Thursday, February 26, 2015

Six Nations and Aboriginal Issues - by Moses (a.k.a Stacey Marc Goldman)

1.   Land that is claimed as ‘owned’ territory contradicts a Native belief that the land was here long before us and will be here long after us.

2.   Compromises are being made to support trading partners and these treaties are starting to lose their value.  Alcohol is deforming cohesiveness among the people.  Sainthood is commonly expressed
as martyrdom, commonly referred to (in the Arabic World) as suicide bombers – dying for a specific cause.  This is not adhered to by any Aboriginal (Monothaic) practice.  The sainthood answers to Conquestadors – a premise still practiced in most Catholic States.
3.   There is a lack of Aboriginals in the higher ups in the workforce.
Eg. Head Coach’s in Professional sports.  Ted Nolan and Joe Paopao are the only Six- Nations Head Coach’s in Professional sports.  Two is not enough.  This is an indicator of how the North American business world is operating today. Why aren’t half the schools across Canada teaching Native curriculum?  These Rights should not be extra, nor preclusive, rather equal.

4.   Equal rights.

5.   Equal Pension, C.P.P, Disability, and Health Benefits.

6.   Food Banks versus Ghetto’s.  The argument here is simple.  Should a man be starving and have $0, is he entitled to a grocery store apple?  For an apple to be withheld, a mans’ Right to Life has been sacrificed.  This is why there are food banks.  Likewise a constitution.  The Right to Life super-cedes the embarrassment of being caught stealing.

7.   Killing.  In a time of war, reasonable force is often sacrificed.  In ancient times a scalping was often used in place of killing to preserve the sanctuary of battle.  In other words, I’ll scalp you if you’re a danger to me.  In actual fact this is a deterrent to war as no-one wants to be scalped.  This breeds peace treaties.

8.   Gross acts on the environment.
How does the Canadian Government justify oil and gas vehicles?

9.   Customs that are not adhered to by neighboring cultures.
In other words a person should be respected and not feel threatened.

10. Lack of treatment centers and hostels.

11. Pharmaceuticals vs. traditional medicine.

12.  Money being used as a barometer of success.
A dream-catcher will always carry value.  A dollar ends up worth less as time goes by.

13.  With respect to point #4 – the Six-Nations are (by interpretation);

a)    Cherokee (Cree)
b)    Ojibwa/Seneca
c)    Sioux/Navaho
d)    Aztec/Mohican
e)    Apache/Sac and Fox
f)    Inuit                

14.  Aboriginal (Australian Natives)

15.  Bedouin (Descendants of Ishmael)

16.  Felocia (African Jewry)

17.  Sephardiim (Descendants of Shem - a.k.a blood of book)

18.  Ashkenazi (Eastern European Jewry)

                                The Empires

1.  British Empire
2.  Astra-Hungarian Empire
3.  Ottoman Empire
4.  Persian Empire
5.  Roman Empire (the Vatican)
6.  Colombian Empire (America)
7.  Babylonian Empire
8.  Rastafarian Empire
9.  Netherlands
10.Chinese Warlords
11.Portuguese Warlords

Constitutions – This is what a person thinks and feels outside of Empire Protocols.  Another word for this is Agnostic (Jedi).

                                Time Periods

1.  Hittite (4200 years ago)
2.  Samarian (3700 years ago)
3.  Goshen (3200 years ago)
4.  Medieval (800 years ago)
5.  Renaissance (550 years ago)
6.  U.S.A (modern day)

                                World War 11

      Hitler’s Nazi Party, the Japanese, and Italy (under Mussolini’s rule) converged with the intention of taking over the World.  They butchered Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and certain sects of Catholics in a Document called the Third Reich.  It was in their order to exterminate Jews, as Hitler professed that it was the result of the Jews that the Great Depression of 1931 occurred.  Hitler harnessed enough support in Europe and in some parts of Asia (in the Far East) promoting Anti-Semitism.  Any person that Hitler deemed to be not 'Arian' was gathered and sent to Concentration Camps.  Adolph Hitler established Concentration Camps in Auschwitz Poland, Krakow Poland and Dacha Germany, among other sites as early as 1935.  In Concentration Camps every person was tattooed with a number on their arm.  Children were regularly sent to Nazi Doctors (Joseph Mengele being the Head Butcher) and many had their eyeballs taken out without anesthetic and had their eyeballs injected with blue dye.  This faction of medicine was deemed sanitary by Joseph Mengele through the argument that the Jew children needed to be taught to 'see things properly'.  In Krakow Poland my Cousin Henry Kay said ‘I would give some of my food ration to the wealthy children that were crying so that they didn’t get taken in for slaughter.’  The Aramaic (root Hebrew) word for Henry’s action is Dyainu – It would have been sufficient.
  Japan took strike on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in 1937 and this signified WW11 to America.  Italy followed suit and Hitler’s Nazi regime reached dangerous levels catching Britain’s Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill’s attention.  It was at that time in 1939 when Churchill gave his famous speech saying ‘There is nothing to fear but fear itself’.  The sentiment being England would fight against the Nazi Regime until the End.   
  During the War all Japanese Canadians were imprisoned under Martial Law.
  Throughout the War Raul Wallenberg, a Swedish boats-man, brought refugees that had escaped from Nazi Germany and surrounding Nazi Territory (Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Austria among others) to safety in North America.  Many boats were sent back. 
  In the winter of 1940, Hitler attacked Russia and butchered 20 Million Russians but couldn’t grab a stranglehold of that region.  In early 1941 The U.S and Great Britain fought hard in Normandy, France and finally the tide started to turn against the Nazi Regime.  It was in 1943 when the Nazi Party was defeated through Treaty, and the War was officially over in early 1945. 

                     WW11 Casualties of the Allied Forces

20 Million Russians
7 Million Buddhists
6 Million Jews
1 Million Christians
1 Million Muslims
1 Million Catholics

150 Million Ethiopian People, Sudanese People, and Somalian People, through the rite of passage Doctrine called the Fourth Reich, Hitler’s final Treaty (since World War11 ended).

Therefore, the War never ended.

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