Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Modern Day Gestapo - by Moses

  What we're dealing with in 2019 in North America is paramount to the techniques established by Mussolini in Italy.  A new Gestapo designed to map out ultimate truth, condoned by the Vatican and Russian Orthodox.  This never really ended (the Gestapo that is).  We're looking at the authorities having access to anyone's personal information upon their request.  The average Canadian has a Passport, Birth Certificate, Age of Majority Card, Health Card, and Driver's Licence.  How much accountability do we actually need for the authorities to do their jobs properly?  Couldn't we just need the 'cops' when an actual crime has been committed?  Versus the current inner city depravity that leads the 'cops' to interrogate people on no just cause.  This is really just leading people to be paranoid that someone's got their number.  Personally I don't care.  I stopped caring 5-6 years ago on the adage 'life is innate'.  What worries me is when task force vans that are unmarked housing a team of 5-6 'cops' inside, drive our streets unnoticed to the people.  How much unlimited power do we want to give to give the authorities?

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