Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Massacre and Attrocity in Orlando - by Moses

      On Saturday, June 11/16 coming up to midnight an attack occurred.  It wasn't that there haven't been lone wolf gunmen in the U.S.A before that's astonishing.  It's the fact that this man acted as a representative of Radical Islam and I.S.I.S as he gunned down 49 to death and severely injuring another 53.  We're entering a dangerous time in the World.  A time when instant gratification has led most people to believe that technology will provide every answer known to man.  The problem is that with it comes the technology of weaponry and ideological retardation that makes a strike like this a possible reality in any large scale city in North America (the World for that matter).  Most people have progressed and are tolerant of others and their beliefs, and civil rights have only strengthened for the majority in the past 50 years.
  Unfortunately, there are those Islamic Fundamentalists (call them I.S.I.S, Al-Quada, Islamic Jihadists, Hammas) that are around plaguing the World today.  Our Homeland security is in question.  This may be an abhoration within Muslim communities in North America, but there is a common sentiment within Muslim Communities in our Homeland that condemn anyone outside of the the faith of Islam, especially those that are of the Gay and Lesbian Community.  We have just witnessed the single greatest attack by any one individual in America of all-time.  Who's to say there won't be copycats.  The authorities need to operate quickly in determining whether they should act towards those that are on Government watch lists or risk a further breach on life.  It's quite sad that America, Home of the Free, may have to give up Civil Liberties for a year to make sure public safety is adhered to for the sake of the innocent.  Do we really need more examples of massacres like last Saturday Night?      

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