Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Truce Is Over

I promised not to criticize Obama until I had cause. Obama is obviously very bright, with the potential to grow into the presidency despite his inexperience. Besides, he promised to represent all Americans, and that he would govern with the consensus of democrats and republicans. That sounded wonderful, because forty six percent of us didn’t vote for him, and the bickering of congress, and the growing antagonism between the political parties, is a disgrace and a disservice to all Americans.

It has become apparent that Obama’s eloquent speeches do not relate to what he actually does. The Stimulus Bill was written by a democrat committee, which excluded any republican participation. Then Obama reached out to republicans by demanding they vote for this porker that reads like Nancy Pelosi’s Christmas letter to Santa Clause. Yet, Obama has the audacity to extol this bill for not having any earmarks. Then came the auto bailout, rewarding Detroit for building lousy automobiles for thirty years. Then another bailout rewarding investment banks for criminal mismanagement. He followed that up by proposing that people who have been paying their mortgages on time gets to pay their neighbors delinquent mortgages, and justify this by pontificating that if your neighbors property is foreclosed on all the properties in a neighborhood will loose value. Now Obama has presented an eye-popping budget so immense that it is incomprehensible to most people, although we get an idea of its size when we are told the interest on this budget will amount to one billion dollars per day (no, that is not a typo). Obama promised to end earmark spending, but this budget contains something like nine thousand earmark items, totaling half a billion dollars.

In his State of the Union speech, that was not a State of the Union speech, Obama promised to impose a Cap and Trade tax, and to assure our safety by pursuing alternative energy to make us independent of foreign oil. He neglected to mention that this fraudulent scheme is estimated to increase the average utility bill by seventy percent. There was no mention of offshore drilling, or of nuclear power, or that most of our imported oil actually comes from Canada. It also ignores the fact that there are no viable alternative energy sources. Consider that it takes one square meter of solar panel to power the average TV, and that a square meter of solar panel costs two thousand dollars.

I am not an economist, but I do understand that when I have budget problems I should not run out and max out my credit cards. I also understand that when the Stock Market tanks every time Obama spends another trillion dollars there may be a problem somewhere. This morning several foreign newspapers report that the American economy is in free fall due to unbridled spending, and advised investors to pull their capital out of American institutions. I think we need some more survival articles on this website.


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