It is now accepted that there will be a solar flare within two years that will render any and all satellite feed useless. Ground lines will be at a premium and the masses may have to wait for new lines to be constructed to accommodate them.
The solar flare is known within the highest technology research and development. It could be caused by a big enough meteor in space, or man made in the name of nuclear war in space. This premise was studied as early as 1944 and NASA has announced contracts to study the cause and effects of the solar flare. It was forecast to hit as early as 2010 and scientists have reasons listed as to the delay of the forecast.
Today the price of silver is listed at roughly $50 an ounce. To accommodate 100,000,000 new ground lines in North America the contract will probably be exorbitant as the plans are to use silver as the means of tolerance. With the amount of silver necessary for the infrastructure the silver market will be pushed up. As a result some have speculated that the price of silver will go up as high as $150 an ounce by the end of 2025.
The current ground-lines in place are copper inductance. This is a high level of tolerance to use in relation to most metals. However, silver is a much more desired level of tolerance and preferred by most technologists to even gold itself. In actual fact the Chinese have flooded the silver market in the last couple of years which has pushed the price from $18 an ounce just a couple of years ago to the current $50 an ounce of today. This means of production will eventually lead to silver reserves being sent to mint in greater frequency to accommodate the average citizen that wants to build their collections of wealth.