Monday, January 21, 2013

Coping With Tragedy - by Moses

      From October - January 1st most count our blessings' as to what we have.  Unfortunately many people feel misery as to what they have.  These people often feel to get even with society.  During this time of year, we see the highest murder and suicide rates.  We have seen time and time again of tragedy's;  Sandy Hook, Columbine, Waco, Virginia Tech to name a few.

      What is missing is the common denominator of these events.  Misery turning into action by a single person.  How many times have we heard rustlings within a family, or of friends' that the person had issues.  

  Roughly one quarter of the North American Population has a Mental Health issue severe enough to be treated by pharmaceuticals.  Should one quarter of a mega-city like Toronto, Ontario, Canada have Mental Health issues, that results in roughly 1 million people being treated by pharmaceuticals.  Should 5% of those 1 million people be left untreated or misaligned what happens to those 50,000 people that haven't been given a clean bill of health by their Doctor?

  In our parents time you could get a job with a High School Diploma.  In our time, we see University, College, or Technical School as a necessity.  The dispair that is there, of those deemed societal failures comes back to haunt us all.  Does anyone notice the figures Mental Health issues that are fact; to be formed in the land of Canada a person is deemed 'a danger to oneself, and/or to others'.   

  In the U.S.A they still employ the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms.  A constitutional right established to fight the colonization of America.  Battles that were fought in 1776 are being thrown in America's face.  In Israel, roughly 80% of their population have an M-16 in their possession.  In the U.S.A roughly 30% of their population carry unannounced firearms, likewise.  Video games are now available to our children with mixed messages towards violence.  While instilling many Military Video Games, most promote killing.  The killing is always against the 'bad guys'.  Unfortunately, our children are so desensitized towards a killing spree like Sandy Hook, Connecticut that the horror is obscured.  Who are the 'Bad Guys'?  Who determines who the 'bad guys' are?  Are these people deemed to be 'a danger to oneself or to others' on the thought, or the action?

  What are we projecting to our youth?  Frankly I'd rather play a game of Baseball or Soccer, or the Video game Soccer or Baseball, before playing a video game that teaches me to shoot, kill, feel good about these scenes that violent video games promote.  Who's to say when the next Sandy Hook, Connecticut will occur?