Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2010 Camp David Agreement - Moses

In 1977, Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and U.S President Jimmy Carter signed the Camp David Agreement.
It is now 2010, and there is speculation that a similar agreement will be reached, between Israel and Palestine. Benjamin Netanyahu (the Israeli Prime Minister) is set to sign a Peace Treaty with Palestinian Authority President Abbas, alongside U.S President Barack O'Bama. This agreement has code name 2010 Camp David, whereby there will be 100 Kibbutziim situated in the Negev (a Province within the Land of Canaan). In each Kibbutz there will be 501 people; 167 Israeli Jews, 167 Israeli Arabs, 167 Palestinians. Though the first five years of this Treaty, the aim is to promote multi-culturalism within the Land of Canaan. After five years there is anticipation of multi-culturalism within the entire Land of Canaan.

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