Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Truce Is Over

I promised not to criticize Obama until I had cause. Obama is obviously very bright, with the potential to grow into the presidency despite his inexperience. Besides, he promised to represent all Americans, and that he would govern with the consensus of democrats and republicans. That sounded wonderful, because forty six percent of us didn’t vote for him, and the bickering of congress, and the growing antagonism between the political parties, is a disgrace and a disservice to all Americans.

It has become apparent that Obama’s eloquent speeches do not relate to what he actually does. The Stimulus Bill was written by a democrat committee, which excluded any republican participation. Then Obama reached out to republicans by demanding they vote for this porker that reads like Nancy Pelosi’s Christmas letter to Santa Clause. Yet, Obama has the audacity to extol this bill for not having any earmarks. Then came the auto bailout, rewarding Detroit for building lousy automobiles for thirty years. Then another bailout rewarding investment banks for criminal mismanagement. He followed that up by proposing that people who have been paying their mortgages on time gets to pay their neighbors delinquent mortgages, and justify this by pontificating that if your neighbors property is foreclosed on all the properties in a neighborhood will loose value. Now Obama has presented an eye-popping budget so immense that it is incomprehensible to most people, although we get an idea of its size when we are told the interest on this budget will amount to one billion dollars per day (no, that is not a typo). Obama promised to end earmark spending, but this budget contains something like nine thousand earmark items, totaling half a billion dollars.

In his State of the Union speech, that was not a State of the Union speech, Obama promised to impose a Cap and Trade tax, and to assure our safety by pursuing alternative energy to make us independent of foreign oil. He neglected to mention that this fraudulent scheme is estimated to increase the average utility bill by seventy percent. There was no mention of offshore drilling, or of nuclear power, or that most of our imported oil actually comes from Canada. It also ignores the fact that there are no viable alternative energy sources. Consider that it takes one square meter of solar panel to power the average TV, and that a square meter of solar panel costs two thousand dollars.

I am not an economist, but I do understand that when I have budget problems I should not run out and max out my credit cards. I also understand that when the Stock Market tanks every time Obama spends another trillion dollars there may be a problem somewhere. This morning several foreign newspapers report that the American economy is in free fall due to unbridled spending, and advised investors to pull their capital out of American institutions. I think we need some more survival articles on this website.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

OPEC and Coffee Houses - By Moses

What would happen to OPEC (Oil Producing Economic Countries) Nations should oil be taken off the market tomorrow? Are we to believe that these Nations’ economies would come crashing down? The answer is no.
Every Nation in OPEC has money ties extremely diverse as each is cautious. Now, should a Country have a stranglehold on a particular product, maybe we shouldn’t be so sensitive towards them – in the name of economy.
Take Columbia for example. Ninety percent of North American coffee drinkers drink Columbian coffee. The annual North American coffee market is roughly 1 trillion Canadian Dollars in profits alone. Columbian coffee moguls are not stupid people. Their profits are not invested back into coffee manufacturing. They invest back into their coffee manufacturing as an expense (a write off) on their income statements right next to capital expenses. Columbian coffee moguls have a diversified financial portfolio, and would not in the least be affected should North American coffee houses serve Ethiopian coffee. The markets that we see today are being controlled to protect vested interests. These vested interests are not of the companies (oligopolies) in question. The U.S and Canadian Governments, at the highest level, deal billions of dollars with these coffee moguls and OPEC, in the name of Air Bases and Political clout (you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours).
In Toronto, Canada I can go to 100 Grocery stores, 1000 Convenience stores, and a couple hundred pharmacies. This market is urban. In rural communities there may only be two Grocery stores and one pharmacy. In Northeast Africa there is no market, therefore, even should a person have money (people outside the top 1% income earners) there is no Grocery store to go to.
‘Laissez Faire’ (Let the market stand) deals with the economy as a competitive marketplace on the assumption that there is a market. In the Middle East, markets are established by the Bedouin (the Natives of Ishmael), in North America markets are established by Governments. When a Bedouin man journeys 50 miles to the next town, he can only bring so much, and in today’s age that means what they have brought goes to the financially elite. In Northeast Africa 1% of the population have all the money and with this money Bedouin serve them under the premise of ‘Laissez Faire’. It is disgusting that the top 1% income earners in this region do not build communities.
The unfortunate truth is that Monarchy there prevails to the point of the people being brainwashed into thinking that they’re martyrs for a cause. In North America today we combat prejudice (or the saying goes), yet, how many Ethiopian restaurants are there here? And, how many Native Americans have been elected into Public office? Governments likewise have hidden agendas.
The Cola War of the 70’s was essentially an extension of these hidden agendas’ Oil and Cola. O.P.E.C was unifying Anti-Semitism through an embargo in reference to the sale of any product worldwide to Israel. They instituted a policy that determined whom they would trade with based on a persons’ religion. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu’s, Tao, and certain sects of Catholicism (including Druse) were to be exterminated, as defined by the Nazi Prophecy called the Fourth Reich. Pepsi Cola bought in, Coca-Cola did not. Just a reminder, the slogan used by Pepsi Cola is ‘The Next Generation’. This means that the Holocaust never ended in some peoples’ minds (to make it happen), and in this writers’ opinion, is the reason we see mass starvation in North East Africa today. Is this an exaggeration of events that we see today?
Keep in mind that World War 2 ended in the name of Treaty (still not fully understood by this writer), and that Israel is not exactly a friend to OPEC Nations. When it comes to the money that OPEC and Coffee producing nations bring in, we’re dealing with Zillions of Dollars. When we look at Columbian Coffee Companies how many also deal Cocaine? Ethiopian Coffee Moguls serving our Coffee Houses sounds like a much better alternative now, doesn’t it?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Steroids and Sport - By Moses

