Monday, November 29, 2021

The COVID Development - by Moses

   Now that there is another strain of more severity (Omicron) in the mix, flight restrictions are now in place.  This is seeming to be a long orchestrated effort by the World Health Organization and the U.S Military to close up shops and inflate the health care system to bring in money.   

  Wasn't it in 1994 when the movie 'Outbreak' came out and there was a concern that a disease could spread in an almost planet defeating manner.  Wasn't it in 1998 that the first case of SARS hit and researchers deduced then that this wasn't a global concern.  Weren't there two strains of the COVID that were SARS related that has surfaced.  I'm now remembering when I was a tot in 1977 and it used to get said that you should watch out for the COOTIES before washing your hands for dinner.  This is a seemingly long ordeal in the here and now that's being supported by the U.S Military, an exercise that has led to shops closing down because they can't support their businesses.  Of course Vaccine Suppliers, Pharmaceutical companies, Amazon, Walmart, and many other Corporation are feeding off this pandemic.  The small guy is being reduced and the well off are now holding more power as a result.  The American dream?   

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