Monday, September 21, 2015

Global Terrorism and Terrorism within the Western World - by Moses (a.k.a Stacey Marc Goldman)

      In the news we always read about Global Terrorism.  The I.S.I.S ATTACKS ARE REAL.  They are happening GLOBALLY DAILY.  How many Gang bangs and drive by's are going on in poor pockets of Urban Centres Globally to prove this mentality?  By the way isn't this done under I.S.I.S playbooks.  The difference is that I.S.I.S chops heads off and burns people alive.  Here in America we see Murders committed with regularity EXECUTIONER STYLE.  The Bloods and the Crypts and the KKK.  By the way, if I.S.I.S is a bunch of Ex-CIA, Ex-KGB, Ex-SAS and Ex-MOSSAD Agents committing these crimes, than what do we make of the Western World's claim to denounce themselves of Worldwide terrorism?  This cause and effect is systematic and reaches Monarchy with regularity, entering the mainstream media in the name of pure innocence.  Last I checked in the dictionary, innocent - under King James Bible, is WHITE.  

  The Islamic JIHAD, Hezbollah, Hammas, and I.S.I.S are factions within the Middle East.  The sentiments they bring to the table are leading people to become de-sensitized to MURDER, likewise the actions within our own Kingdoms.  This is a non-negotiable reality.  I won't play modern video games for this reason.  Shady deals have now corrupted our youth into believing that psychotic thought is manageable, when it's not.  A man, woman, or child that truly believes that Murder is acceptable, pro-creates this denomination.  Personally, when I'm working I just want everyone to just die and go away (no pun intended).  Not to murder them but just to envision a lightening of being as to having my Shalom Alechem in not being pissed off too much when I'm trying to fucking Jackhammer a Wall that's three feet thick at 140lbs, because I'm a weak Kyke, Jew, Nigger, White Trash, Dago, Dead Mick, Terrorist Muslim, Chink, Jap, Porkchop, the list goes on..........

  Has anyone thought to question Director Quentin Tarantino as to why he released 'Jango Unchained'.  This movie was too sadistic for 40 year olds, let alone a 13 year old who found a 'sick' copy in print.  Political Science Novelist Tom Clancy was worried that Tarantino's premise would make it to video game and that is exactly what we're seeing in video games today...What are they saying about this matter in the Nation of Colombia?  What are they saying about this in the District of Columbia of the U.S.A - Washington D.C to be precise?  Does Superman, Batman, Flash, Aqua-Man, Green Lantern, and the Legion of Doom really exist?  What about Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohamed, Buddha, and Gandhi?  Nice to meet you I'm Moses  


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