Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Methods of Extrapolating Information or Data - by Moses

In the U.S.S.R, prior to Boris Yeltsin, a 'thinktank' was each and every individual. Topolov, Theremin and others, were sent to Gulag in Siberia to be studied, as they were reported as having 'racing thoughts' - a clinical symptom of the clinical diagnosis bi-Polar. In the mid-19th Century 'Bolshiviks' (Students over the age of 12) fought against these practices, as they fought alongside Jews that were put into isolation - hence 'Fiddler on the Roof'.
A 'thinktank' in most of Russia and the Baltic States today is now considered to be Schools, Hospitals, or Teams.
'Thinktank' (prior to Hitler) in North America was considered fashionable. After WW11 it signified the Cold War. In being politically correct, most people aren't educated in what the mainstream Government wants us to know. We may have disowned the terminology, however, these practices (of 'thinktanks') are common within psychiatric facilities across Canada and the U.S.A. During a 'thinktank' session within a psychiatric facility, the patients endure sensory deprivation, phase shift in adjusting to their medications - a re-balance of their equilibrium/brain chemistry, and bouts of dimentia. A Hospital is considered residency and each patient is delegated a number, essentially a second Social Insurance Number. (theorhetically tagged by the Government for life on this secondary hospital identification)
Interpolation - Data between co-ordinates. A guess, plotting, and to search.
Extrapolation - Taking pieces of the puzzle (information), to seize or capture.

In North America our Military employ regimen in order to maintain a secular perception and essentially creates a virtual reality within the eco-system surrounding them. A persons' vision/cortex or perception, receptors (antennae) if you will, create boundaries for a person and gives the sense of being indigineous (at one with their surroundings).

In understanding a channeline in technicality, a person can see the process a little more clearly:

Algorithms - Configuration - interface - useablily - ports (Busses - or modes of transportation) - communication - cellular (stored energy) - emmission (the release of this energy) - perception

A computer today gives by the same addage as in the past - garbage in - garbage out. Likewise a well thought out chain of signal flow. ie. - A primary computer and controller - a secondary computer and controller - a primary device - a secondary device - a tertiary device. The computer is the master controller, the DVD Recorder is the secondary controller, the stereo is the primary device, and the Cable is the secondary device. This signal flow is the foundation for simultaeneous broadcasting - in other words 'live' on air.

It is of this writers' opinion that information gathering techniques should be must less rigid in intelligence gathering. Trust Tom Clancy, Steve Pierscenik, John Grishom, Stephen King, Moses Goldman, Bill Russell...

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