Thursday, February 14, 2019

FEMA Camps and Transgender Allowance - by Moses

  So, it's 2019 and as a collective in North America today we see Federal Emergency Management Association Camps being employed to house vagrants.  Of course rights and freedoms are being sacrificed in the name of 8 PM curfews, no smoking, no drinking, no pot, no movies etc...yet if you're transgender you have the right to be there.  Of course our Great Grandparents would approve of our children having the rights to a sex change.  This notion of insanity mounts.  What else is okay?

  We see teenagers wearing their pants low thigh to indicate their desire to become gang members.  We see young adults buying into the idea that all telecommunication devices are okay, when in actual fact some subliminally are teaching them to kill.  How many sick video games are there?  The ones depicting a man firing a gun to kill the enemy, always the enemy (Black Ops / Halo 4).  The video games that allow for a group to hunt together in the name of 'Grand Theft Auto'.  Not a deer but actual humans in the video games.  Kill a man in a video game signifies to me a desensitization to actually committing murder in real life.  How many killing sprees does America need to see before they realize that they should have been listening to Tom Clancy.  


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