Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The OPEC Controversary - by Moses

It is Tuesday, May 22, 2012 and Canadians are paying roughly $1.30/Litre for gasoline. In the U.S gasoline prices have more than tripled since 2003. As recent as 1988, Canadians paid 45 Cents/Litre. OPEC, essentially the same in dynamics as the Colombian Drug Cartel, has created a dichotomy of warfare. At this point in time it is probably advantageous to distance ourselves from OPEC Nations in trade. It is known that both Europe and the America's (North, Central, and South America) could self sustain in Oil and Gas, in excess of 10 years currently. This would create an influx of economies within the four aforementioned Continents. With a ten year leeway we could see a huge breakthrough with respect to Electric and Hydrogen fueled vehicles. By the way, oil and gas powered vehicles 10 years from now with this mandate would result in much lower gas prices, as demand for gas would be much lower, even if only 25% of the vehicles on the road in ten years were electric or hydrogen fueled. In terms of warfare, what are North Americans buying into; an idea that Trillions of U.S Dollars have to be traded to OPEC Nations yearly to support their' economies. This is fallacy of the highest order. Sultans, Sheiks, and Kings, pocket roughly 90% of the revenue generated by crude oil sales, and have their populations living below poverty lines incomprehensible to North American standards. By the way, has anyone noticed that the Nations that make up the Oil Producing Economic Countries' collective populations are roughly 98% Muslim in their faith?