Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ethiopia - A Food Product - by Moses

Ethiopia - A Food Product

Conception - Develop the most nutritional food product. Market research among doctors (those treating bulimic conditions), nutritionalists, and naturopaths. Take the 100 elite, in each field, and have them recommend a food supplement that is able to be used as a meal supplement. Focus on traditional gathering foods, i.e. - grains, dried fruits/vegetables, and iron producing foods. Foods that are considered waste to first and second world countries - wheat, corn, barley, bran, dried peaches and apricots.

Step One - Consult with Ethiopian health officials and determine whether product meets with their specifications.

Marketing - Market research must be conducted among all ethnic groups (in each field) and finalized by Ethiopian health officials.
The marketing begins with the governments that have been approved by Ethiopian,
Sudanese and Indian officials. Those governments approved will be contacted by our representatives to find the cheapest price for the necessary products.
The first 10 million dollars will be spent through private finance, and when the final product is ready for production, the Ethiopian health officials will report how long the average 40 year old Ethiopian mans' energy was sustained. The final product will also be tested by a multicultural group of 7 year olds, and 13 year olds.
The North American public will be contacted by the allotted time given by the major North American networks. The public will be informed that this is a public/private venture, 50%/50%.
The announcement made will be that 50% of all profits from this 1 product company will be used in food supply to Ethiopia (the food we're selling) and monitored by Ethiopian, Sudanese, and Indian representatives (paid for with dollars from our profits). After 40% of the television viewing market, and 20% of the radio market has been reached we will put the company on trading exchanges to finalize funding for the material costs.

Distribution - 25% of the product will be given away by multinational food organizations as a promotional item. The major centers that will be targeted will be Chicago, Los Angeles, Toronto,Seattle, and Montreal.

Capital - Of the ten million dollars originally invested, 40% of the private funding for this company will be sought from chartered banks in North America. 40% of the private funding will be sought from other chartered banks worldwide. 20% of the private funding will be our burden.

Product Design - The food will be packaged with Ethiopia (in Hebrew) in letters (traditional) and the ingredients written in English and French.

Local Distribution - All venues of the food industry will be hit - Promotional in the restaurants with food items. All variety stores will be stocked, with close monitoring on their progress. Department stores, grocery stores, gas stations will also be supplied.

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