It was 1978 and Ken Norton was the Heavyweight Champion of the World. In his first defence of the belt Norton was set to fight Larry Holmes. After Holmes pummeled Norton for 14 Rounds, the commentators of the fight gave their between round analysis. 'There has been some speculation that Larry Holmes is taking a new wonder drug called steroids. 'Surely the drug isn't infallible.' the commentator said. At the start of the fifteenth, Norton knocked out Holmes mouth-guard. The gas had run out on Holmes and he was dominated, with the ropes saving him in the final seconds, preserving a split-decision (what many thought to be unanimous.
The following year, Lyle Alzado (a defensive tackle with the Oakland Raiders) came clean to the American media and confessed that at least half of the N.F.L'ers were steroid users. The National Football League refused to act.
It was 1988, and during the Seoul Summer Olympics, Ben Johnson took home Gold for Canada in the 100 Metre Dash (also the 4x100m) with an unprecedented time of 9.78. But wait just a minute. Johnsons' urine sample tested positive for Anabolic Steroids and the Worldwide Audience watched in disbelief as he was stripped of his title. In the period 1978-1988 no Professional sports League banned their athletes from using Anabolic Steroids. It is also a very naive assumption that only Ben Johnson used steroids at Seoul. He was however, one of the few that were caught.
This brings us to the argument, at what cost will a Country, Sport, Team, or Athlete go to in hiding rampant Steroid use in the name of winning Gold Medals, Championships, and pleasing to the eye statistics.
The Western World was condemning Eastern European training and conditioning methods; ie - impregnating their Women Athletes and aborting the fetus to raise estrogen levels, just prior to the meet. At the same time there were severe denials in the West, of rampant Steroid use (and it was widespread). This leads us to the quagmire that we face today. It wasn't until the early nineties that the N.F.L instituted a ban on steroids. Hockey (N.H.L) and Basketball (N.B.A) followed suit, only after embarrassments of Olympic Athlete's Jackie Joyner Kersee and Florence Griffiths amongst others during the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics.
Major League Baseball however, buried their heads further into the sand. In the early part of the 21st Century it was noticeable that Ballplayers had bulked up, yet M.L.B Commissioner Bud Selig still didn't put together a full-scale ban on Steroids. In fact, after Mark McGuires' monster 1998 - 70 Homerun campaign, he admitted to using legal performance enhancing drugs. The owners seemingly only cared about Gate Revenue and mind boggling statistics, not the integrity of the game. Then came along Barry Bonds superlative 73 Home-run Campaign of 2001, and the press were never a Bonds advocate. This began the smear campaign on athlete's in Baseball. Finally, after the 2004 Campaign, Selig and the MLBPA signed an agreement to test athlete's for Steroids as a BANNED substance, and it finally became a banned substance in MLB.
In one fell swoop Superstars Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, Roger Clemens amongst others were named in a farce of a Congressional hearing, and, continuing the denial that was put in place by MLBPA, Selig, and the Owners, one should at least context the time-frame of Steroids becoming illegal in Baseball, as a person can't be held accountable for using a 'legal' product on a whim of trying to look good to the American Public at a later date.
So here we are in mid-2011. Alex Rodriguez has admitted to failing a Steroids test in 2003. Does anyone really care at this point. There are not going to be any astericks next to his name, or to his numbers, as Steroids weren't even a banned substance when he tested positive in 2003. This is really just a statement of the decline of Modern Western Civilization at its' finest. Suck the air out of the best of the best to deflect attention from the simple fact that this cheating was documented 30 years ago. It's really a fantastic idea. Scapegoat those people that set the records for you, filled the Stadiums, and won you Championships and Titles, let them lose their jobs and be blacklisted from their collective Sports. Americanism at its' finest, passing the buck, a bureaucratic wet dream.

