Saturday, April 10, 2021

Handguns and Hunting Rifle Referendum of the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms - by Moses

       So now Congress has the chore of writing revisions to the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms.  A right appeased with hunting rifles and handguns - but still a solution.  Registered firearms are in order should the U.S want to contain gang violence in Metropolis' across North America.  With restrictions to handguns we'll see a truer test of what safety really is; in other words the farmer with the hunting rifle may prey on deer on his farm with there being no threat to his/her safety therefore no need to show the weapon to on-comers to his/her farm (unless uninvited).  For people living in Texas they'll still be able to buy handguns and go to the shooting range if they want to shoot skeets or unload their firearm.  For inner city gang violence to be snuffed out the guns on the street can't exist.  To register their handguns is imperative to secure the big cities across North America.  Accountability to their weapon (registration of a firearm) is a main reason why Canada has a very low death rate of the homicide type.  When Congress passes restrictions on gun-arms in the constitution  Canada may want to negotiate a trade exchange of people coming to Canada from the U.S and likewise that of a Canadian having dual citizenship living in the U.S.  There will have to be some level of cross border tolerance with the U.S to dispel the myth that our relationship as Nations shouldn't deter an American from wanting to re-locate to Canada nor a Canadian seeking to re-locate to America (or Mexico for that matter).  There are simply too many Canadians claiming dual-citizenship with winter homes in the States for people to be naive of equal rights (your right to do the same). Why should our immigration policy with the U.S be so restrictive?  

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