Monday, January 6, 2020

The Gestapo Part 8 - by Moses

      Have you ever gone on your computer to look up a statistic in print, only to discover it's false information.  Our internet service provider assures the public that their servers have fail safe firewalls.  The problem is when you look at the number of hackers that use spyware to gather information and miscue the server in its' process.  This could be the downfall of ground hubs and satellites essentially the next Y2K (Y2020) in this context of corrupting and rendering a server/ground hub to satellite, useless.  In the movie 'The Matrix' the scene in which Neo's computer starts talking to him (visually) with someone penetrating the servers firewalls and dictating 'follow the white rabbit' on the monitor followed by a knock on the door and a woman with a tatoo of a white rabbit on her arm.  Is this far-fetched or could this actually become reality.  

  All information corrupted by the best hackers in the world vs Joe Q Public (those that use the service).  What is actually happening here?  Could a hacker manipulate the viewer of their internet service into believing that ALL information is 100% accurate by using brainwashing techniques to provide constantly toxic information, leading a person to a form of psychological warfare.  Could a neighborhood exist in North America where the hacker's team preys upon and tortures an assumed victim in this context of literally knowing ALL of a person and using techniques to break this man down.

  There are four contexts of which I discuss in the aforementioned paragraph; 1) hacking into someone's computer 2) falsifying data 3) corrupting the server and 4) destroying the server (in this context the server is parable to man).  The problem we're having today is deciding when to believe what is on the internet and when to discriminate toxic information from the mix.  This head game just leads to bureaucratic red tape where there is ZERO accountable and warehouses full of number company files where information becomes dead and FORGOTTEN.

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