Americanism - By Moses

You can have, you can have it all, the ‘American Dream’. With enough money you can buy anything. Just a question, what would choose if you had to choose, your memory or a Billion U.S Dollars?
When you think about the pain associated to losing your memory, is there anything that can compensate you, even a Billion Dollars. I may be a silent’ minority, however, I would keep my memory.
The problem with Americanism is that there will always be a way to twist looking at things. For example- With a Billion Dollars you can buy the best Doctors to get back your memory. You could buy Elephants with a Billion Dollars. Hell, you don’t need your memory, with a Billion Dollars you’d be able to do whatever you wanted so memory loss wouldn’t matter anyway.
A few key points;
1) What is the likelihood of memory loss to your descendants?
2) How would you function?
3) Where did you put the money?

Americanism – Where there is a will there is a way – a farce.
The logic of wealth, aside from health, escapes my realm. Last I checked, the Creator of the Universe did not build the machines used to manufacture money, and if he did wouldn’t it be considered the Earth’s 8th greatest wonder.
What would happen if you had everything; A House, 20 cars, three Summer Villa’s, a Billion Dollars in the Bank. Then, the very next day, it was taken away from you and you had absolutely nothing. Would that be the end of the World?
What would you do to make sure this wouldn’t happen? Here’s what most people don’t understand. We are not able to control every factor that determines our fate. Control is an illusion. We all want it but you better believe that no human being has unlimited power. You can collect and collect, and accumulate fortunes, and then just when you think you’ve got it all there’s a Depression and your assets are worth nothing. Never live and die by a Dollar.
The young grow up wanting and the parents generally use discretion in trying not to spoil them. The problem is that the children learn that money buys you things. By the time a child turns 7 they’ve already come to the conclusion and realization that money will get them what they want. It’s a dangerous game for a child to have money in their hands. They know they can go out and buy a chocolate bar, ice cream, potato chips, it’s all there.
People have said for years that money is the root of all evil. People will turn on their friends when money is involved. It has turned into an epidemic. People generally socialize with those in the same socio-economic range. Where does this leave the poor? They essentially are rounded up into low-income housing (or Ghetto’s in virtual reality) with very few supports.
If money was taken out of the equation, people would be left with nothing to judge regarding another. Knowing that your neighbor has a lesser income doesn’t mean that they’re less of a person. Once this lesson is learned communities grow stronger.

