As we saw yesterday, another mass shooting, this time three kids and three adults in Nashville Tennessee. This is 29 mass shootings in the last two years and looks to be the trend for the near future as the incidence has gone up enormously post COVID. To this I ask a simple question; When did an amendment to the right to bear arms ever pose a threat to Americans? In Canada, we pride ourselves in security. We have strict gun laws that include psychiatric questions to insure that people with mental health issues don't have the right to a firearm. When someone in Canada buys a gun, they are REQUIRED to register their firearm. What may seem to be simple procedures saves lives. It is a hard issue to come to terms with, but while in 1776 a few shotguns and hunting rifles could be used to withstand an enemy element within their government, please be mindful that it is now 2023 and the fundamental right to overthrow the U.S government is non-existent. The U.S military would never be able to be overthrown anyway (unless nukes were entered into the equation).
What troubles this writer is that with the vested interests of the N.R.A there will always be lobbyists for assault weapons and weapons that can't be justified by Canadian standards. This is an ongoing dilemma as long as assault weapons and sub-machine guns are made available to the U.S population. The sickening thing is that occurrences in incidence like we've seen in the U.S over the last two years has essentially reached its' boiling point, and the reality is that every inner city in the U.S (aside from maybe the state of Texas) is susceptible to having guns on the street by illegal trade. These are issues that can't be here in Canada.
Isn't it strange but this is not the first time a transgender person has committed a mass shooting and that they passed the salesclerk test once again, this time resulting in six dead. Why hasn't the U.S adopted screening to those that want to possess a firearm. Why can't there be a fifty question prerequisite, and the passing of someone in a psychiatric sense to nullify people with severe mental health issues from owning firearms?