Sunday, July 31, 2022

Old Age Pensioners in Canada - by Moses

       The truth of today's' age, of the early 2020's, is that for fifty years old age pensioners have been treated like shit.  At this point we see some old age pensioners (roughly half) receiving as little as $600 Cdn/month.  As Canadians we see refugee status given in the amount of $3500 Cdn/month to a family of four including bursary's of rent and food paid for by the Canadian taxpayer which some consider to be gross in nature.  Then there are Disabled Supports that are being given to support mandates that include keeping the disabled unemployed.  These efforts have been in place similar to that of old age pensioners, for fifty years.  Then there are construction unions operating in the cities across Canada demanding $50 Cdn/hour pay for their workers which again is coming out of the pockets of the Canadian taxpayer.  By the way, how much did Justin Trudeau's last vacation and embassy cost the Canadian taxpayer? Just asking.  When it comes to what is deserved for our old age pensioners what would be so terrible if they received $1500 Cdn/month to cover them for their dutiful existence?

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