Win! Push it!! Harder!!! You dickhead!!!! Don’t you know how to do it!!!!! My team will always win. Win, Win, Win. I don’t care if I have to manipulate for it.
Sometimes people get so caught up in the almighty win that they forget to have fun. ‘Kids’ love to play. They want to have fun. This should never be taken away from them. Everyone wants to perform at their best. Everyone wants to win. Sometimes it doesn’t happen, and that has to be okay. Parents today see that Professional Athlete’s are making Millions of Dollars and think that if they push their ‘kids’ hard enough that they can get them there (FALSE THINKING).
Here’s the dilemma. What do you tell your child if they aren’t good at sports? When they don’t make the team? Trying is one thing and this is what is important, encouraging a child to try at what they do. Unfortunately many parents can’t accept things that their children can and it adversely affects that child. It’s okay to be okay. When a child has fun playing this gives them a good feeling regarding sports. Parents have to stop looking at the Dollar sign of sports and refocus their energy into having fun with their ‘kids’.
Success isn’t a want. Nor is it getting what you want. It isn’t about the sexiest tattoo, nor is it about how many women you sleep with. Quality not quantity is imperative in this context. ‘It’s not having what you want it’s wanting what you’ve got’ (Sheryl Crow). I count my blessings each and every day, learning curves. The idea of learning one new thing a day builds, gains momentum, and takes an entity of its own. This inner confidence takes time to hone. A Billion Dollars doesn’t buy this, in fact, some of the wealthiest people on this planet are insecure (Howard Hughes comes to mind).
Trading craftsmanship for production is counterproductive. A well thought out business plan will always take precedent over ‘fads’. The question isn’t about how much money you take in a day, it’s about how long you’ll be around. In doing the little things you take care of the bigger picture. For a Baseball player, bunt the man over to third, or hit it to the right side to score the run. For a Basketball player, ‘lay a pick’ on your man. For a hockey player, win the puck from the boards. For a writer and musician, never give up your craft, likewise a carpenter and farmer. Life is work.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Let Them Eat Peanut Butter, by Gråulf

As I wrote in an earlier article, the Midwest was hit with a huge ice storm from Canada to Texas. Kentucky was hardest hit, and the Governor of Kentucky said, “This is the biggest natural disaster this state has experienced in modern history”. The storm killed dozens of people and endangered the lives and safety of hundred and thousands of others. State officials pleaded for help from the Federal Government for the devastated regions, and FEMA finally responded a week after the ice storm blocked roads with fallen trees, and stranded 1.3 million people in their homes without heat or electricity. Emergency workers needed chainsaws and manpower, but FEMA did send trailer loads of emergency meals to the devastated areas. Now it turns out the emergency meals supplied by FEMA are contaminated with poisonous peanut butter.

While all this was happening, Obama was busy trying to convince Republicans to collude in fleecing America, and hosting a fancy dinner for his A-list people, featuring wagyu steak at a $100 a pound.

The amazing thing about this incident is the thunderous silence of all the major news services. Admittedly, an ice storm is not as photogenic as a hurricane, but to the families of people who died during this storm, or the people who will not have heat, water and power for another week, this ice storm is every bit as significant. Can anyone imagine the media outcry if President bush had hosted a function that served $100 a pound Japanese beef during the Katrina catastrophe? Or the rage that would have ensued if President Bush had then sent emergency meals lazed with botulism to Katrina victims.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Affirmative Action and Colonization - By Moses

Colonization in its' purest form is the Nuclear Household (Landlord) - A Family.
The moment it extends past the home, a person takes' ownership of another person
-essentially a master-slave mentality. It is for this reason that Isaiah (Isaac) prophesized 'No Nation Shall Take up Arms Upon Another Nation'. 'Honour Thy Neighbour' is another proverb (In Law) that is used to captivate this sentiment, as each home is essentially a Nation. Each Individual has constitutional rights for this reason. No Individual should be homeless.
An Empire is the Governing body of a Nation. Mine, will always be around. This is Sovereignty, otherwise known as a persons' code of ethics and beliefs. For 1% of the Population Worldwide making $100,000,000/year having say on 1,000,000,000 people Worldwide would mean that 1,000,000,000 are enslaved to 1 % of the Population, completely killing off 1,000,000,000 peoples' sovereingty.

