Obama has been anointed the new messiah by all the major news services, the same media who protected him, and fawned over him throughout the campaign. Little has been said about the 46% of American who didn’t vote for him; that he was able to outspend his opponent by a factor of 3 to 1 during the campaign, and lied when he promised to accept federal campaign financing; that he is one of the most inexperienced candidates to ever be elected President; that no one knows for sure where he stands on most issues, except that he has promised to outspend any previous administration; that he was able to ride the culmination of the Civil Rights Movement to victory, although the campaign was not suppose to be about race; that his election leaves Pelosi and her fellow travelers in complete control of congress. Be that as it may, I promised not to criticize Obama until he became president and screwed up, but he is sure making that a difficult promise to keep with his choice of Carol Browner as his new energy czar.
Carol Browner is another rabid ideologue, who served as Al Gore’s senior legislative aide before being appointed to head the Environmental Protection Agency under Clinton from 1993 until 2000. Before she left the agency she ordered the destruction of the agency computer files in defiance of a federal court order requiring the agency to preserve its records. She later claimed she didn’t know about the court injunction signed by U.S. District Judge Royce Lambert. Yet, two days before she had all the agency records purged, the EPA had filed a motion opposing the federal court injunction protecting those government documents. Judge Lambert finally held the EPA in contempt of court after a two-year legal battle. The systematic destruction of records was a criminal act that should have sent Carol Browner to prison, but she somehow shifted the blame to the agency and weaseled out of any serious consequences to herself.
This is the person who will control the $150 billion dollars Obama has promised to spend on developing alternative energy sources, while taxing the coal industry out of existence with the Cap and Trade scheme. The scheme is a giant international swindle that will result in an exponential increase in the cost of energy, with devastating consequences to the economy. And there are no viable alternative energy sources on the horizon.
Coal has gotten a bad reputation, but modern coal fired energy plants are equipped to remove all visible particulate matter from their exhaust. They do emit CO2, which is an invisible, odorless, and harmless trace gas occurring naturally in the atmosphere, and there are no credible scientific studies to the contrary. The main claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of climate warming is based almost entirely upon climate models of questionable validity. Now cooling weather is doing more to raise questions about the scam of manmade global warming than all the appeals to scientific reason. Even people who don’t understand the science recognize the illogic of arguing that colder temperatures are due to global warming, and many scientists are now searching for ways to quietly back out of the manmade global warming stance, without ruining their professional careers. This is causing advocates of human caused global warming to make ever more strident calls for immediate action, before the tipping point is reached and the climate (or their careers) spirals out of control. That is the stark assessment of NASA scientist and leading climate expert Jim Hansen, who has warned Obama that he has only four years to save the world from CO2.
I don’t know a lot about economic systems, so I can’t tell if Obama’s plan to beggar future generations by spending trillions of dollars on a giant bailout scheme is justified, but I do know that he is choosing ideologues for important science positions in his government. People who have made human caused global warming their life mission, and who will never change their minds.
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