.

This so-called stimulus plan will cost 1.2 trillion dollars with interest. That comes to over $9,000 per American family, but wait a minute… only half the taxpayers in this country pay any income tax, although Obama still intend to give tax refunds to 95% of Americans. I wonder how that works, and will someone kindly pass the Vaseline while we bend over.

Anyone interested in what will happen to this country with a Democrat majority in Congress need only look to the Democrat states. They are the states that are broke, and clamoring for the Feds. to bail them out. Ain’t this a great country.


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