In case you didn't know about Colonization in Africa;

1) France - Mozambique
2) Spain - Morroco
3) Portugal - Angola
4) Italy - Guinea
5) Netherlands - South Africa (Although most will say that Apartheid ended in 1993)

A Proposal to North American Professional Sports Leagues

Major League Baseball Players Association/Negro League Baseball Players Association

New Owners under Affirmative Action - Annoit; Henry Aaron, Frank Robinson, Willie Mays, Joe Morgan, Dave Winfield, Willie McCovey, Barry Bonds, Ken Griffey Jr., and Ozzie Smith.

National Football League (NFL)

New Owners under Affirmative Action - Annoit; Tony Dungy, Gene Upshaw, Art Schell, Tony Dorsett, and Jim Brown.

National Basketball Association (NBA)

New Owners under Affirmative Action - Annoit; Julius Irving, Bill Russell, Joe Dumars, Isaiah Thomas, Elgin Baylor, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson .

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Does This Make Sense, by Gråulf

The greenies tell me that each 6 pound gallon of gasoline I burn in my motorcycle creates 19 pounds of Carbon Dioxide. Now, I am fairly gullible, but something about that statement just doesn’t sound right. Yes, I know the theory. When gasoline burns, the carbon and hydrogen separate. The hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water (H2O), and carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 molecules with one carbon atom (atomic weight 12) and two oxygen atoms (atomic weight of 16 each). A carbon atom has a weight of 12, and each oxygen atom has a weight of 16, giving each single molecule of CO2 an atomic weight of 44. It still sounds wrong, because burning gasoline in a bucket is different from burning gasoline in an engine.

One of the few things I remember from my high school science classes is that “Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed. Now, when I burn gasoline in my motorcycle I get exhaust. I also get heat, noise, motion, and fun. There is no atomic weight for fun, but heat and motion is hardly chopped liver, so a great part of the energy in that that gallon of gasoline has to be converted to heat and motion. Where does that energy come from if it is all going into making CO2? And, if CO2 is so heavy why isn’t it littering the ground, rather than floating around in the air?

No, the whole theory just doesn’t make sense. Now I am looking for giant plastic bags I can attach to the exhaust of my motorcycle to capture the exhaust from the bike while I burn a gallon of gasoline. So far I have been unable to find bags the right size. If I do, I predict the bags are more likely to float off, than to prove that a gallon of gasoline makes 19 pounds of CO2. Actually, I am a little worried the giant bags of CO2 might float off with me, and the motorcycle.


Where are Obama and FEMA? By Gråulf

Five days after being hit by an ice storm more than one million Americans in the Midwest are without power, and socked in by snow and ice. Reports of fresh water being in short supply and power outages that may last for weeks have many in the region begging for help. The storm that began in the Midwest last Tuesday has been blamed in at least 42 deaths, including 11 in Kentucky, nine in Arkansas, six each in Texas and Missouri, three in Virginia, two each in Oklahoma, Indiana and West Virginia and one in Ohio. Most were blamed on hypothermia, traffic accidents and carbon monoxide poisoning. Local emergency personnel report that they have only managed to clear roads of fallen trees and tree branches in urban areas, and that most rural roads are impassable, so no one knows for sure how many people may be out of fuel and food out in the country.

Meanwhile, local officials are angry about the lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no sign of FEMA, and President Obama appears to be oblivious to a million US citizens being isolated, and without power in the middle of winter. I know it is not really the job of the president to personally intervene in natural disaster of this sort, but the press and the Democrats didn’t want to hear any excuses from President Bush when he was slow to respond to Katrina. But it seems to me that if Bush was crucified for “eating cake” with John McCain and not sending FEMA “fast enough” and not running down to New Orleans to get in the way of rescuers, then Obama deserves to be criticized for ignoring this natural disaster in the Midwest. He is supposedly having a black-tie dinner tonight with members of the press in the warm, cozy White House while hundreds of thousands of Americans have had to evacuate their homes, or are trapped in them without power. Could it be that the liberal press, and the President, doesn’t consider this a real emergency because most of the victims are white? Or maybe they don’t actually believe this is happening in the midst of all the global warming we are having.
